Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2618: years

For three consecutive days, Qin Shuang was still immersed in deep understanding, An An and Xiao Sanlang were not in a hurry. Anxiety is useless, and I don't know if there is a passage for leaving this independent space.

"Treading ..."

An An and Xiao Sanlang suddenly looked in one direction, and there were heavy footsteps from there.

Soon, a huge figure appeared in the eyes of both of them.

That's a cow.

It's a cow, roughly the same as a cow. The only difference is that there is a row of bone spurs on the back of that cow.

"I go!"

Xiao Sanlang stood up and pulled out the long knife on his back. Striding towards the weird cow.


Xiao Sanlang and the bull quickly collided with each other. This is also how Xiao Sanlang wanted to try the strength of the bull, so he chose to hit hard.

The long knife and the horns collided together, Xiao Sanlang's figure could not help but recede continuously, and the bull on the opposite side had already collided again.

Xiao Sanlang didn't panic, his most powerful place was not strength but speed. He no longer bumped into the bull, but relied on the speed to attack the bull, and soon gained the upper hand.

When Xiao Sanlang collided with the cow for the first time, the roar that broke out awoke Qin Shuang. Open your eyes and glance at Xiao Sanlang, you will know that Xiao Sanlang has the upper hand and no longer pays attention, but closes his eyes and recalls his own gains over the past three days.

"Once the five elements are fused, other attributes can really be derived!"

The comprehension of these three days, through observing the decomposition of the chaos law, made her realize that the five elements are the most basic attributes in the heaven and earth road.

It was just that she had just such a comprehension. As for how it was derived, she didn't know yet. Not even the direction.

However, even so, the pressure is enough to get excited. Originally, Qin Shuang thought that in the realm of human respect, he had realized the extreme. There were only two aspects that he had to do next. One was to accumulate Xianyuan power and break through to the peak of human respect. The other is to determine as soon as possible whether the unity of the soul is also the unity of the soul, or the unity of the spirit. In addition, there should be nothing to realize in the realm of human respect.


In the past three days, through the decomposition of the law of chaos, she unexpectedly gave her an unexpected surprise. In the realm of human respect, she was able to continue to realize.

If other attributes are born based on the five behaviors, then Qin Shuangke will be busy.

First of all, she wants to derive other attributes one by one, light and dark wind and lightning, time and space. Then realize the avenue of these six attributes to the same realm as the Five Elements Avenue, and finally merge these attributes into the Five Elements.

Although these things will not improve Qin Shuang's cultivation as a realm, Qin Shuang believes that for each attribute he derives, the real combat power will have a leap-forward improvement. And once these attributes are derived, realized, and integrated into the five elements, she believes that it has a pivotal role in her breakthrough.

After combing it, I couldn't help sighing. Although this comprehension confirmed that based on the five behaviors, it is possible to derive other attributes, but how to derive, Qin Shuang is still a little bit confused.

"It can't be simple, I'm in a hurry!"

Qin Shuang shook her head slightly, re-stabilized her mood, and then a smile of joy appeared on her face. This continuous practice for three days has accumulated a lot of fairy power in the body.

If you think about it, you can directly decompose the immortal qi from the chaos, which is the initial primal qi. Not to mention the concentration of immortality in the town demon tower. Here the two-pronged approach is taken together, and the Qin Shuang's cultivation is naturally improved very quickly.

Open your eyes again and look across. Xiao Sanlang had the upper hand completely, and less than half a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Sanlang killed the weird cow.

The Qin Double and the Three set off again, and they all know that this is a slow process. Not to mention that there is not necessarily a way to leave the space, even if there is, at their speed, if they want to find it, it will take 10,000 years. unit. From today, Qin Shuang also tells Zhen Lao that every time it dawns, she awakens her from deep understanding.

Not bad!

It is a deep understanding.

Qin Shuang can easily enter deep understanding every night, not because of how good Qin Shuang's talents are, but because of the nine altars in the realm.

The nine altars are in the law of chaos decomposition at all times, so as long as Qin Shuang first realizes that within her three-meter circle with her body as the center, the law of chaos is being decomposed into the law of immortals. It's like always giving the Qin Shuang evolution the initial chaos, let alone the Qin Shuang, it is just another ordinary monk who can easily enter deep understanding.

Time passed day by day, and a month passed.

During this month, Qin Shuang and the three experienced countless assassinations, as well as several extremely difficult assassinations, and even once encountered a Chaos tribe who was at the top of the earth. Three people escaped hard and were all injured. To escape. However, there is still no way to get out of here.

In a month, Qin Shuang became more and more aware of deriving other attributes based on the five behaviors, but how easy is it to want to really derive other attributes?

However, Qin Shuang is not in a hurry. Finding the way to get out of here is ranked first, and comprehension is only ranked second.

However, during this month, her cultivation has improved significantly, and she has reached the middle of the fifth floor of human respect. This filled Xiao Sanlang and An An with envy. However, they can only be envious. Whoever makes them unable to decompose chaos is not to mention the promotion of repair, and it is not bad to repair.

Qin Shuang walked ahead, Xiao Sanlang and An An walked behind. When two people saw Qin Shuang walking, they decomposed the chaos law, and the rich immortal energy that broke out poured into Qin Shuang's body, their faces were helpless.

In the law of chaos, mysticism cannot spread, let alone the transmission of sound. However, two people can communicate with each other in lip language. Following Qin Shuang, Xiao Sanlang whispered:

"Qin Shuang's cultivation has been improved again, and the human respect is in the middle of the fifth floor. I'm afraid it won't be long before I catch up with me."

"You think too much!" An Ling replied with a lip: "At the level of human respect, every minor order of improvement is no less difficult than the immortal breakthrough to human respect. Every minor order of improvement You need to make a leap in the understanding of Tiandi Avenue. Qin Shuang will not be able to cultivate to the top of the fifth floor of Human Respect in a short time. Centuries and thousands are common. "


Many thanks to seaphay (100) for the reward!



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