Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2595: Power of the Falcon Crossbow

"Hmm ..."

All the retreat monks rushed out of Dongfu, and even the retreat monks were awakened. Lord of the Eighth Hall and the elders of the Seventh Hall came directly to Qin Yuefeng. Qin Shuang had removed the formation method of Qin Yuefeng, and they fell directly behind Qin Shuang.


"Don't worry!" Qin Shuang smiled. "That landlord is very powerful, and he really cracked the Huzong array step by step."

"Booming ..."

At this time, Sun Xingtian dropped another array of flags, and the Heavenly Sects shook violently again, causing the monks in the Heavens Sect to feel anxiety in their hearts. They also all saw Sun Xingtian outside, and they all saw the shaking of the Heavenly Sect, which was caused by the banner that Sun Xingtian had thrown.

"That monk is breaking the battle!"

"Can he break?"

"Almost ... Didn't you see that every time he cast a banner, the whole Heavenly Sect is shaking?"

"So ... what shall we do?"

"What to do? Fight!"

One monk was waiting for his soldiers, and his eyes appeared to be desperate.

At Ziyuefeng, the atmosphere was slow. Bi Chongtian and others saw that Qin Shuang looked like an old god, and his heart was released. Sky Hunting Road:

"Master, how long will it take for him to break the guardian formation?"

"In his current way, it is estimated that there will be another ten days or so."

"Then ... the lord wants to change the battle and make him lose all his achievements?"

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head. "Just kill him."

"Kill him?" Li Tianxing wriggled his throat dryly: "Master, what is he ...?"

"It should be the sixth floor."

"Can the lord kill him?"

"Not only me, you can kill!" Qin Shuang took out fifteen crossbow bows and fifteen crossbow arrows with a smile and floated in front of everyone:

"This is the crossbow I made!"

"Yunxian crossbow?"

The eighth hall master and the seven elders held the crossbow in one hand and the crossbow in one hand, and looked carefully.

"What's the use of it alone? When I counted two or one, you locked the broken monk, released at one time, and prepare now."

There was a flash of excitement in the eyes of the Lord of the Eighth Hall and the elders of the Seventh Lord, and there was an incredible amount of it. But he still honestly listened to Qin Shuang's words, bowed his head and bowed his arrows, and did not lock Sun Xingtian, so as not to be perceived by him.

"Ready?" Qin Shuang asked.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded.

Qin doubled the array and adjusted the inverted Zhou Tianjian array to a one-way array. In other words, outside attacks cannot come in, but inside attacks can go out.


The fifteen monks raised their heads in an instant, and Xianxian crossbow locked Sun Xingtian outside the large array.

Sun Xingtian, who was thinking about the next step, had a feeling of being stared at death instantly.


"Om ..."

Too suddenly, Sun Xingtian never thought that in the barbarous continent, there were people who could threaten him in the Heavenly Sect, so the perception of belonging to the land respect was also a little slow. When he sensed the creepy threat, he saw fifteen black streamers approaching him, and then pierced his body.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The huge mushroom cloud rose, and Sun Xingtian had no residue.

There is silence inside and outside the Heavenly Sect.

However, it was only after less than a lapse of time that there was an uproar of cheers in Tianxingzong. But outside the Heavenly Sect, the remaining five immortals and 300,000 barbarian monks were silent, with fear in their silence.

However, the cheering was just within a short period of time, and it came to an abrupt halt. There were monks' eyes in and out of the Heavenly Sect, all looking at the place where the Xunxian crossbow exploded.

There was a crack slowly appearing in the space. There was only a line in the beginning, and it was gradually opening, like a big mouth slowly opening.


As soon as Qin Shuang stepped in the void, he appeared outside the Heavenly Sect, less than a hundred meters away from the crack, and stared.


As soon as Jin stepped in the void, he came to Qin Shuang's body, punched him in a big punch, and pressed with a strong squall toward Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang raised his hand and blasted the past with a punch, the top of the ground was the highest body strength, the shock was superimposed, and the two fists hit each other fiercely.

Jin actually stayed in shape, but Qin Shuang flew back a hundred meters away. Yu Wei, which broke out between the two, lifted many barbarian monks from five miles away. Let Jin's face never change.

When he wanted to come, Qin Shuang was also equivalent to the strength of nine respects. Take a punch yourself but respect the power of the third floor. Even if you can't kill a double piano with one punch, you can still damage the double piano. However, the Qin Shuang just flew back a hundred meters without any damage.

"Daoyou, do you really want to fight?" Qin Shuang looked at Jin actually, with a hint of killing in his relaxed tone.

Jin actually had a deeper intention to kill: "You killed us one place on the sixth floor and two people on the eight floor. Do you still want to live? Since you dare to come out, you will die."

Qin Shuang smiled lightly: "You said it all, I killed a six-story landlord."

Jin actually changed his face. Qin Shuang was able to kill Sun Xuntian, the top of the six-story summit, wouldn't he also say he could kill himself?

Thinking of this, the figure could not help but fly back, looking at Qin Shuang's eyes full of vigilance.

"No wonder she dared to come out. It turned out that she had the means to kill herself, and ..."

A bitter bitterness emerged from the corner of Jin's mouth: "Qin Shuang's body is very strong, and he has no strength to kill the other party at a price. This gives Qin Shuang a chance ..."

The remaining three deities also looked at Qin Shuang very vigilantly. The bitterness of Wumanhe's face was mixed with fear.

"It turned out that Qin Shuang was already so powerful! This time he brought a group of immortals to attack the Heavenly Sect, and now he is still 300,000 Chen Bing. This is a complete tear with Heavenly Sect.

Now why ca n’t they do it? Are there any hope for the barbarians?

Will it be destroyed by Qin Shuang? "

Both sides of Qin and Jin actually played a battle against each other, and they also knew about Jin's actual strength. They really fought, and they were not opponents. Not to mention, there was one land respect and three respects over there?

Although I now have a crossbow, I need time to release that thing, and once the other party is vigilant, the other party may not have no way to evade. In short, it is a great danger to come out.

This made the strings a little disturbed.

She knows that with the improvement of her cultivation, her ability to leap step is getting smaller and smaller. Now she is four levels of human respect. She can only climb five levels, which is equivalent to nine levels of human respect. The heart was stolen, and even fellow initiates of immortality could not be released, and their strength was greatly restricted.


She couldn't help coming out!

She did not expect that the power of the Wuxian crossbow would be so strong. It had long been known that fifteen Wuxian crossbow would not be needed. The fifteen Wuxian crossbow was released together, and it burst into a space crack.


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