Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2667: Instant kill

"I ... what else can I say?" A wry smile appeared on Wu Manshan's mouth, and his eyes became firm: "If you do, our barbarians will sign a contract with your Tianxingzong."

"You can think about it." Xu Kaiyun said: "Even if we drove away these Immortal Venerables, it is likely that there will be stronger Tianzun. At that time, your barbarians have signed a contract with Tianxingzong, so, go to At that time, you will fight with Tian Xingzong and Tianzun together, maybe the final result is still the genocide. "

Wu Manshan said nothing, silently, bitterly: "If Tian Xingzong is finally destroyed by the more than one hundred immortals, Qin Shuang will die. Even if I die, the barbarians will be able to save, without bondage, Live freely on this continent. Even ... "

He glanced at Qin Shuangdao: "Even our barbarians will become the masters of this continent. But if you drove those immortals out, if I don't sign a contract easily, will our barbarians still have a way to go?"

"No!" Xu Kaiyun seriously said: "At that time, we will lead the human race to squash the barbarian. We have a peak of the earth lord, a nine-level human lord. It may take some time, but the barbarian will definitely disappear in the long river of history. . "

"Good!" Wuman Mountain nodded: "If you don't agree, you will be wiped out immediately. Yes, there is a vitality. Because the Baizu Tianzun may not come back. Even if you come, you may not be able to destroy you. Since you can drive away More than a hundred immortals have created miracles, then in the future when facing Tianzun, you may not be able to create miracles. Even if you are eventually destroyed by the hundred ancestors, our barbarians are also annihilated. It is not a little longer. Time?

I promised!

As long as you can drive away the more than 100 immortals, I promise to sign a contract. However, there must be one in the contract. If we, a barbarian, have a holy level in the future, the contract will automatically become void. "

Xu Kaiyun patted Wuman Mountain on the shoulder again, stood up, and looked at Qin Shuang proudly:

"Boss, how am I doing?"

Qin's mouth corners twitched. Who dares to guarantee that the barbarians will not be holy in the future?

One hundred million years, who is right about the things after hundreds of millions of years!

However, Qin Shuang nodded, a smile on his face said: "Great!"

"Boss, what shall we do next?" Xu Kaiyun asked enthusiastically.

"It's nothing for you. I'll go back to Zongmen first."

"Why wouldn't it be nothing for me?" Xu Kaiyun was anxious.

"Don't make trouble!" Qin Shuang seriously said: "I'm still a little sure when I go to Zongmen by myself. If I take you ... Even if there are Ao Jiong friends, the chance of falling is greater than the chance of entering Zongmen. I will put The three of them are handed over to you, and you will take care of them for me. "

"No, boss ..."

"This is not negotiated." Qin Shuangdao said: "Ao Jiong Daoyou, you are optimistic about him."

"Boss, what dangers have we not experienced together? You can't just abandon me ..."

"Shut up!" Qin Shuang sighed: "I was sneaking back, as long as I went back to Zongmen, there was a big array, I would be safe. I'm not in danger, but with you, how do you sneak back?

And it ’s very safe for you to stay here, why take the risk?

Rest assured, wait for me to go back, and I will notify you once I have a solution. "



"Okay!" Xu Kaiyun pulled his shoulders down, uneasy and unwilling.

At this time, Qin Shuang looked at those human races. Some familiar fairy emperors saw Qin Shuang looking over, and they all came over. Qin Shuang also greeted him and greeted everyone. Then he told Yuan Tong to be optimistic about Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen. Especially, he advised not to let Zhang Chuchen run out of his sight and then flew away.

Until Qin Shuang's body disappeared, Xu Kaiyun immediately said to Ao Jiong: "Ao Jiong, do you dragons have the kind of magical power that you can see from a distance?"

Ao Jiong took out a mirror and said: "There is magical power and I can't see that far, but I have a sky-viewing mirror here, but I can see the situation of Tian Xingzong over there."

"Hurry, hurry up." Xu Kaiyun urged, those human race fairy emperors, and Wuman Mountain also looked forward with hope.

Ao Jiong nodded his head and placed the sky-viewing mirror sacrifice in the air, then a top view appeared in the sky-viewing mirror. Ao Jiong explained while adjusting the top view in the sky mirror:

"This astronomical scope also has an observation range. It can only observe a radius of 50 million miles. If it exceeds this range, it will not be observed. Found."

Ao Jiong began to adjust the picture in the sky mirror, and soon the picture of Tian Xingzong appeared, clearly displayed in front of everyone.


Tuju is still deducing a large formation, and in front of him there are eight emperors to protect him, in case Tianxongzong suddenly shoots Zhuxian crossbow. Other Immortal Venerables are scattered around the Tian Xing Zong. Although there are more than a hundred Immortal Venues surrounding the vast Tian Xing Zong, each Immortal Venerable is very far apart. However, for Immortal Venerable, this distance is not far away, and very close, they can cross this distance in one step. The monk of Tianxingzong wanted to jump out of it, it was impossible.

Of course, if the monk Di Zong in the Tianxing Sect, even in the later period of the Zun Zun, there is also the possibility of escape. But what about after escaping?

But it is unable to get rid of more Di Zun chase.

Unless Tian Xingzong has Tianzun!

If Tian Xingzong had Heavenly Venerable, where would he stay in the Sect's Gate?

Qin Shuang hid far away in the thick clouds in the sky, circled around the Celestial Sect, and the mysterious knowledge spread out and swept across the bodies of the Immortals. Her ninety-nine percent of mysterious power made those Xianzun not discover her existence. After about half a day, Qin Shuang stopped, she found a breakthrough, that is a respectable person, only seven levels, two levels lower than her cultivation base.

The thick cloud layer exploded suddenly, Qin Shuang's figure blasted out like lightning, and the speed of the fire thunder wing was too fast. When the seventh floor of the person felt the danger, Qin Shuang was already close to him. Too.


Although there was only one sword sing, it shook the world, as if countless sword sings converged in one place.

Not bad!

In fact, it was countless swords. At that moment, Qin Shuang chopped out countless swords, and his figure passed by the seven-tiered figure of the person. Qin's feet stopped at the edge of the large array and turned to look The person who turned away from himself. But at this time, the left and right sides are close to the first floor and one nine floor, and they still come across the sky. In their field of vision, they saw the Seventh Floor of the Venerable Master, turned around in the direction of Qin Shuang, and looked at Qin Shuang with incredible shock.


Thank you very much seaphay (100) for the reward!



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