Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2615: Anger

The second time.

When Qin Shuang started playing the second time, gradually, Qin Shuang felt the anger in the vine forest like boiling water and began to boil.

When playing for the third time, even An An and Xiao Sanlang, who were sitting behind the piano, could not see the anger boiling, but they also saw the vines change.

Because the vine forest started to shake!

This is definitely not the wind blowing the vines, because they don't feel the wind at all. An An and Xiao Sanlang looked at each other, their eyes were excited. They knew that this should be the instinctual anger of the monks who were sealed in the vines by the musical performance of Qin Shuang.

When Qin Shuang started to play the fourth time, the vines shuddered and saved and left. Qin Shuang's piano sounds are entangled with the vine forest, so Qin Shuang can clearly sense the mood of the vine forest, and each vine is rising in anger, and the rendering of these angers will inevitably collide with other vines Anger, and then these angers converge, the angers that come together are stronger, and they affect each other, making the anger of each vine stronger.


When anger formed into the ocean, Qin Shuang felt a panic from the anger of the sea.


Qin Shuang determined that this panic must come from the hidden vine, and it seemed that the vine also felt the danger brought by the boiling anger.

"His ..."

The vine forest shook, and Qin Shuang felt a will rising from the ground, divided into ten million strands, and infiltrated into the roots of the vine. The boiling anger was a stagnation and had a tendency to be suppressed.

Qin's eyes narrowed for a moment, hands kept, praying in his heart: "I hope those monks' anger will not be suppressed easily. Would you be willing to be made into a cricket?

You are all heroes of hundreds of races. Heroes that fell in order to protect the immortal world and resist the catastrophe.

But now they are willing to be sealed and treated as puppets, can anyone be driven?

You are dead, but you are so humiliated when you die. Are you willing? "

The meaning of Qin Shuang passed through to the vine's monks' chants through her vocals. With the angered chapters, those chants finally erupted. The pride immersed in the bones has become the pride of instinct, which has completely erupted come out.

How high the pride of life was, how deep the humiliation is now.

They couldn't accept this humiliation. Before, it was only instinctual anger, but now countless instinctual anger is connected. Set off waves.

The panic rising from the ground was even more dramatic, and the will to fall on the vine was stronger, but the anger of the vine was better, and Qin doubled his fingers more urgently.

"Buzz ..."

The vine forest was shaking more and more quickly, and behind it, it was like a hurricane. Then, the three immortals of Qin Shuang saw a stream of vines flowing from top to bottom.

That's the seal monk!

The spirit of Qin Shuang's three immortals revered, and they saw the monks and priests sealed in the vines, flowing from high to the roots, flowing quickly, and shuttled to the ground among the vines.

The boiling anger followed the seals, and the vine forest at this time was like an ocean of anger. The boiling anger had affected the sky. The entire sky was dim. Large clouds of dark clouds merged. An An and Xiao Sanlang grew their mouths in shock.

"Hisse ..."

The seals rushed into the ground one by one, and Qin Shuang and the three immortals became nervous. They didn't know what would happen to the monks when they rushed into the ground, but they knew that victory or defeat was here.

Qin's two-handed movements are faster, just like rain hitting plantains, tinkering ...

"Boom boom boom ..."

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the ground, and then endless power was rendered from the ground.


Qin double held the guqin, jumped up, and turned to run. An An and Xiao Sanlang also changed their faces and ran away.

However, the three immortals ran too late, and felt that the endless power behind them slammed behind them like a sea wave, and then the three of them were blown out like bullets.

"Puff puff……"

The three Xianzun spurted blood from their noses and noses, and their hearts were full of fear. This was not in the center of the explosion, but just the edge of the power.

"Bang bang ..."

The three immortals fell to the ground, spurting blood again, lying on the ground, and hurriedly looked back towards the vine forest.

Then they saw that a vine was turning into powder, and the devil realms rose from the ground. The entire vine forest is continuously exploding.

"This is ... self-destructed?" An Ling said palely.

Qin Shuang got up from the ground, and after taking an elixir, nodded:

"Those monks are proud people. Although they have fallen and their wisdom has been wiped out, pride has long been immersed in their bones during their lifetime. They were all in high positions during their lifetime. This humiliation is beyond their bearing.

Now I inspired their humiliation and raised their anger, so they blew themselves up. "

"So many monks blew themselves up. Even if the vines controlling them were even more powerful, they should die?"

"I hope so."

"Boom boom boom ..."

The continuous explosion lasted for a full quarter of an hour, and when the last explosion was over, the place where the eye entered was filled with flying dust. Never see a vine again.

"I went to see."

Qin Shuang released out of bounds, operated the soil system exercises, and when he moved his mind, he sank to the ground and shuttled towards the vine forest. When he reached the ground of the vine forest, he started searching around. Her current metaphysics can only be used in the realm, so she can only search bit by bit.

However, it did not take her much time. About an hour or so, she entered an underground space, where she saw a huge vine like a mountain. At that time, the vine was full of scars and no trace of it. vitality.

"This should be the vine? You sealed the monk and was killed by the monk's self-explosion. It is also a cause and effect cycle.

But are you really dead? "

Qin Shuang is not sure, if such a large vine, if hidden a little vitality, Qin Shuang may not be able to feel it. What's more, the current Qin Shuang can only extend one meter with the world?

"Good refining material, put it away."

Qin Shuang sacrificed out of the town demon tower, the town demon tower opened the tower door, a golden light shrouded one end of the vine, and slowly dragged the vine into the town demon tower.

Because he didn't want to see Anzhen and Xiao Sanlang discover the town demon tower, the town demon tower slowly dragged the giant vine towards the town demon tower.


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