Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2619: People

"That's right!" Xiao Sanlang nodded: "In the beginning, I was really a step by step, from the first level of the respect to the tenth level of the current respect, it took 10,000 years."

"You are already fast. Your talent is very good. I used more time than you did."

The two immortals communicated with each other with lips, and Qin Shuang was constantly exploring the space.

Very troublesome.

If it is in a space where mysticism can be released, with the power of Qin Shuang, if you want to search the whole space again, it will not be ten or eight years. However, Qin Shuang's mystic power can only detect three meters away. In many cases, it is experience that is much slower and more inaccurate.

But there is no way, this is the reality.

Suddenly, Qin paced his feet. At this time, Xiao Sanlang and An Zhuo behind her also stopped and showed surprise.

Because they heard a faint voice, the two took a step forward, shoulder to shoulder with the piano, and stared forward.

At this moment, not far from them was a mountain. It seemed that the sound came from the corner of the mountain. The three looked at each other, and the surprise in their eyes was replaced by alertness and vigilance. When encountering a monk in this space, do not know if it is a blessing or a curse?

Qin Shuang closed the world and became the same as Xiao Sanlang and An An. Then quietly:

"Let's go and see."

The two Xianzun nodded, and the three went side by side towards the mountain, then turned around the corner, and saw a dozen monks, male and female, old and young.

Qin's eyes narrowed for a moment, her eyes were even more vigilant, because she sensed the enchantment of the dozen monks, that is, the dozen monks were not human. Not only were they alert to the minds of the dozen monks, but they were also alert to An An and Xiao Sanlang beside them.

Before the three of them, in order to leave this space, they were naturally on alert. But now it ’s different, there are other demons, and since those dozen monks can appear here, maybe there is a way to leave here, so the alliance state naturally disintegrates. Who knows, will Xiao Sanlang and An An suddenly want to hit her?

And at this time, those ten monks also saw three of the doubles, and for a moment they looked alert to the three of the doubles.


When Qin's eyes turned, a little flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. There is a gate on the mountain side, and the dozen monks are standing in front of the gate. Can't help moving.

"Is this a cave?"

At this time, An An and Xiao Sanlang also saw the door, and their eyes flashed. An Ling took the lead towards the dozen monks, and his eyes became cautious.

The practice of the dozen or so monks was not simple. There were actually five land respects, one of which was the peak of the land respect and eight respects. The remaining six youths were also the late immortal or peak of the immortal.

As An An approached, he looked at a dozen monks on the opposite side. Although those more than a dozen monks turned into human figures, An An, as a demon, could still distinguish some breaths, and his face could not help but change slightly:

"Everyone is a Taoist friend?"

"Yes!" The divine peak nodded. "Do you friends belong to the butterfly family?"

"Huh!" An Zheng nodded, his face calmly: "Taoyou, this space is now on the continent?"

"Huh!" Di Zunfeng's eyes flashed a little surprise, then his eyes flashed: "Don't friends enter this space from the colorful continent?"

There was a bitter smile on An An's face: "My name is An An, this is a human tribe, Qin Shuang, and this is a wolf tribe Xiao Sanlang. The three of us ... wandered on the barbarous continent and found a crack in this space After we came in, the crack disappeared, but I did not expect that this space drifted to the colorful continent. "

Qin Shuang heard and felt a headache. Although she has not been to the colorful continent, she has also heard that it is a very strong continent far away from the pretty continent, but she did not expect that this space would float to the colorful continent. But this is not the point. The point is, can you leave here?

"My name is Bao Minggu!"

The top of that place respected Qin Shuang's eyes and smiled on his face, but Qin Shuang keenly felt that Bao Minggu's gaze was a little different as she glanced over her.

"He should know that the hundreds of people want to kill me, and test the matter of Xu Ziyan." Qin Shuang said secretly: "A peak of a land respect is also regarded as the top of the hundred people. Such a secret should be known. Maybe he still thinks Kill me here. "

Qin Shuang's heart was heavy. She knew that her danger had increased. Not only did leaving this independent space become dangerous, but even if she left this independent space, I am afraid that there will be many dangers in the colorful continent. This is the place of others.

"Bao Daoyou!" Seeing Qin Shuang always saying nothing, An Yan said, "Can this space leave now?"

"Of course!" Bao Minggu nodded: "Our patriarch has calculated that the cracks in this independent space should last three months. Now nine days have passed. As long as we go out within three months, nothing will happen. . "

Having said that, he glanced casually at Qin Shuang, and then smiled at An An with a smile:

"We just found a cave here, so why not explore it together?"

An An could not help but bemused, but looked at Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang sighed in her heart. She knew that she had to agree now. If she didn't agree, Bao Minggu would now shoot at herself immediately. The reason why they have not shot yet is that they have not yet determined whether they are the Qin Shuang they are going to kill. On the other hand, they have not figured out why An An and Xiao Sanlang are with themselves. So he nodded towards An An.

An An said to Bao Minggu, "Thank you Bao Daoyou. Let's explore this cave with Bao Daoyou."

"Okay, hahaha ..." Bao Minggu laughed loudly.

Qin Shuang looked towards Dongfu and saw that the gate of Dongfu was closed. Then he looked back and wondered in his mind how he could get rid of the current killing.

Bao looked at Qin Shuang with different eyes and said with a smile: "Qin Tao friends, but the celestial master of the wild continent?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded calmly.

Bao Minggu's eyes flickered. He didn't quite understand. Since Qin Shuang was the Qin Shuang, why would An An and Xiao Sanlang stay with Qin Shuang?

Because the Hundreds of Continents are far away from the barbaric continent, they are the first batch of nine immortals to reach the barbaric continent. From their arrival to the barbaric continent, it has only been more than ten years since then. The monks on the colorful mainland did not receive news of their encounter before the Heavenly Sect, and the monks sent by the colorful mainland did not return. Because of the law of chaos, it is even more impossible to get back. Therefore, Bao Minggu is a little confused now. However, he believes that An An and Xiao Sanlang must know what, because they are in this independent space with Qin Shuang in the wild continent, but it is not good to ask in front of Qin Shuang, and when they turn around, they smile with a smile:

"Is there any research on the two lines of Rune Master? There is a ban on this gate, and we can't crack it."


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