Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2596: Tiankeng

If this space crack is just a simple space crack, it will gradually close as Yu Wei of the crossbow crosses away.

However, Qin Shuang perceives an unusual breath. This crack is not like a simple space crack, but rather a crack created in an independent space.

If the speculation is correct, who knows what will be in this independent space?

This is an entrance to a separate space at the door of his house. What should I do if it is dangerous? What if this space crack keeps expanding and swallows up Heavenly Sect?

At this time, Jin actually flickered his eyes. After not being able to kill Qin Shuang in a short time, he also converged his intention to kill, and said to Qin Shuang:

"Master Qin, this should be a separate space."

Qin Shuang turned his head to look at Jin, as if the two people were not enemies of life and death at all, as a courtesy:

"Is this a lot of independent space?"

Jin actually came towards Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang did not stop, which let Jin Jin, who released his kindness, breathed a sigh of relief:

"This kind of independent space is not much, but it is also quite a lot. The catastrophe more than 100,000 years ago shattered a lot of space, and some of these spaces formed one by one. Qin Zongzhu, as we temporarily Letting go of hostility and going in together to explore it may have an unexpected gain. "

Qin Shuang doesn't have to think about it, she must go in and see!

There is an independent space in front of my house. If you do n’t understand it clearly, who is at ease! Then nodded:

"Yes, Daoyou, do you want to go in too?"

"Huh!" Jin actually nodded. "All five of us want to go in and see, how many people do Qin Taoyou want to bring in?"

"I can do it alone!"

Qin Shuang wanted to bring people, but Zongmen only had Bi Chongtian as a respected person. If Bi Chongtian also entered, who was in Zongmen to deal with the sudden situation?

300,000 barbarian elites are right in front of them!

However, Jin actually heard that the five immortals heard that Qin Shuang dared to go in with them alone, and there was bound to be a way to resist them.

They couldn't help recalling the scene where Sun Xingtian fell before.

What are those black streamers?

How is it like a bow and arrow?

It's just that the streamers are too fast to see clearly.

The five immortals exchanged a glance, and they all made up their minds and entered together. If you have a chance, kill the Qin Doubles. If you do n’t have a chance, let it go.

The remaining four immortals also came to Jin actually, about 20 meters away from Qin Shuang. Everyone relented and turned their attention to the crack in the space that was still expanding.

At this time, it was not only the five immortals who had reduced their hostility, but also Qin Shuang's hostility. A separate space just discovered is a land of treasure. As for hostility between each other, you can let it go for the time being. Jin actually glanced at the piano twice:

"Master Qin, we only have five of us here. If there are no problems, let's go in."

Qin Shuang thought about it, turned his head and shouted Bi Chongtian's name into Zongmen. Bi Chongtian walked out of the large array.

"Elder Bi, after I enter, all the things of Zongmen will be left to you."

"Yes!" There was a hint of anxiety in Bi Chongtian's eyes, and the voice said: "The lord is careful."

Qin Shuang nodded, then turned to Jin actually nodded, Jin actually nodded, and then everyone looked at the crack. That crack is still expanding a little bit slowly. At this time, the strangulation force of space is the biggest. They will not enter into the piano double, they need to wait for the crack to stabilize.

"Senior." Taking advantage of this time, Wumanhe came over, first smiling awkwardly at Qin Shuang, and then looking at Jin actually said:

"what should we do?"

Jin actually glanced at him and said lightly, "Wait for us to come back."

"Yes, senior!"

Wumanhe was so happy in his heart that he could hear from Jin Ranran's words that Jin actually did not give up the idea of ​​destroying Heavenly Sect. It is likely that Qin Double will be killed in this independent attack.

He can hear it, and Qin Shuang naturally can also hear it. Moreover, Jin didn't even think of concealing his thoughts, nor could he. Don't you say that Qin Shuang will be foolishly unprepared?

And he was sure that Qin Shuang would kill them without hesitation if possible.

Finally, after more than an hour, the cracks in the space stabilized. It really looked like a crack, about three meters wide and ten meters long. It can be said that this is the smallest space crack ever seen by Qin Shuang.

Jin actually nodded towards Qin Shuang, and then the first stepped into the crack, followed by the four deities, the last of Qin Shuang.

The moment Qin Shuang entered the crack, his heart was tight. She has also entered many independent spaces in her life, and usually after entering, she will appear directly in that space.

But this time is different.

Upon entering this crack, what appears in the double vision of the piano is not an independent space, but a passage to the independent space. Qin Shuang is surrounded by various colored road patterns, dense lines and patterns, and some lines and patterns are extremely bright.

Qin doubled her feet up and stepped down, elastic. Under his feet is a layer of colored light.

Qin Shuang stepped on colored light, as if walking in a colorful long wormhole, surrounded by colorful light, and could see nothing but light.

Qin Shuang cautiously followed behind the last Xianzun, who was a woman, who looked like the peak of the early stage of the Zun, and had the same cultivation as the most advanced Jin.


The oncoming wind blows the surrounding colors more colorful, and the more you go in, the stronger the wind, and gradually a loud boom sounds.

This made it difficult for the six monks to walk. About a quarter of an hour later, the colorful colors began to weaken and the wind became weak.

In the end, the color completely disappeared, and there was no wind, and the light changed from bright and colorful to darkness. Six monks came out of the passage and found that they seemed to be standing in a huge tiankeng, and the vision was very dark, but on the stone wall of the tiankeng, they were dotted with many colorful gems, like small colorful eyes. It feels very uncomfortable.

The light fell from the upper opening of the tiankeng, and suddenly a light beam fell from the sky in the darkness, enveloping the six monks in the light beam.

The six monks are experienced people and are not crowded together, but maintain a reasonable distance from each other. Don't look at the fact that Qin Shuang and Jin actually have a hostile relationship with the five monks, but the rich experience has made each other very acquainted with each other. The position is a very reasonable defensive formation.


Many thanks to Qiu Heiguang (2000), reading carefully (200), seaphay (100), and the sword of King Wu III (100)!



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