Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2608: Crack closure


Inform them that the nine races together will destroy the entire Heavenly Sect. As for the barbaric continent, the nine races will not be rampant. At that time, the barbaric continent's owner will still be our barbaric.

The Wuman River immediately attracted eighteen immortal emperors, let them divide into nine groups, and went to the nine continents to report. It was with anticipation that the army was withdrawn towards the ancestral city.

"The crack is closed?"

In the independent space, Qin Shuang was shocked.


An An and Xiao Sanlang nodded, and both eyes were deeply disturbed. In this case, in this independent space, there is a complete law of chaos. They are here to adjust their breath and recover, and they can only rely on the elixir, and from here they will not get a hint of fairy power. And also need to constantly resist the invasion of the law of chaos, every time every moment is consuming their own internal force.

However, their mysticism has been suppressed again, but some elixir and fairy crystals have been taken out of the storage ring, but these will always be used up.

What to do after running out?

What will happen?

As a result, even if they are not eaten by the creatures here, they will quickly decline because they have no resources to replenish Xianyuanli. When they fall to a certain level, and they do n’t have food to supplement, they will be hungry. dead!

Not bad!

Just starve to death!

Starving to death, funny!

However, now the three monks in Qin Double have no smile at all. Qin Shuang suddenly remembered:

"Is that valley and tiankeng still alive?"

"The valley is here, the tiankeng disappeared. Lord Qin, I understand what you mean, but now even in that valley, everything is forbidden and full of chaos."

The last trace of ease on Qin Shuang's face was gone, and she was very dignified. For a moment, the three immortals respected each other silently. Half a ring, An Chan whispered softly:

"Master Qin, have you explored the vine forest these days?"

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head.

"Then you ..." An An and Xiao Sanlang both looked at Qin Shuang questioningly, secretly in their hearts, so how do you look immersed?

"I'm lost!" Qin Shuang naturally knew the doubts of both of them.


The two immortals looked startled, and looked around uneasily, wondering if there was something that would affect their mind?

Qin Shuang waved and said, "It's not something, but ..."

Qin Shuang recalled his loss, and then spoke out his doubts. Then An An and Xiao Sanlang's faces appeared shocked, and then a little embarrassment appeared in their eyes. Qin Shuang quickly raised the voice:

"Don't think too much, don't keep thinking about it anymore. This is not what we should think about now, we will lose ourselves. It is not what we should think about now. What we want to think about now is how to get out of trouble, or how Live here. "

An Zhuan and Xiao Sanlang were horrified by surprise, and saluted to Qin Shuang deeply: "Thank you!"

Qin Shuang shook his head, and then said to Zhenlao in his heart: "Zhenlao, why didn't you wake me up?"

"I don't know what the master is comprehending, and I am afraid to disturb the master."

Qin Shuang didn't blame Zhen Lao, and continued to ask, "What did you say about the release of Dafa?"

"Master, you forgot that the town demon tower can decompose the law of chaos."

Qin Shuang's heart moved, remembering that he could enter the town demon tower at any time, so that he would be protected here, at least he would not fall down and repair, let alone starve to death.

However, when I thought that I was stuck here and couldn't get out, my mood faded again.

"Master, I can give you the entire refining process of the town demon tower, maybe you can ..."

At this point, Qin Shuang could not hear what Zhen Lao said, and she seemed to be awakened by thunder. In my mind, all kinds of thoughts were mixed.

"The refining process of the town demon tower ...

That includes the way of town demon tower refining, rules, uprights, possessing refining tools, rulers, and arrays, and an understanding of the avenue.


The old town only said that the town demon tower can decompose the chaos law. If I fully understand the refining of the town demon tower, can I decompose the chaos law of this independent space?

So, isn't it possible to release the Taoism?

Is it possible to practice here?

This is different from hiding in the town demon tower, hiding in the town demon tower, that is hiding, can not come out. Can't come out, how to find a way to leave this independent space?

Don't you think it would be impossible to stay here for a lifetime?

However, if you can decompose the chaos law here and use it for your own purposes, you can walk in this independent space at will to find a way to leave here.


Old town, send it to me. "

Later, Qin Shuang felt that a message had been transmitted to her consciousness, that is, her power of mystery had reached horrible 89%, otherwise Qin Shuang felt that she would pass out in such a huge message.

After more than an hour, the transmission of this message was over, and Qin Shuang had only just begun, and we knew that this was not an understanding in a short time, and contained too many upright laws. If you just comprehend it like this, maybe it will take more than 100,000 years, or even longer. She couldn't wait so long, for more than 100,000 years, she might have been attacked by the law of chaos. Opened his eyes immediately and said:

"Two friends, I'll go back and see."

It is common for Qin Shuang to see the valley and see if the crack really disappeared. He nodded and said:

"Lord Qin, let's explore around here again, maybe we can find a way to leave."

"Well, you two are careful!"

"You are also careful!"

Qin Shuang left, she really went to that valley, and the big head monster was still there. She passed carefully, without alarming the big head monster, and then returned to the valley.

Sure enough, the valley now is full of chaos laws, constantly attacking her, and the crater they came into disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

The crack naturally disappeared!

"Booming ..."

At this time, a rumbling sound was made on the side of Qin Shuang, which surprised Qin Shuang, and he looked in that direction while his figure flew back to a distance.

That direction was a hill, but it was changing at this time. If a squatting person stands up at this time.

He really stood up, it was a humanoid creature, and Qin double recognized it, it was a chaotic person. I don't know why, and fell asleep. However, now I am awake, just in time for Qin Shuang to come to investigate.

The Chaos tribe stood up, dropped a lot of gravel and dust, and then stretched a lazy waist. The whole person was over ten feet tall, and the huge shadow covered the Qin Shuang.


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