Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2607: may

Qin Shuang thought for a moment and said, "I want to study for a while. If you two want to go back, just go back. However, I hope that the two of you will not do anything against Heavenly Sects."

There was a bitter smile on An An's face: "We have nine immortals, and now we are seven dead, and we are left with two of us. Naturally we will not do anything to Heavenly Sect. When we go back this time, we will Immediately leave the barbaric continent and return to our continent, but ... "

An Zheng looked at Qin Shuang sincerely: "We will report truthfully what happened on the barbarous continent. Maybe, when our family comes again, there will be more monks and more strength. They will come to you , This space is also their purpose. "

"I know!"

An An stopped talking, and after a few breaths, she and Xiao Sanlang stood up, bowed to Qin Shuang, and turned away.

After they left, Qin Shuang was revitalized, and said to the old man in his heart:

"Old town, what did you just say? Is there a way to release the Tao here?"

"This is just a speculation of mine!" Said the old man: "When I broke the vine seal, I felt that the reason for banning the Taoism and the consciousness here is because the law of chaos is too strong here. The law of chaos is simply more complete and richer than the outer world of fairyland. Therefore, everything that is not the law of chaos will be suppressed. "

Qin double nodded, which she could perceive in this respect. Presumably this space became an independent space and was closed off from the immortal world. The fairyland has Xu Ziyan's altars researched by their holy monks. After hundreds of thousands of years of investment, the chaos law has been continuously broken down. The chaos law of the fairy world is no longer strong, even the chaos law covers the area. It goes on and on and becomes relatively incomplete.

This independent space is different. This independent space is always closed. There is no altar here, so the most complete law of chaos is maintained here, so it suppresses other laws.

Thinking of this, Qin Shuang was suddenly in a daze.

The law of chaos can suppress the law of fairyland, does that mean that the law of chaos is higher than the law of fairyland?

The law of chaos is higher than the law of fairyland cultivation?

Does it mean that the law of chaos is the highest law that monks should practice?

There is a spirit realm above all realms, and a fairy realm above spiritual realms, so what about fairy realms?

Is fairyland the end of space?

Is the holy monk the end of life?

Do not!

Absolutely not!

If the fairyland is the end of space, what happened to that catastrophe more than 100,000 years ago?

It is said that the sky was broken, and a large number of Chaos races came in from the outside.

So, can we think that there is a higher level world outside the fairyland?

Qin sat cross-legged there, gradually losing her self.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


Seven days later, Qin Shuang was awakened, opened his eyes, and saw two faces of An An and Xiao Sanlang, leaning very close to him, staring at him anxiously. This surprised Qin Shuang's heart, and he quickly remembered what he had experienced, and he was afraid for a while. If An An and Xiao Sanlang shot at themselves, they would not know how to die.

However, Qin Shuang's heart was followed by a move. In the state of being lost, An An and Xiao Sanlang did not shoot at themselves. This shows that the two had no intention of killing themselves. They sorted out their moods and asked:

"Why are you two coming back?"

An An and Xiao Sanlang's faces were filled with helplessness: "No exit can be found, that exit is closed."

Out of Heaven.

Bi Chongtian, Li Tianxing and others all stepped out of the Heavenly Sect and looked at the sky with anxiety. The crack there disappeared suddenly. Opposite them were the 300,000 barbarian monks from the Wuman River. Wu Manhe's face was also full of anxiety at this time. He now saw the strength of the Celestial Sect, and realized that the Barbarians were no longer qualified to compare with the Terrans. If at this time, Tianxingzong launched an attack on the barbarians, the 300,000 barbarians may not have much left.


The Wuman River drank softly, and took the Barbarian monks back slowly, watching the monks and other monks alertly.

Bi Chongtian, at this time, where is the outstanding mood to care about the barbarians?

That crack is gone!

Their suzerain is gone too!

Without Qin Shuang's Heavenly Sect, is it still Heavenly Sect?

Although their suzerain was not at home, he left the suzerain at every turn. Then after a few decades or even a hundred years, I came back again.

But that was leaving the gate, not disappearing into a space, and that space has now disappeared.

Can this ... come back?

But what can they do?

One by one, they returned gloomily to Zongmen. All they could do was wait until the Qin Shuang returned. In addition to waiting, it is to manage the Zongmen well, protect the Zongmen, and wait for the return of Qin Shuang, Zongmen is still there.

Bi Chongtian and others began to send monks from other families and Zongmen to leave, keeping Qin Shuang's affairs at heart. Efforts were made to restore the Zongmen to normal, and those immortal peaks and half-step deities were also closed, hoping that they could break through to the deities and add some confidence to the Heavenly Sect.

West of Langyue River.

Wumanhe gave a long breath, and 300,000 people finally safely withdrew to the west of Langyuehe. There is no war in heaven. Withdrawing from the danger zone, Wuman River was not in a good mood. It was even more heavy.

Today's people are like hanging a sharp sword on their heads. When they fall, they can cut off their skulls.

Now the strength of the Barbarians is too different from that of the Terrans!

Can't go on like this!

If this continues, even if Qin Shuang died in that space, it won't take many years for the human race to begin to conquer the barbarians, because the barbarians are the first to conquer the barbarians. What did the barbarians use to resist at that time?

Perhaps within a hundred years, there will be no barbarians in the barbarians, and the barbarians will have to change their names.


This will definitely not work!

We must figure out a way, we must curb the development of the human race, it is best to put the human race back to its original shape, and it is best to destroy the human race.


I want to do this?

Wumanhe looked at the direction of Heavenly Sect, his eyebrows narrowed, and his eyes moved suddenly.

Kim actually waited for Xianzun to die in the hands of the Celestial Sect. If I inform their people about this ...


That's different races from nine continents, all of which are strong in fairyland. Not to mention the nine powerful races, that is one race. If you take Sky Sects seriously, Sky Sects will fall apart, let alone nine powerful races?


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