Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2666: The first sight of Wuman Mountain

If you want to kill Qin Shuang, you need to take Datianzun to come. Look at who are sent by the Bai Clan?

Zun, Di Zun, huh ...

Anyway, everything has nothing to do with yourself. You should still be the guardian honestly, when the time for the contract is up, and you will not return to the Dragon race, you will stay in Taixuzong.

It ’s true that my head is sick, it ’s all the same. What else do I have to kill Qin Shuang?

At this moment, the murderous intention in Ao Jiong's heart completely disappeared, making Ming Qin's pair feel surprised, because she felt a touch of intimacy from Ao Jiong's body.

"Am I ... tired? Perplexed perception?

Qin Shuang shook his head and shook off his thoughts.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Xu Kaiyun wondered when he saw Qin Shuang shaking his head there.

"Nothing, it's you, why did you come here?"

"Boss, you know, I ca n’t help myself, and Zongmen wo n’t let me out, so I ran out secretly. After thinking about it, I wanted to come here to see the boss and mix with the boss. It's such a bad mix, my sect is not under siege, and the human race is also chased around. I can't go to your sect, there are a lot of immortals. But the human race cannot help.

At the beginning, I was also cautious, fearing to attract the attention of those immortals. But then I found out that the only purpose of those immortal statues seemed to be to attack the Tianxing Sect, so my courage grew.

No, Laozi's team has grown to nearly 100,000. "

"Thank you!" Qin Shuang thanked sincerely.

"Boss, you'll see you outside like this. By the way, boss, we caught a barbarian. Come and see, unexpected joy."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang nodded her head. For Xu Kaiyun, she was grateful from the bottom of her heart, and she was moved by a friend from the horizon.

Without knowing the life and death of Qin Shuang, I still want to help Qin Shuang without any conditions, regardless of life and death. This is not something that a common confidant can do. Not to mention letting yourself see an unexpected joy, but letting yourself accompany him to go to life and death, Qin Shuang will not hesitate.

The three fell to the ground and stood in front of a big tree, where a monk sat cross-legged, wrapped in laws, and locked all his mana.

"He is?" Qin Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly. She naturally felt the breath of the chaotic law in the other person in an instant.

"He is Wumanshan, the brother of Wumanhe. Wumanhe killed me. He ran to me for revenge, and then he was arrested by Ao Jiong.

Unexpectedly, the barbarians actually modified the law of chaos, and also broke through the respect, ha ha ... "

"No!" Wuman Mountain said hoarsely: "The barbarians have not modified the law of chaos, only me."

Qin Shuang's heart moved: "Aren't you a barbarian?"


"You haven't modified the law of chaos?"

"I ... but only me ..."

"Since you are a barbarian, and you have modified the chaos rule, it is natural that the barbarian has modified the chaos rule."

"you can not……"

"Why can't you?" Qin Shuangchi laughed and said: "If you are just a fairy king, even a fairy emperor, you can only treat you as an individual phenomenon, not a barbarian.

However, you are not. You are a personal respect, the strongest of the barbarians, and the younger brother of the patriarch Wu Manhe. After the death of the Wuman River, your brother of the Wuman River, the strongest of the barbarians, is naturally the head of the barbarians, representing the entire barbarians.

Am I wrong? "

"I ..." Wuman Mountain turned pale.

"It's justified to hold a hundred people's conference. No one will open up for you, and the crime you committed can completely wipe out the barbarians."

"You can't, Baizu won't agree, it's just my fault."

"Hehe ..." Qin Shuangchi smiled and said: "Let's think about it from another angle. If I lead the human race first and give you the barbarians to the genocide, and then have these evidences, you guess the hundred races will think that I did something wrong and come Attack me? "

Wuman Mountain was silent. He knew very well in his heart that only living races would be of value. If the barbarians had already been annihilated, no big man would open his eyes for the barbarians. And Qin Shuang will surely make the evidence enough, so that the barbarians disappeared in the long history, and it will be gone.

"You can't ..." Wu Manshan's lips shuddered.

Ao Jiong stood aside, a flash of terror flashed in his eyes. For the first time, he was frightened by someone who was weaker than himself.

"It's so cruel! As long as you seize a chance, you won't be able to turn your enemy over.

Do not!

It ’s not about turning over, the whole race is gone! "

"It is not impossible to bypass your race or even bypass you." Qin Shuang said lightly.

"What conditions?"

Wuman Mountain does not have a look of surprise, but has fear. He knew that Qin Shuang could not give the barbarians a living path for no reason.

"It's simple, sign a contract with Tian Xingzong."

"What contract?" Wu Manshan's eyes were even more terrified.

"Relax, you will not be allowed to sign a slave contract, but it cannot be an equal contract, it is a master-slave contract."

The color of anger appeared in the eyes of Wuman Mountain. This master-slave contract had already greatly restrained the barbarians. The most important point is that a barbarian has signed this contract with a human race. If the barbarian dies, the human race will not have any trouble. However, if the human race dies, the barbarians who signed the contract with the human race will also die.

"you can not……"

"I can!" Qin Shuang coldly interrupted Wuman Mountain Road: "You now have only two choices, one to choose the contract and one to choose the genocide."

"You can't ... can't do this, can't ..."

Xu Kaiyun smiled and said: "It is not impossible to give you a barbarian a thought."

"Ah?" Wuman Mountain suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Kaiyun with a look of expectation.

Qin's lips moved, and eventually he didn't speak. Xu Kaiyun is willing to say whatever he is willing to say. This face must be given and must be given. If there are any consequences, then bear it yourself.

"That's it!" Xu Kaiyun crouched in front of Wuman Mountain and said: "In the contract, you can add one. If your barbarian clan appears a Saint-level monk in the future, this contract will be automatically invalidated."

Wu Manshan's lips moved, and then there was a hint of expectation in his eyes: "You can't destroy our barbarians now, your heavenly sect is besieged by more than a hundred immortals, maybe you and your barbarians soon It will disappear, disappear, ha ha ha ... "

"That's it!" Xu Kaiyun patted Wuman Mountain's shoulder with a smile: "If we drove those immortals out, or killed them, anyway, Tianxingzong's siege was resolved, you say so?"


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