Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2614: Qi Qing Pian

"Discovered?" Qin Shuang was lost in thought, and said a moment later: "I felt those sealed creatures full of resentment and anger. And ..."

Qin Shuang flashed in the eyes of Qin Shuang: "They don't seem to be agile and are not like a real monk. The expression and the way of fighting are a bit rigid."

An An's expression moved: "You said, will those sealed monks not be real monks anymore, that is, they are dead?"

"Dead?" Qin Shuang thought about it, and finally shook his head: "I don't feel like they have no vitality on them. Believe me, I am very sensitive to the vitality of life and death."

"That ..." Xiao Sanlang's eyes lightened. "Is it possible that they have been wiped out of their minds and become puppets?"

Qin Shuang's eyes lit up, "Yes, it's like a puppet ..."

With that said, her expression suddenly became serious: "But ... who are they? Who has such a great ability to wipe out so many monks, but also the deity? Sealed?

If he left like that, why didn't he come to kill us?

Or wipe them out of their minds and turn them into vines? "

"Maybe ..." Anton thought for a while: "The unknown creature is not so powerful. I estimate that the seal of these creatures should be a vine, and its strength may not be very strong. This space should be more than 100,000 A vineyard a year ago, this vine may have sealed those creatures only when they were on the verge of dying in war, such as heaven and earth. "

Qin Shuang's heart moved, this is very likely!

At the time of the catastrophe, I do n’t know how many people respected the gods and respected the gods. As for the monks who looked down on the immortal, they were even innumerable.

No matter how strong you are, even Tianzun, when you are near death, you have no strength. At this time, even if the vine is not strong, you can seal the strong, wipe out the wisdom, and then ...

Qin Shuang's heart jumped. Now that the monks are about to die, but they are not dead now, because Qin Shuang has not sensed the death, so this vine should still have the magic power of healing.

If you think about it, you don't feel strange. The plant and grass monster has a healing function, but this vine seems to have more magical powers.

Healing, sealing, wiping off the intellect and much more.

However, after tossing in the vine forest for so long, the vine still cannot be hidden. What does this mean?

This shows that the strength of that vine should not be very strong!

Qin's eyes flickered, and her brows were then tightened. Looked at the vine forest, then looked at the ground.

If you guessed it yourself, the real vine should be hiding underground, these vines above the ground are equivalent to ... his hair ...

How big is it?


I want to crook!

Now I should think about anger. Where does that anger come from?

Those monks who were sealed should be powerful beings during their lifetime. Such powerful monks should be immersed in their bones and become their instincts.

However, when they were on the verge of death, they found themselves sealed by a vine, and then wiped away their consciousness ...

Became 傀儡 ...

Even if they are wiped out of their intellect, they have become the pride of their instincts, and they should not be able to bear the result of being a puppet.

You know, even if a powerful monk is dead, sometimes there is a trace of obsession, not to mention that these creatures are not dead, but they have been wiped out of their intellect, and the resentment and anger in their hearts are accumulated all year round. At the tipping point of the verge of an outbreak.


Qin Shuang frowned, and the light in his eyes flickered.

"The resentment and anger of these monks are scattered, and each monk erupts his own anger. If I can unite the anger of these monks, or stimulate their anger to another level, will it be Break through the critical point of that outbreak and cause damage to that mysterious vine?

That mysterious vine should have some kind of mysterious magical power that can suppress the resentment and anger of these monks, but this vine might not be strong enough! If resentment reaches a certain level, can it not be suppressed?

So, now there is a question left, how to stir up the wrath of the monks! "

Qin Shuang was in deep thought again, and An An and Xiao Sanlang were also thinking there. What Qin Shuang can think of, they can also think of, at this time, they are thinking about how to provoke the monks' wrath.

"Sound Gong!"

Qin's eyes brightened, and there is no doubt that sound power is the best way to stir emotions.

She began to look for it in the blood organ tradition, and soon found a chapter.

Qiqing articles!

After looking at the Seven Love Stories several times in his mind, the look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

Qiqing articles.

It is the sound of the monk's heart that increases the joy, sorrow, sorrow, and sadness of the monk's heart, so that the monk infinitely amplifies the seven emotions in his heart and loses his mind.

Qin Shuang took out the rage in the Seven Love Story alone, familiarized with it again and again several times, and then told Xiao Sanlang and An An:

"The two of you are sitting behind me, holding fast to the gods."

An An and Xiao Sanlang looked confused. They didn't know what Qin Shuang was going to do, and they needed to keep close to Yuan Shen. However, he still sat behind Qin Shuang honestly. Qin Shuang thought about it, but he was still uneasy, so he took out two fragrant fruits and handed them to Xiao Sanlang and An An Road:

"You two ate it."

An Zhuan and Xiao Sanlang took over the fragrant fruit, and after eating three mouthfuls, they felt clear. The anxiety of these ten years disappeared in an instant. Qin Shuang was still uneasy, took out two more fragrant fruits, and handed them to two humanities:

"When you feel the mood fluctuates too much, eat again."

An An and Xiao Sanlang nodded, knowing that this was a good thing. Moreover, Qin Shuang is so uneasy, indicating that Qin Shuang's next actions may really cause damage to the vines, which can not help but make them both look forward to it.

Qin Shuang reached out and took out a guqin from the storage ring, placed it horizontally on both knees, flicked his fingers, and the anger of the Seven Love Story played out, spreading toward the vine forest.

An An and Xiao Sanlang, who were sitting behind Qin Shuang, couldn't help but think. The two of them were ready, and they had just eaten the fragrant fruit. They were also slightly angry, and hurriedly guarded the Yuanshen. .


An An and Xiao Sanlang glanced at each other, then both looked forward to the vine forest opposite.

The opposite vine forest did not react at all, and it was still so calm.

However, Qin Shuang was not discouraged. After the first pass of the rage, her eyes lightened slightly, because she had already felt the anger of the vines. This shows that those seal puppets have been affected.


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