Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2668: Deterrence


Blood sprinkled like a flower from his body, his body shattered into countless pieces and fell towards the ground. The two dignified figures who are coming across the sky can't help but stagnate. At this time, they are no more than a kilometer away from Qin Shuang, and they can completely release the powerful Taoism. However, the two Di Zun did not shoot. The venerable seven-story powdered bone and Qin Shuang stopped and looked towards them with a relaxed look, both of which made their hearts dreaded and cautious.

"Shoot ..."

Immortal statues came across the sky and saw the leisurely complacent piano pair, and the broken body that was falling in the sky and had not been completely dropped on the ground. All of them stopped their bodies and looked at the piano alertly. double.

"Qin Shuang?" One Di Zun peak asked.

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded.

"You came out of the space crack?" The Di Zun peak looked surprised, and then turned to look around, looking for that space crack.

Instead of answering his words, Qin Shuang swept his eyes across the immortals and said coldly:

"I know what you are here for. You just haven't thought about it. What will you pay for doing this?"

"What's the cost?" The Di Zun pinnacle retreated from looking for space cracks and looked at Qin Shuang.

"The price of life."

"Puff puff……"

The debris of the seven-layer body of the deity fell to the ground at this time. Because the debris was not large, the sound was not loud, but it exploded beside the ears of the immortals like thunder.


The Di Zun gave a soft breath and suddenly punched Qin Shuang. The strange thing about this boxing is that the world seems to have become black and white, and the entire space has become frozen.

Black and white Venerable.

The nickname of this Di Zun pinnacle is the black and white Venerable, a space magical. Not to mention the leader in Di Zun, he is able to fight with Tian Zun on the first floor. He is the strongest of these batch of Xian Zun who came to besiege Tian Xing Zong.

Qin Shuang is right, all actions will bring consequences. There are two consequences of their actions, one is killing Qin Shuang, and the other is being killed by Qin Shuang.

However, he never thought of being killed by Qin Shuang. As long as Qin Shuang was killed, everything was over. And he is sure that this fist bombards Qin Shuang.

He is a Venerable of Space. This fist contains the magical power of space and condenses the space. Even if the large array behind Qin Shuang is only one step away, even if Qin Shuang wants to return to the large array, this black and white magic boxing can slow down the speed of Qin Shuang.

It doesn't need to be delayed for long, just a trace, and his black and white magic fist will bombard Qin Shuang on his body, smashing Qin Shuang into shattering.


A shocked look appeared on his face. The pair of pianos on the opposite side did not retreat, but a sword pierced towards him. Although his space magical power affected Qin Shuang's speed, but because Qin Shuang did not escape, but actively attacked, that sword finally greeted his black and white magic fist.


Qin Shuang released a bright light on the tip of the sword, and then the bright light broke away from the tip of the sword and greeted him with his black and white magic fist, and the light began to magnify.

That's ... a grinding disc!


The world grinding disc and the black and white magic fist collided in the air, and the black and white magic fist collapsed instantly. The body of black and white dignity was instantly sucked into it by the world grinding disc.

"Click ..."

Qin Shuang's body began to crack, and a trace of blood came out of the crack, and instantly became a blood man. Her eyes glanced over the other dumbfounded Xian Zun and said lightly:

"Guess, can I get another sword? Does anyone want to try it?"


The big grinding disc in the sky burst and shattered, and the body of the black and white Venerable fell like a broken sack towards the ground. A place with a glance at the figure, grabbed the black and white Venerable in his hand, swept his eyes, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

Although the black and white Venerable broke free from the world, but he lost half his life. He was completely comatose at this time. When he wakes up, I am afraid that cultivation will fall.

"Do you want to try it?"

Qin Shuang's eyes turned to the Di Zun who had seized the black and white Venerable, and there was a trace of confusion in the Di Zun's heart, and he could not help but retreat. After retreating, I felt that I had been humiliated, and my face flushed red.

"Hahaha ..."

Qin Shuang laughed loudly, bleeding irrespective of his body.

"Everyone, let's take your time. I will give you the Tianxing Sect one hundred times."

Qin Shuang took a step back and entered the large formation, his figure disappeared in front of Zhong Xianzun.

No one started, the fairy in the air was quiet. Everyone's face is very ugly. They found that just so many people had been threatened by Qin Shuang alone. No one dared to shoot Qin Shuang.

However, after glancing at the half-dead black and white Venerables who were carried in their hands, their hearts could not help raising a trace of fear.

Their hearts are very clear, as long as they swarm up, Qin Shuang will die.

However, there is a great possibility that Qin Shuang will pull one or two before he dies.

Who died?

No one wants to die!

Everyone thought so, so everyone did not dare to take action, so Qin Shuang calmly returned to the large formation and entered the Tianxingzong.

What next?

This is the most important question!

The black and white Venerable Venerable Pinnacle can't stop Qin Shuangyi Sword, can other Fairy Venerables stop it?


If you still spread out like before, each Xianzun monitors a range, isn't this giving Qin Shuang each chance to break it?

At that time, Qin Shuang left with a single blow ...

However, if you don't monitor, wouldn't you let the people of Tian Xingzong go in and out arbitrarily?

This will definitely not work!

These Immortal Venerables quickly negotiated, and they made a decision to still monitor Tian Xingzong at some distance, but they were farther away from Tianxingzong and did not give Qin Shuang a chance to shoot. Even if Qin Shuang wants to come out to kill a certain fairy, it has to span a distance. With the reaction time of this distance, the rest of the fairy can come over. And because they were farther away from Tianxingzong, they were able to cut Qin Shuang back to Tianxingzong. When the time comes, everyone rushes ...


The most important thing is to swarm!

At this time, don't carry any value, just swarming up, who will be dragged together by Qin Shuang and die by fate. In this way, Qin Shuang can certainly be killed.

One by one Xianzun dispersed with a heavy heart, extended the distance from Tianxingzong, and monitored Tianxingzong. But the mood is no longer as free as before, so high up before, overlooking the mood of Tian Xingzong.


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