Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2654: Qin Shuang vs Qin Ying

Qin Shuang walked into the heavenly city, rented a cave house, then entered the cave house, adjusted his status, and then began to break through. There are really no barriers to her breakthrough, everything is natural. In less than three days, the breakthrough was over, and the whole body of cultivation came to the eighth floor of Zun. But Qin Shuang is not too excited, because she knows that as long as she wants, she can retreat once and break through to the top of the tenth floor. Because of her comprehension of Dadao, she had no checkpoints in Di Zun. The reason why she didn't continue to break through was just to consolidate to the extreme in every state. His level is in Di Zun, and how to break through it is her biggest problem. Although she seems to have found the direction now, who knows if that direction is right?

Even if it's right, I don't know how long it will take. If it's wrong, death is no exception.

Qin Shuang left Tiancheng and flew towards Wangchuan Mountain.

The closer it is to the Forgotten Mountain, the more chaotic the law of the fairyland is, which makes people uncomfortable, but the metaphysics is affected by some. In the distance, I saw Wangchuan Mountain, countless monks, and several battles broke out. Qin Shuang did not care, as long as there were monks, there would be fighting, which is not surprising.


Qin Shuang's face changed, she felt a touch of intimacy and couldn't help looking in the direction of that pair of pianos. And in that direction, Qin Ying also felt it, looking up in this direction, the two people's eyes collided in the air. Then saw Qin Shuang waved towards Qin Shuang. The piano was sinking like water on both sides and walked towards Qin Ying. She has always wanted to expel the magic heart in the shadow and take back her shadow.

What's going on without a shadow?

Anyway, I am also the master of a sect. I will be asked by other monks in the future, why do you have no shadow?

How does this answer yourself?

Lost the shadow?

However, she also knows that her own shadow strength is very strong. Although she ran away when she was in the five-color forbidden land, she seemed to have no way to take her. Just wanting to speak with a calm face, I heard the shadow whisper:

"My name is Qin Ying!"

"What?" Qin Shuang was furious immediately: "You also gave yourself a name? Are you going to declare independence?"

"Don't be angry." Qin Yingbolan said without a surprise: "You can't treat me now, and I'm not sure to devour you. So, is it safe for both of us to stay peaceful for a while?"

"Not good!" Qin Shuang said simply.

"Don't worry!" Qin Ying waved her hand: "You look at this big formation first, but the quality of this big formation is beyond the realm of you and me, don't you want to study it?

The two of us studying together may be able to break through this large array. Are you curious about such a large envelope?

Maybe there is an opportunity we need! "

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, thinking for a moment, "You have been studying for a while?"

"Well!" Qin Ying nodded. "Find a little idea, I will tell you."

Within the large array, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly as he listened to Qin Ying's thoughts on cracking the large array. Yanshan Soul glanced at Qin Shuang and Qin Ying, and said softly:

"That Qin Ying is the shadow of Qin Shuang."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "It's really big in the world, and it's nothing strange. But that Qin Ying's thinking is right. As long as she is given time, she will break through the large array I set up."

"How long does it take?" Tian Gong Palace Master Meiyu showed a trace of worry.

"It's not easy to say! Maybe ten thousand years, maybe thousand years, it depends on her foundation and five elements, maybe a few years. Can't let her study, I will communicate with Qin Shuang."

"Is there no problem?" Zuo Yan asked worriedly.

Xu Ziyan pondered for a moment and said, "I believe in Qin Shuang."

Qin Shuang was listening to Qin Ying's thoughts, and a voice suddenly sounded in her sea of ​​knowledge:

"Qin Shuang, this is Xu Ziyan."

Qin Shuang jumped suddenly in his heart, but he didn't look around. Then he heard Xu Ziyan's voice continue to ring:

"Qin Shuang, this large array was laid out by me. I have some problems with my body. This large array cannot be broken. You have to stop Qin Ying."

With a move in Qin Shuang's heart, she would not ask Xu Ziyan why she had to arrange a large array, nor would she ask what Xu Ziyan did in it, but for Qin Shuang, this was also a rare opportunity to ask Qin Shuang for advice. So he used his consciousness to touch the consciousness passed by Xu Ziyan and communicated with Xu Ziyan:

"Senior Xu, my shadow and I, the strength should be between Bo Zhong, I will try my best to stop her. I don't know if I have some cultivation problems now, can I ask you for advice?"

"You ask."

"Senior Xu, I am now eight levels of human respect, and it is not far from the breakthrough of earth respect. However, I do not know the direction of breakthrough at all. Senior Xu, like my five-element spirit root, how can I break through to earth respect? "

"The direction is very simple." Xu Ziyan's voice came over: "First comprehend the Wuxing Avenue to the extreme, and then merge the five elements to create a new spirit root, light and dark wind and thunder, time and space, any one will do. You broke through to Di Zun. Of course, the direction is simple, but the method is difficult, and you need to slowly understand. "

Qin Shuang's heart moved, does not need soul and spirit, or fusion with Yuanshen?

If this is really the case, great!

"Senior Xu, is it just a birth of spirit roots?"

"Yes! Of course, if more are born, it will be better, and your strength will become stronger."

"When breaking through the Heavenly Venerable, is it also necessary to create a spiritual root, and then merge the spiritual root's avenue into the Five Elements Avenue?"


"What about the Holy Class?"

"Holy level requires eleven spiritual roots. That is to say, starting from your current five-element spirit root, just giving birth to another spiritual root is enough for you to achieve a breakthrough. However, to break through the holy level, you need eleven The spirit roots are complete. Then merge the eleven spirit roots. "

"This ... is so hard!"

"If it's not difficult, wouldn't it be a holy level everywhere?"

"Thank you, Senior Xu, I will stop the shadow."


Qin Ying was telling Qin Shuang about the direction of his breakout, and suddenly saw Qin Shuang Yi sword over. Although she has been talking about it, she has been guarding Qin Shuang. At the moment of Qin Shuang's sword, his figure drifted back. This made a hint of helplessness appear in Qin's eyes. The shadow on the opposite piano was like a shadow, retreating very fast, and she opened her sword.

While flashing a sword, Qin Ying also sacrificed a magic knife. The blade of the magic knife instantly opened countless black-red magic eyes, dense and bloody.


There will be one more later.



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