Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2609: Understanding the town demon tower


The chaotic man drank suddenly, and a thick gray mist sprayed out of his mouth, covering up to Qin Shuang, at the same time holding a big fist, suddenly a small hill, smashing down at Qin Shuang.

Qin's look remained unchanged, and he clenched a small fist, which affected that hill-like fist.


The two fists collided, and Qin Shuang, like a wooden stake, was hit into the ground, waisted up, and submerged into the ground. However, the huge fist was also rebounded, and the Chaos tribe stepped backward.


As soon as Qin's feet were strong, his body jumped out of the dirt. Just after jumping out, he saw that hill-like fist smashed again.

Qin Shuang hit his own little fist again, this time not only the strength of the body, but also the superimposed shock, the power doubled directly.


Two fists, one large and one small, collided in the air, giving out a loud explosion. Qin doubled his knees and sank into the soil, but the fists of the Chaos tribe raised higher.

"Pedal ..."

The figure kept retreating.


Qin Shuang jumped out of the dirt again, but this time it was not just jumping out, but like a sharp arrow, he blasted towards the head of the ten-foot-high Chaos, and the right fist took advantage of the opponent's instability. He blasted out fiercely, this fist hit the chin of the Chaos tribe fiercely, the huge body of the Chaos tribe then slumped, fell heavily on the ground, and thought about the rapid glide behind, the whole Chin was smashed by Qin Shuang's fist.

Qin Shuang's body also fell back towards the ground like a meteor.


Qin Shuang's figure landed on the ground, but still staggered back a few steps. Gaze stared at the opposite.


The Chaos screamed and started to climb from the ground.


Qin both feet stomped on the ground, and the figure came to the Chaos again like a sharp arrow. A fist, a fist of shock, gathered his fists, and hit his cheek fiercely.


The chaos's cheeks collapsed, and his body, ten feet tall, crashed to the ground and rolled out to the side. Qin Shuang chased him again, but when he saw that Chaos suddenly opened his mouth, he ejected two worms over one meter long from his big mouth. She had a bite in her chest.

The two worms seemed to have the power of space, and had not given Qin Shuang the reaction time, they had already bitten on her chest.

"Quack ..."

The sound of the broken teeth, the two bugs bit on the phoenix, not only did not leave a scar on the phoenix, but they broke their teeth.

Qin Shuang reached out and grabbed the two bugs, and patted them towards the middle. They smashed the heads of the two bugs, threw them aside, and rushed towards the Chaos tribe.

"Bang bang ..."

Qin Shuang's fists struck him continuously and fiercely, and a series of cracking bones sounded in the space.

After a quarter of an hour.

The ten-foot-tall Chaos tribe lay on the ground softly, like a soft creature. But there was still no death, and a pair of murderous eyes still stared at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang came to him panting, looking at the huge skull:

"Before you came to our side is the world, what was the world you lived like?"

The Chaos tribe turned a blind eye, showing pride in its eyes, as well as disdain and deep contempt for Qin Shuang.

"Don't say?" Qin Shuang crooked his head.

That Chaos tribe's eyes were even more disdainful and contemptuous, as the upper race looked down at the lower race.

Proud contempt!

"Well, don't say nothing. Then tell me everything about this independent space."

The gaze of the Chaos tribe turned ridiculous again.

Qin Shuang looked at his ridiculous gaze and thought for a moment: "You don't know, do you? Then tell me the way to leave this space."

The chaos's eyes became as if they were looking at the mentally handicapped. Qin Shuang nodded: "I see, you don't know. Since you refuse to talk about your world and know nothing about this independent space, you will There is no living value. "

Qin Shuang pulled out the five-element sword from inside the scabbard of the back and swung it hard.


One sword cut off the head of the Chaos tribe.

"Hmm ..."

Qin double-leaped in shape, constantly waving the Five Elements Sword, half a quarter of an hour later, he had completely killed the Chaos.

"I wonder if there are any sleeping Chaos?"

Qin Shuang examined the valley carefully and found that there was no danger for the time being. Qin Shuang decided to retreat here. When she just searched in the valley, she had already selected a place and walked to a corner of the valley, where there were many rubbles of different sizes. Qin Shuang came to the middle of the gravel, and when he thought about it, he entered the town demon tower, and the town demon tower fell among the stones of different sizes.

These days, I have been in this chaotic space. I have to defend the chaos law at all times, making Qin Shuang very uncomfortable. At this time, I enter the town demon tower. Cool.

"Don't worry, take a day off."

Qin Shuang takes a bath, eats, and sleeps. When he wakes up the next day, he is full of energy and full of soul.

She just lay on the grass, and her heart sank into the process of refining the town demon towers. First, she read it through and then classified it. Each category, each category, read carefully, and then carefully. Feelings, then blend the feelings of each category.

She was completely intoxicated, and in the process, she found that she was not only ascending, but also the front and the run. Such a fairy treasure is only proficient in refining, and it is impossible to refining it. It is also necessary to be proficient in symbols and arrays.

Of course, it is also necessary to understand the Tiandi Avenue.

Imagine that the town demon tower is a small world. If you don't understand the Tiandi Avenue deep enough, how can you make a town demon tower?

That is, Qin Shuang has now realized the integration of the five elements. If Qin Shuang is still an emperor, or if Qin Shuang is not a five-in-one immortal, he will not be able to comprehend the way to make the town's demon tower.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


There was a strangeness in Qin Shuang's heart.

"After the five elements are combined, can we really derive other attributes based on the five behaviors?"

A month.

Two months.

Three months.


She found that if she wanted to understand the mystery of dissolving the law of chaos, she really had to realize the formation, rune, and instrument, and then fused. It is estimated that you need to upgrade your realm to the late Grand Master.


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