Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2655: Congratulations to a gust of james becoming the Need Master

Qin Ying held the magic knife in both hands and chopped towards Qin Shuang. The countless magic eyes on the knife locked Qin Shuang, and his eyes enveloped Qin Shuang. From that magic eye, a trace of invisible and powerful was born. Attractive, drawing Qin Shuang's body towards the magic knife.


The five-element sword and the magic knife collided together, and both were not damaged at all, but Qin Shuang's face was white. She found that she was under the collision of this trick and fell into the disadvantage.

"She has become stronger again!" Qin Shuang showed a trace of horror in her heart.

I quickly determined in my heart that, apart from the five-element grindstone I just realized, the rest of the Taoism was hard to hurt Qin Ying.

"Bum ..."

The space buzzed, and a black light flew towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang was shocked to find that his body was irradiated with black light, and began to slowly become blurred, with a feeling of becoming a shadow.

Qin Shuang never dared to be surprised again. During the movement of the elemental forces in the meridians, he vibrated at a mysterious frequency and poured into the five-element sword. Under the high-frequency vibration of Yuanli, the five-line patterns shine brightly.

The five-element sword shuddered abruptly, and a tiny disc shape appeared at the tip of the sword.

A series of actions were completed in a very short time, but even so, after she completed all this, the dark light released by the piano shadow was about to be attached to her skin.


The five-element sword in her hand stabbed out, and the black light that shrouded her instantly shattered like glass, blazing around, and the tiny grinding disc at the tip of the sword blazed toward the piano shadow, instantly magnifying.

Five elements grinding plate!

"Tap to tap ..."

Qin Shuang staggered back, as if she had some great power in front of her, and shocked her, making her involuntarily. The whole skin began to crack, and a lot of blood ran out.

I feel a mess in front of me, everything is broken, everything becomes ghost, the broken space is like irregular snow.

However, Qin Shuang still glared greatly, looking at the opposite Qin Ying.

The gap between the grinding of the five-line large grinding disc.

Qin Ying was being ground by the grinding disc, but Qin Ying's figure suddenly turned from real to virtual, and turned into a shadow, pouring out of the five-element large grinding disc.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The shadow kept changing its shape, but it couldn't get out of the envelope of the five-element grinding disc, but the five-element grinding disc couldn't grind the shadow that had been blurred.

Countless monks around looked at this side horrifiedly, and then flew back toward the distance. The power of the two people colliding made people feel fear.

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he already had a decision in his heart. He turned and left to forget the Chuanshan Mountain. The fire thunder wing fanned behind him, and disappeared instantly.

She knew in her heart that she was no longer Qin Ying's opponent at this time. She did not know why Qin Ying became so powerful in such a short period of more than ten years. Staying here again, she might be swallowed by Qin Ying.

She needs to be stronger!

Nothing else, just not to be swallowed by Qin Ying!


After the consumption of half of the five-element grinding disc was finally broken by Qin Ying, Qin Ying stood in the air and his face became pale. It can be seen that although the five-element grinding disc did not harm her, it also caused her to consume very much. It is not easy to change from reality to reality.

She glanced at the direction in which Qin Shuang left, her eyes moving intentionally. However, when her gaze fell on the large array, the movement in her eyes gradually disappeared, and she exhaled gently, gazing again at the direction where Qin Shuang disappeared, and whispered:

"Qin Shuang, you will be swallowed up by me sooner or later!"

Retracted his gaze, looked at the large array, calmed down and began to spread. Every monk looked at Qin Ying with fear, and was close to her next to her.

Sky city.

Qin Shuang stepped into the city gate with one foot, and his injuries had been healed in the town demon tower. The purpose of her coming to the Sky City this time was to break into the Sky Tower. There is no doubt that the Sky Tower is the best cultivation holy place with integrated attributes. The purpose of her coming to the sky tower is not only to create a spiritual root other than the five elements, to open up her own channel to break through the dignity, but also to have the purpose of improving the power of the five-element grinding disc. Add another attribute inside, so that maybe you can defeat Qin Ying and take back your own shadow.

Qin Shuang does not need to adjust her state. Before entering Tiancheng, her state has been adjusted to the best. A path straight to the center of the sky city, standing in front of the sky tower. I saw that there are still a lot of monks here. Not all monks are curious to forget about Chuanshan Mountain, and many monks went to forget about Chuanshan Mountain, but returned without finding anything.

Qin Shuang did not stay, and stepped into the gate of the tower.

The nineteenth floor of the Sky Tower.

A Venerable Master is attacking Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang is coping with the Venerable Master, thinking about the circumstances under which he will make himself gain the most. What kind of spirit root is born will have the greatest damage to the shadow.


No, there is light and shadow.


Not even better, that became the world of Qin Ying.


Can the shadow be blown away?


Can tear apart the shadow?



Qin Shuang was lost in thought.

Maybe ... still light?

The shadow is the shadow of an object, that is to say, there must be an entity before there is a shadow. Now that Qin Ying has left my entity, no matter how much she grows up, she is also rootless. Only when the entity is in front of the light will it produce a shadow. And what if the entity is gone?

Or, like Qin Ying, left the entity and independent shadow?

No matter how independent the shadow is, it is also a shadow. There is no entity to block her. The light should be able to cause damage to her. Ordinary light will certainly not work, but what about light magic?

What about the big grinding disc with light?

Just choose light!

Qin shattered the bare man with a double click, and then continued to break. After she smashed five Lightmen, a Lightman who perfectly blended the six attributes of Golden Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Light appeared in front of her and launched an attack on Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang was not so relaxed when dealing with the sixth light man. Now her leapfrogging ability has shrunk dramatically, and her basic combat power is equivalent to the four levels of Di Zun. And her body strength has been weaker than the real combat strength. Fortunately, this is the nineteenth floor, and it is only the sixth light man, still within her advantage. It's just that it's not easy to deal with, but it is really taking advantage.

While fighting with the light man, she spread her profound knowledge, completely enveloped the light man, and penetrated into the light man's body, spreading in any corner of the light man.


Thank you very much), the reward of the blue magic stone (100)!



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