Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2597: Out of the sky

"Be careful!"

Jin actually sounded suddenly, and Qin Shuang felt something rushed towards himself.

"Om ..."

Qin Shuang was too late to dodge, and immediately released the defensive shield.


A violent impact on Qin Shuang's defense shield made Qin Shuang unable to stand and took a step forward. Qin Shuang also continued this step forward, the figure has been turned.


Before she could see clearly what was going on, a violent impact hit her defensive shield again, and there was a slight crack in the defensive shield.

At this time, Qin Shuang also saw a faint shadow, and that faint shadow was disappearing quickly.


Nothing was seen, but Qin Shuang heard the sound of rubbing air sounding from his left side, Qin Shuang suddenly turned back in that direction, grabbing according to instinct.


Qin Shuang felt that he had grasped something like a wrist.


With a sound of Fengming, ten fire phoenixes were born from Qin Shuang's arm, hovering around Qin Shuang's arm, and rushed towards the space Qin Shuang grabbed.

"Hmm ..."

Qin Shuang suddenly felt that his clenched hands were empty. The wrist-like thing passed in his hands like running water. Then he heard the sound of tearing the air sharply, tearing the ten phoenixes in that direction. ,Disappear.

Qin's eyebrows were locked tightly, and she looked at the other five immortals. Those five immortals were also being attacked by unknown creatures. The five immortals did not have any casualties, but the mysterious creature did not have any casualties, only the mysterious creature disappeared. Too fast, neither Qin Shuang looked down on what he looked like.

At this moment, the pit was silent again, and several Xianzun's faces were very unsightly. Although no one was injured, they did not cause damage to the mysterious creatures, and they were shocked.

"Everyone is okay, right?" Jin asked intently.

"It's okay!" Qin Shuang and other monks replied softly, and the woman not far from Qin Shuang said respectfully: "What's that?"

Jin actually snorted coldly, took out a mirror and sacrificed it into the air, and the mirror showed rows of eyes, which instantly filled the entire mirror. Then he saw one eye in the mirror opened at the same time. A golden light was released from one eye, converging into a golden light. Swipe around.

In the beam of light, he saw the void space around him, revealing eight long, four-clawed monsters. The eight monsters were set there, terrifying.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Qin Shuang and others shot one after another. In an instant, the eight monsters were smashed by various magical powers, and the blood stained the ground.

"What is this?" Qin Shuang didn't know, but didn't ask.

Jin actually said with a somber face: "This is a kind of Chaos family, called the virtual and real chaos, and can freely switch between the virtual and the real."

His face became ugly, including Qin Shuang. Jin actually put away the mirror and said:

"Don't panic, this kind of chaos is almost extinct, not necessarily many. Lord Qin, what do you think?"

The five immortals looked at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang said frankly: "No matter what kind of chaos there is, even if it is an ancient species that is now extinct in the immortal world, since we have come in, we have to go and see."

"Mr. Qin said it well!" Jin actually nodded: "We are all Xianzun, and everyone knows that it is not a general difficulty to want to improve at the level of Xianzun. But this space has not yet been developed, May surprise us.

Let's go! Let's go see this space. "

After that, he stepped in the void and took the lead to fly up to the sky pit.

The other monks flew up, Qin Shuang followed. The five immortals are not worried because Qin Shuang is behind them, because they all know that in an unknown environment, Qin Shuang will not be stupid to shoot at them. In this environment, joining hands is the right choice. .

As Qin doubled up, he checked his equipment.

The Five Elements Armor, the Five Elements Sword and the Linglong Aotian Sword have all been fully restored. The defense has the Five Elements Armor and the five Elements Sword on attack. Qin Shuang feels a lot safer.

Mind moved, the Five Elements armor appeared on the body surface. The blue dragon helmet, fire phoenix armor, basalt army, white tiger boots, and unicorn arm guarded the violin pair strictly.

The first peak of the land respect who walked in front of her heard the sound behind, and looked back, a flash of surprise and greed flashed in her eyes.

"This is ... Xianbao?"

Qin Shuang smiled: "The day after tomorrow."

The muscles on that place's face twisted, and then sneered, "Do you want to be born?"

"Ahem ..."

Qin Shuang could not help but coughed twice, secretly saying, "I really have a congenital one, haha ​​..."


Jin, who was flying at the top, suddenly called out, and everyone saw that Jin suddenly didn't fly, and fell from the air.

However, it just stopped falling within a meter.

"Jin Daoyou, what's wrong with you?" Xianzun asked behind him.

Jin actually looked up at the exit of Tiankeng, and his face became dignified. "We just flew out of the Tiankeng and suddenly fell down. I suspect that after this Tiankeng, it is a forbidden area."

"Forbidden? I try."

The man flew past Jin Jingran's side, carefully flying out of the crater. Just after flying out of the tiankeng, I felt myself sinking and fell down. However, after falling into the sky pit, it floated in the air.

"It really is a forbidden space!"

Jin actually flew up again, and just after probing into the tiankeng, he stretched out a hand to hit the edge of the tiankeng, and with a little force, turned over. Landed on the ground. Everyone had learned everything and stood on the ground outside the Tiankeng.

There is a valley outside the tiankeng. The valley is not large, and you can see the valley mouth at a glance. There was a rush of hot wind, and there was a feeling of being burnt. The ground is very flat, just like glazed, it is very smooth.


Jin actually slammed a finger, and a cloud formed over his head, covering the crowd, shielding the sun in the sky, and reducing the feeling of heat.

"Sisi ..."

The dark cloud began to drop drizzle. When the drizzle fell on the ground, water mist rose on the ground, showing that the temperature on the ground was very high.

Since they were unable to fly, they all walked towards the mouth of the valley not far away. Soon they came to the mouth of the valley, and the crowd stopped and looked out of the valley. There was no sound outside, and there seemed to be no danger.


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