Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2699: Guizong

If ... the dwelling can now break through ...

Endless killing intentions flashed in the eyes of Xianzun. A wild continent and a small sect on the wild continent made them embarrassed, and the small sect monarch threatened them, which made their hearts extremely Uncomfortable. If they can break through the large array, they will not only kill Qin Shuang, but also kill the Tianxingzong.

Returning to Xianzun in front of Tuju, seeing that Tuju is still completely immersed in the derivation, Qiang Zi's thought of awakening Tuju to ask, and looked sharply towards the direction of Tianxingzong .

Within the Tianxingzong.

There is a trace of mist floating in the air, which is a dense fairy spirit condensed into fog, a view of the fairy family.

Qin Shuang floated down from the air in a **** coat, and Bi Chongtian and Lie Tianxing rushed towards Qin Shuang with tears in their eyes. When they came out of Dongfu, they just saw Qin Shuang threatening those immortals. One who dared to speak out.

Originally Qin Shuang came back, it made them ecstatic, and suddenly had the backbone of the heart. Now that Qin Shuang is so strong in front of those immortals, it seems that he has been aggrieved for many years and finally saw the mother-in-law. Feel, all eyes are red.

Haizhen approached Qin Shuang and looked at the blood-stained Qin Shuang, worried that it would hit his heart:

"Sovereign, you ..."

"It's okay! Go back to Moon Peak first."


Mid-level small building.

The top executives of Tian Xingzong are standing outside the door. Before seeing Qin Shuang's high profile outside Tian Xingzong, the excitement and excitement in his heart have passed away, and all he left are deep worries. At this time, they recalled that the Sect Master was seriously injured! The whole body was cracked, like a broken porcelain man.

Is there no danger to life?

Won't it hurt the foundation?

It's just that Mid-level Xiaozhu is now shrouded in formation, and they don't know what the Sect Master is now. When the patriarch entered the small building in the middle of the mountain, he drove them out, and then opened the formation. With the passage of time, their mood became heavier and more anxious.

In fact, Qin Shuang at this time is sitting in the middle of Xiaoshan drinking tea. She had already cured the injury in the demon tower in the town, and she took a bath and ate a meal. She was sitting in front of the window on the second floor while drinking tea while looking at the monks outside.

There is the time flow rate of the demon tower in the town, but it is just less than half a quarter of an hour ago. Such a serious injury will heal within half a quarter of an hour. . I also thought about how to deal with the situation before me.

It is not difficult to chase away these immortals, she has a crossbow. However, it is difficult to wipe out all these immortals, almost impossible. After thinking for a long time, Qin Shuang had to give up this unrealistic idea. However, once there is a free fairy, it is estimated that the next visit is Tianzun.

It's getting harder and harder!

First of all, it is necessary to wipe out these immortals as much as possible. Then, you need to raise the big array a little bit more. The grade can't be improved, but watching the large array of Xu Ziyan laid out in Wangchuan Mountain has some enlightenment to her. She can add her own understanding of the six attributes to the big formation. In this way, although the quality of the Great Array has not been upgraded, it has become more complicated, and its power will also be improved.


This dwelling should be destroyed, so even if there are a large number of Tianzun coming next time, even if there is a grandmaster of the fairy array, there is no experience of the dwelling for decades. The big formation, I am afraid it will take a long time, and I am relatively safe to leave for a while.

Yes, she is preparing to leave for a while, to visit the holy places, and let the remaining four jade jade loose. The promised things must be done as soon as possible. And even if she stayed in Tianxingzong, it was useless. When Tianzun came, she was not an opponent at all. You can only stay in Zongmen and rely on large-scale defense, so it makes no difference whether you stay in Zongmen.

And she is now the ninth level of human respect, and only one level is necessary to consider the problem of breaking the dignity.

In fact, it should be considered now.

Therefore, she can't be nestled in the sect gate, she needs to go out to travel and understand in the travel. At the same time, I am also very interested in the four holy places. Perhaps in the four holy places, a small incident that happens to be able to enlighten me!

Qin Shuang calculated, even if some of these immortal venerables ran, they would return to their continent, it is estimated that it would take ten years, and then come from Tianzun, it would be ten years younger. After giving them time to break through, they can fully get back in time. And within a few years, Qin Shuang will definitely break through to the peak of human respect, and the rest of the time, once the epiphany, breakthrough to earth respect?

The strength of breakthrough Di Zun and Zun Zun is absolutely different, Qin Shuang will be a lot calm.

Three days later, Qin Shuang still wanted to stay in the half-moon Xiaozhu for a few days, but when he saw that Bi Chongtian and others were already restless, he had to withdraw his formation. As soon as the formation method was removed, Bi Chongtian and others outside Xiaoshan Xiaozhu felt it, and looked at Xiaozhu Xiaobanshan together, and then heard the voice of Qin Shuang coming from the second floor.

"come in!"

Bi Chongtian and others rushed into Mid-mountain Xiaozhu at the same speed as the strong wind, scraped up the stairs, and stood opposite Qin Shuang. A pair of eyes were fixed on the body. They looked up and down, and then spit out neatly. Tone. Secretly said:

"The Sect Master's health is so good, such a serious injury, just three days!"

"Let's sit down!" Qin Shuang smiled.

The relaxed people also showed smiles on their faces, and took the chairs from the storage rings one by one and sat down one after another. Qin Shuang's eyes swept across the crowd, and some sighed:

"I never thought that I would become a sect master in Immortal Realm, and I never thought that a small sect monastery on our barbaric continent would be besieged by hundreds of immortals. Do you say I should Be proud? "

Qin Shuang looked faint, not nervous or excited, as if talking about a trivial matter, which calmed the hearts of all the monks. Hunting Sky said:

"Sect Master, if a monk wants to grow up, he must face various crises, not to mention a sect? You have taken care of the sect very well, because we are useless."

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "You may not understand the situation. The Hundred Clan is rushing towards me. Because I am the Wuxing Linggen, they don't want the human race to have another person like Xu Ziyan grow up, they really look at me. It can be said that they want to stifle all the signs in the cradle. Of course, they are also bullying and afraid of being too hard to fight too Xuzong. "


Thank you very much seaphay (100) for the reward!




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