Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2588: Smallpox

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


After more than ten days in a hurry, they have converged and circled, and the Daohua falling towards the Heavenly Sect begins to decompose into a silky avenue and quietly disperse.

In these more than ten days, many fairy kings have made breakthroughs. Even the monks who did not get a breakthrough feel that if they go back to retreat for a while, they can make a breakthrough.

It was just when the flowers were gone, and their speed of understanding had fallen back to the original level, leaving them with some regrets. One by one, they stood up, bowed deeply toward the peak of the moon, and then bowed back slowly. .

"Three days later, Disciples of Xianhuang come to hear!"

Qin Shuang's clear voice floated down from the Yueyue Peak, and all the emperors were excited. These days, they constantly watched the monks break through on the spot. From the gas refining period to the current immortal king period, they are impatient.

Therefore, after the immortal kings retreated, the immortal emperors immediately came to the Ziyue Peak, and according to Xiu Wei, sat down from the mountain to the mountain in a knee-crossed position. Wait quietly.

Today's Xianyue Peak is, in the hearts of all the Celestial monks, the Holy Land.

If you can come to Xianyue Peak, then make a pilgrimage!

Although the Sovereign said, he began to preach three days later. But you can sit here and make a pilgrimage first, maybe you can get some insight.

Crescent Moon Peak.

Qin Shuang looked up into the air, when Sun Xingtian's eight immortals used metaphysical research to reverse Zhou Tian's battle, Qin Shuang already felt it.

She set up this large array, she is the actual controller of this large array. As soon as this large array was touched by eight powerful metaphysics, she felt it. It was just that he was extremely confident in the large array he set up, so he ignored it and continued to preach. Now that the sermon was over, she looked up through the large array.

Slightly squinting her eyes and seeing through the falsehood, she saw nine figures.

"Uman River!"

Of the nine figures, she only knew Wuman River. However, the breath on the other people was huge.

She is now the second level of human respect, and Xianyuan's power is even more powerful to 87%. This is already the state of Tianzun, so she can see at a glance that the eight immortals are in their respective realms. Brows could not help wrinkling.

She hurriedly retracted her eyes. Although there was a large gap, she was still afraid that her eyes would be perceived by the eight immortals. Fortunately, the eight immortals were all immersed in the upside-down Da Zhoutian sword array at this time, and Qin Shuang glanced back, and then looked back, but was not perceived by the eight deities, Qin Shuang had discovered their existence.

Frowning slightly, Qin Shuang began to think.

If these eight people are not the Grand Masters, Qin Shuang will not worry. It is impossible for them to add eight together to break the battle. Give them ten thousand years, and they can't be broken. What the Celestial Sect should do, don't bother them at all. It's just that the Heavenly Sects must be in the state of closing the mountain and cannot go out.

However, if there are eight masters in the Eight Immortals. It's hard to say all of this. Reversing the Da Zhoutian Sword Formation is great, but that is also the middle of the Grand Master's formation. Even if the other party is just the beginning of a great master, he has been studying here for many years to reverse the Da Zhoutian Sword Formation. It is likely that he broke through to the middle of the great master. Then, as long as he was given time, he could always crack upside down the Da Zhoutian Sword Formation, and the difference was only a matter of time.

The most important thing is that Qin Shuang is not the opponent of these eight immortals, but only one Sun Xingtian can shoot her dead. If eight of them work together, Qin Shuang feels that he cannot survive.

"I don't know if there is a great master among them! However, the master must have it, otherwise she would not dare to study her formation.

Gotta find a way to kill them!

These immortals should be hundreds of monks. They want to test the reactions of those holy monks, especially Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul, by killing me.

Should I contact Xu Ziyan?


I contacted Xu Ziyan before for the survival of the whole immortal world. Nothing was for myself.

Do your own thing!

How to kill them? "

Qin Shuang was lost in thought, and a day later, she had a little direction in her heart.

"Since they are studying my big team, if there is any success, they will always enter the big team to try? As long as you dare to enter the big team, I can kill you."

With a decision in mind, I no longer care. She knows that even if there is a great master among these immortals, it is definitely not the mid-grand master. Otherwise, they should start the experiment even if they can't break the battle, but now they are still researching, which means that at most it is an early grand master. In the early days, the Grand Master wanted to break through to the middle of the Grand Master, but it was not that simple. It was not a few months or even a few years.

Therefore, she calmed down and began to sort out her preaching to the fairy king period.

In fact, for each monk, every time a sermon is opened, it is a process of sorting out itself, and it is also very good for itself.

Three days later.

Qin Shuang still preached to the Emperor, it was just a long time, and the principle of the avenue hidden between heaven and earth appeared again. Moreover, the avenue rules that appeared this time were even more brilliant, and the Dao flowers gathered were more gorgeous.

"It's a mess again!"

The buzz of the avenue awakened the eight immortals who were immersed in the research upside-down Da Zhoutian Sword Formation, felt it, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Oh, this time I changed to the Emperor's preaching! There are not many geniuses in this line of sect. This day, another imperial emperor came up and preached, and he could even talk wildly!"

The eight people made a few jokes, and then began to immerse themselves in the research upside-down weekly array, only to be awakened by the smallpox, interrupted their understanding, and they had to reorganize it again, which would delay a lot of time. With a sigh, he began to concentrate.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


For nearly a month, Qin Shuang ended his preaching, and watched more than a dozen immortal emperors broke through immediately. Qin Shuang also felt gratified. One by one, the immortal emperors stood up, bowed and salute, and then exited Ziyuefeng. . Qin double condensing channel:

"Three days later, the disciples of Xiandi came to hear."

After that, Qin Shuang quickly glanced at the eight hidden places of Xianzun, and saw one after another, still thinking about it. He could not help but smile, closed his eyes, and began to sort out the previous sermon.

Three days later.

Qin Shuang began preaching for the Emperor. This time, the sky was falling faster, but only about half an hour, the world buzzed, and the avenue was revealed. Sun Xingtian's eight immortal princes woke up awake and frowned slightly:

"Still the person talking?"

Wumanhe shook his head and said, "I don't know. Three days ago, the flowers scattered and scattered, and now they appear again."


Many thanks to seaphay (100) for the reward!



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