Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2606: Speculate

The vine grows like a horn of horns and grows up and down, so Qin Shuang jumps almost vertically downwards. Jumping onto a circle of vines and jumping towards the next circle of vines is extremely fast. I even jumped a few times. With the estimation, Qin Shuang will cross several vines once and land on a vine. The speed is even slower than that of the seal gold sphere.

What is more reassuring to Qin Shuang is that the vine did not seal her again, nor did she attack her. In her mind, this is probably because the vines can't conquer the town demon tower, and simply don't waste that energy.

"Town old, monkey wine."

Qin Shuang felt the weakness of her physical strength and physical strength, and immediately called for Zhenlao in her heart. Zhen Lao took Zhen Yao Tower to Qin Shuang's stomach, then took out a gourd monkey wine, and poured into Qin Shuang's stomach.

An aura of wine emanated from the sweat pores of Qin Shuang, but Qin Shuang's vitality and physical strength were quickly restored. The feeling of weakness and fatigue quickly disappeared, the movement became more agile, and the speed of jumping down Added a lot.

"Bang bang ..."

Qin double jumped round and round, staring at the sphere of the seal Jin from time to time. That sphere is falling faster than Qin Shuang, and the distance from Qin Shuang is getting a little bit longer, but Qin Shuang can still see the gold inside the seal.

Obviously, Jin had lost his ability to move, and remained motionless in that sphere, just like the six-eared macaque that the two of them had seen.

Qin Shuang's heart moved!

Why did I only see the seal of a six-eared macaque in this vine, and never saw the seals of other creatures?

And after this vine sealed Jin actually, why did he strip him from the vine instead of sealing Jin in the vine like a six-eared macaque?

"Bang bang ..."

Qin Shuang quickly jumped down, passed through the thick white clouds, and quickly approached the ground. This jumps down, but it's much faster than climbing up.

In the center of the vine spiral, Qin's figure jumps down and down constantly. Beside the vine, the sealed sphere was falling. In the vine forest, An An was waving his weapon and rushing towards the outside. On the edge of the vine forest, Xiao Sanlang stood there. For a while I looked over the sky, for a while I looked at the vines.

Suddenly, his face changed, and the hand holding the knife was tightened. Then he rushed into the vine like a wolf.

"Ando friends!" He saw An Ye being chased and killed by vines.

"Xiao Daoyou, save me."

"Hmm ..."

Xiao Sanlang rushed to the past, one top of the three levels, one broke out, and also had the strength of the first level. After a hard battle, he even rushed out of the vine forest. And the dense and small vines shrank back after the two of them rushed out of the vine forest, but in less than three breaths, they shrank without a trace and the vine forest returned to silence.

"Snoring, snoring ..."

An An and Xiao Sanlang gasped in a big mouth. The two's strength and physical energy were exhausted seventy-eight and eight, sweating through their clothes. Xiao Sanlang tilted his head and looked at An An Road:

"How about Qiu Daoyou?"

"She has become a vine." An Ling's face showed a resentful expression.

"Become a vine?"

The two men suddenly raised their heads at the same time, and saw a fist-sized bead falling from the air. At the same time, they heard the sound of "bang", looked at the sound, and saw that Qin Shuang was jumping downward rapidly.

An An suddenly raised her finger and said the rapidly falling bead, "Like that ..."


The bead fell to the ground about three meters away from the two of them, and did not rebound, but penetrated into the ground.

"Hulah ..."

Qin Shuang leapt forward and jumped down to the two of An An. Yi Yi made a hunting sound in the air.

"Bang!" Qin Shuang's figure landed on the ground.


Before waiting for the three people to open their mouths, they saw where the bead had just fallen, and a vine was drilled from the ground to grow rapidly into the air. The longer and higher, the longer and thicker.

"That's it!" An Zheng exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shuang and Xiao Sanlang looked at An An.

An Ming's throat knot squirmed, his face was a little pale: "Qiu Shuzhen and I entered the vine forest, and suddenly a lot of slender vines grew from each thick vine and attacked us. Qiu Daoyou was sealed in such a Inside the beads, then turned into a vine. "

Qin Shuang's eyes could not help looking at the vine that Jin had actually turned into.

"Master Qin, where is Jin Daoyou?" Asked An An.

Qin Shuang pointed at the vine, and An An and Xiao Sanlang's faces changed.

The sky gradually darkened. Qin Shuang, An An and Xiao Sanlang sat in a circle, and all three looked dignified. Qin Shuang has told her and Jin what happened on the vine.

But none of the three people proposed to go back. All three were Xianzun. Xianzun was not so fragile. If they were in danger, they would avoid it. It would be impossible for the three to grow to the present state.

"Master Qin, do you think so?" An Ying looked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang pondered: "Now we can be sure that this vine forest is wise. After the monk was sealed, it took root and became a vine. Maybe, every vine here is a monk."

Xiao Sanlang and An Ying looked at the vine forest and took a breath of air.

"How many monks are you getting?"

Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "At the time of the catastrophe, monks like ants, died in large areas. What I suspect now is that these vines are not wise, but that a wise creature is controlling them. It should be underground . "

"Did you say ... these vines are actually one?" Xiao Sanlang said.

Both Qin Shuang and An An's faces changed, An An said, "You mean ... this vine is actually a vine?"

Xiao Sanlang nodded, Qin Shuang and An An's look changed again. If they really did like Xiao Sanlang said, they would run into a big monster.

Don't worry about how powerful that big monster is, just think about the six-eared macaque, how many vines are there? Each vine is sealed with a monk. If these monks are released together, three of them can be piled to death.

"Or ... let's go back first?"

Xiao Sanlang said, this time I'm really afraid, whoever put it on, everyone is afraid! This is no longer a dangerous issue, but a mortal issue.

"What do you think of Qin Zong?" An Yi looked at Qin Shuang.


Many thanks to seaphay (100) and Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for the reward!




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