Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2616: Avenue Shard


Suddenly Qin Shuang's complexion changed, and she felt the strong and profound mysterious power swarming towards her knowledge of the sea. Instantly she understood that those monks who were sealed as puppets were not low at first, there was no lack of respect for the people, and even heaven. After they blew themselves up this time, the power of mystery spilled out.

How many monks are there in this vine forest?

After so many monks blew up, they formed the mysterious power of the Lord. If there were no other monks here at this time, these mysterious forces would gradually spill into the space and return to heaven and earth.

However, at this time, there is a piano double, which is like a source, and those unpowered mysterious forces naturally converge towards the piano double. Unless Qin Shuang leaves here immediately, these mysterious forces will converge towards Qin Shuang and flow into Qin Shuang's body.

Will Qin Shuang leave?

of course not!

What a rare opportunity this is?

Not only will not leave, but also actively absorb.

Qin Shuang was sitting cross-legged immediately, and began to absorb the rich mystic power. With the absorbed mystic power, there were also some shards of memory of the Taoism. Those monks were only wiped out of their consciousness, but their understanding of the road was It has not been erased. At this time, it is absorbed by Qin Shuang with the power of Xuan, and it is also absorbed into Qin Shuang's consciousness.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang felt some pain in her consciousness, and hurriedly began to divert these mysterious forces. Part of it is diverted to the soul of life. Part of it is diverted to Yuan Shen.

About half an hour or so, Qin Shuang took this mountain-like vine into the town's demon tower.

However, at this time, Qin Shuang felt that the soul and the Yuanshen began to have a tinge of pain, and then began to carefully control the power of Xuan, diverted into the Tao heart, into the Confucian space, and carefully controlled to avoid Absorbed by immortal master and demon master, infused into spirit, heaven soul and earth soul.

At the same time, I looked at the fairy master and the demon master, but she stayed in the town demon tower for 10,000 years, and the fairy master was attacked by the spirit for 10,000 years. I don't know how the fairy master's current wisdom was cut by the soul-slayer sword ?


This observation could not help but surprise Qin Shuang. At this time, she found that Tianhun was holding the Soul-Cutting Sword, not just the Sword Master, but the Sword Master and then the Sword Master.

Qin Shuang observed carefully, and could not help but be happy.

The original intellect was lost by the Soul-Cut Sword, and it has been suppressed by the Demon Lord in turn. Therefore, the Soul of Heaven began to cut the Demon Lord again to keep the Immortal Lord and the Demon Lord in balance.

What a grudge between this fairy master and the demons!

Qin Shuang could not help but sigh!

At this time, the immortal master and the demon master will continue to stalemate, and they will be gradually cut off by all souls, just like those puppets of the vine seal. At this time, they should join hands to kill Qin Shuang first, but the two monks are still dying at each other there, and don't know what they think.

However, Qin Shuang also became intimidated. She knew that the immortal master and the demon master had not yet been pushed into despair. The two monks had lost their consciousness completely, and there was a long distance. It is estimated that there were no tens of thousands of years. may.

Maybe the Lord of the Immortals and the Lord of the Lord are looking for a chance, a chance to devour each other, and then deal with Qin Shuang. In their eyes, Qin Shuang is an ant. As long as he solves the other side and devours the other side, he must increase his strength. At that time, killing Qin Shuang is like pinching an ant.


Qin Shuang's heart was also very clear, because at this time the immortal master and the demon master had not been forced into desperation. Once they reached the desperate situation, the two monks must join forces at that time.

So ... Is there a way to solve this crisis?

Qin Shuang thought for a while and sighed.


Qin Shuang really has no way to deal with the joint of Xianzhu and Demon Lord.

Do not!

Suppose the demon master is not aimed at the immortal master, but just hides to watch the excitement, Qin Shuang can not even deal with the immortal master. Immortal Lord recovered much more powerful than Demon Lord. She can seal the Lord, but cannot seal the Lord. And Xianzhu can really kill Qin Shuang easily.

As long as they were pushed to desperation, the immortal master and the demon master reached an agreement, and Qin Shuang was dead.

While infused with the power of mystery, Qin Shuang was thinking hard.

How can we solve this crisis that will erupt at any time?

There is really no way!

"It seems that it will only become stronger as soon as possible! Only when I am strong will I be able to get rid of this danger. Looking at the strength of Xianzhu today, if my cultivation is promoted to Tianzun, I should be able to feel a little safe.


Don't mention Tianzun, it's Landzun ... too difficult! "

Qin Shuang sighed, and now she had no choice but to take one step at a time.

Three hours later, Qin Shuang absorbed all the power of mystery, and examined the spirit, the two souls of the earth and the soul of life, and the Yuanshen. She couldn't help exulting, and found that they were all solidified. One layer, it is completely cured.

She felt the power of her own god, soul and spirit. Relatively speaking, Yuan Li Xiuwei was much worse than refining.

The ecstasy of convergence, Qin Shuang inspected it in the ground again in detail, and felt that it should have been taken in. There was no loss. Qin Shuang thought about it and entered the town demon tower.

She has to sort out and understand the shards of the avenues that have been absorbed, and those monks who have been sealed up have realized the consciousness of Tianda Avenue. There are also exercises and ways they practice.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.

It's been a day since the outside world, and An An and Xiao Sanlang were a little anxious. Qin Shuang entered the ground all day and all night without any movement.

Is something wrong with the piano?

Could it be that the vine is not dead?

Have you sealed the piano?

However, the two of them were banned from the Taoism and did not reach the ground. They could only wait here stupidly.

Another two days and two nights passed, Qin Shuang has been in the town's demon tower for ten years. In the past ten years, Qin Shuang completely combed through the shards of the road. She found that she realized the speed at least five times faster than before, and she understood that this was because her mysterious power had solidified 99% of the reasons. She was looking forward to the solidification of her mysterious power to 10%. What would it feel like at that time?

Above the solidification, is there any realm?

If so, what kind of qualitative change would it be?

Aside from these ideas, Qin Shuang was pleasantly surprised that after digesting these fragments, she had realized the peak of the Five Elements in One, and had also found a direction to break through the respect of the respect.

That is the unity of the soul and soul to achieve the unity of soul and soul.

Or the unity of the gods and spirits to achieve the unity of the spirits.

Or the unity of spirit and soul, to achieve unity of soul.


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