Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2587: Preaching

The next day.

Each day after day, the disciples were picked up. Most of these disciples were children, all aged between three and twelve. As for the so-called preaching in this realm, there is actually no way to talk about it. The important thing is to dissolve the hardening method taught by Zongmen and explain it thoroughly.

In this regard, no one in Tianxing Sect understands better than Qin Shuang. She has persisted in refining her body until now, and her refining status is higher than that of Yuanli. The reason why she intends to teach the disciples is because she recognizes the importance of refining to monks. Although it is not expected that all disciples of Zongmen will refine their bodies, they can lay a solid foundation for the day after tomorrow, and they will be able to go further in the future.

What's more, it doesn't take much time, at most it is only one morning.

Every acquired disciple looked at Qin Shuang in admiration. At this moment, the imaginary image of the suzerain became concrete in their hearts and was deeply imprinted on them. She didn't know what she was doing, she picked up her loyalty to Zongmen and loyalty to Zongmen from the doll.

Qin Shuang began to practice the quenching technique. First, he completed the exercise completely, then dismantled every move and every style, carefully practiced and explained. Then let many disciples practice, her mysticism spread, covering every disciple, and every time a disciple found a wrong movement, a ray of mysticism sent the correct explanation to that disciple's ear.

In Qin Shuang's current state, mysticism can be turned into thousands, and it is not a problem to correct thousands of disciples. One morning, all the acquired disciples were excitedly taken away.

At this time, many monks outside the gates began to rush and jointly made a request to Tianxingzong to listen to Qin Shuang's sermons, but Bi Chongtian refused without hesitation.

The reason is simple and straightforward.

Qin Shuang is the sovereign of Tianxingzong, only preaching to his disciples.

However, the monks did not give up, and have been politely entangled. In these entangled days, Qin Shuang's preaching began from the refining period, the base period, the dandan period, the Yuanying period, the deification period, and the distraction period, and the Mahayana period was mentioned.

After listening to the sermon, each monk retreat. In the process of listening to Qin Shuang's sermons, the disciples who broke through made the monks outside the ancestors envious.

These monks have also been entangled for nearly a month, realizing that the Heavenly Sects could not let them listen to the sermons of the Qin Shuang altar. Some monks decided to join the Heavenly Sects. More monks wanted their descendants to join the Taixu Sect.

I was thinking about my Taoism before. Now I see that there are two respects in the Heavenly Sect, and there is no chance to join the Heavenly Sect again.

What they didn't expect was that they didn't have that opportunity now!

Bi Chongtian announced that no matter who wants to join the Heavenly Sect, no matter what the practice of this person is, the Heavenly Sect must be evaluated.

The content of the assessment is divided into qualification, perception and mood.

Regarding cultivation, Heavenly Sects do not value. First, they value qualifications, that is, the level of the spiritual roots, and then understanding. They will take a few minutes of exercises to let them understand. The most important thing is the state of mind. Qin Shuang refined a superb fairy. Ask the heart mirror.

If the state of mind is not enough, no matter how good the first two conditions are, the Heavenly Sect will not accept it.

Under these three conditions, not many monks really meet the requirements of Heavenly Sect. After noisy for nearly two months, the total number of monks who joined the Celestial Sect was less than 2,000. It can be seen how strict the Celestial Sect was in recruiting disciples at this time.

In the past two months, Qin Shuang has finished the Taoist methods of human immortal period, terrestrial period, Tianxian period, Luotianxian period, Da Luojinxian period, Jiutian Xuanxian period and Xianjun period. Began to talk about the ways of the fairy king period.

The strictness of Tianxingzong's apprenticeship made those monks outside Tianxingzong realize that Tianxingzong is different from the past. In the past, the Heavenly Sects had given everyone a chance, but they did not cherish it. For example, today, there are two human respects in the sect, and the sect's gate has expanded tenfold. The cultivation environment in the sect's gate is simply a holy place.

I gave you a chance before, do n’t join, now I think, what do you want!

Qin Shuang didn't care about those people's thoughts, and began to explain the immortal avenue on Xianyue Peak.

At this time, nine figures appeared on the clouds outside the Heavenly Sect. But it is the half-step man who respects the Wuman River, and eight major monks with Sun Xingtian.

Of the eight monks, three are the eight-layered deity, two are the ten-story peak of the deity, and two are the early peaks of the deity.

However, at this time Sun Xingtian's expression changed, and he became dignified.

Wumanhe looked at Sun Xingtian, and looked at the other seven people. When he saw the seven immortals, they looked a little bit stunned, and a heart stunned and asked softly:

"Senior Sun, what's wrong?"

Sun Xingtian shook his head gently and said, "This large array is very powerful! No wonder so many Chaos have attacked for so many years in a row, and the large array is intact."

"Attack ... isn't it possible to attack?" Wu Manhe was even more frightened.

"It's hard to say! Wait for us to study!"

The eight immortals exchanged their eyes, and they hid in the sea of ​​clouds, spreading the mysticism, and began to study the upside-down Da Zhoutian sword array below.

In the middle of the study, I saw the avenue rules between heaven and earth suddenly appeared, and went back to the heavenly sects. Above the heavenly sects, those avenues converged into a dazzling flower and fell into the heavenly sect. .

"Small ceiling!"

Sun Xingtian's expression was stunned. Only those monks who have a profound Taoism, a thorough understanding of the Dadao, and also fit the Dadao themselves, the most important thing is that when they are preaching, they resonate with the Dao and can form Smallpox.

It is not the person who cultivates high that preaching can form a mess. A monk who can cause smallpox and chaos when preaching.

"Who is preaching this?"

Perceived it carefully, the appearance of the eight immortals is loose, and these avenues belong to the immortal realm. However, there are talents in this sect, only a fairy king preached, and he was able to go wild. Shaking his head slightly, the Eight Immortals stopped paying attention, and focused on studying the formation of the large array.

Heavenly Sect.

Crescent Moon Peak.

Dense bright Tao flowers fell from the sky, covering the whole string moon peak, and then falling down to each monk listening to the avenue, hovering over their heads, the rules sink into their bodies, causing them to resonate, just at this moment They suddenly realized the speed of the avenue several times. Those who have the lowest level of understanding have also doubled, and those who have a high level of understanding have now increased tenfold.


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