Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2705: Crossover

After Qin Shuang was away from Tianta City, he randomly searched for a barren land. Because she knows that the movements caused by her breakthrough will become uncovered even in the hidden place.

This is a wasteland, almost no grass, there are many terrible bugs on the ground, and its strength is not low. Qin Shuang couldn't help but sigh, it really lost the mainland!

At the moment when Qin Shuang fell on the ground, the terrifying bugs on the ground swarmed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took Huataixiang into the Zhenyao Tower, and then let go of the suppressed atmosphere.

"Bum ..."

The looting clouds in the sky hadn't appeared yet, and that kind of heavenly prestige descended from the sky. Those terrible bugs that were rushing towards Qin Shuang, immediately turned around and fled. And in the center shrouded by Tianwei, those terrible bugs were paralyzed on the ground and could not move at all.

"His hiss ..."

Dark clouds appeared in the sky and gathered towards the sky above Qin Shuang's head, and the sky began to darken.

Qin Shuang looked up at the sky, which was getting wider and wider, and more and more densely robbing clouds. He took out the Vientiane fruit suit and sacrificed out of the town demon tower.

Now Qin Shuang, apart from Zhenyao Tower, has nothing else to withstand the Heaven Tribulation! However, today's Zhenyao Tower is already an innate immortal treasure, so that Qin Shuang's heart is stable.

She doesn't know if the Zhenyao Tower can withstand the Heaven Tribulation when she breaks through the Heavenly Venerable in the future, but now it is only a breakthrough of the Heavenly Venerable.

After two quarters of the clock, the wilderness where Qin Shuang was located had become so dark that his fingers could not be reached.


There was a loud explosion. In the dark sky, there seemed to be a giant eye open, and there was a dazzling light in it, and countless mines and thunders would pour down from the inside.


It is countless thundermen, not when Qin Shuang broke through the respect period, but there were only a few thundermen. Now, the spotlight is the dense thundermen. Of course, there are more thunder soldiers than Thunder, who fell from the sky like a waterfall and drowned the town demon tower at once.

The Zhenyao Tower has been enlarged on the head of Qin Shuang, and the golden light hangs down, wrapping the Qin Shuang inside. Qin Shuang can always sit in the light curtain, waiting for Lei Jiang and Lei Bing to consume. But isn't such a catastrophe such as Baidu?

Heavenly Tribulation is a test for monks and a blessing to monks. It is a blessing for monks to quench their bodies with heavenly calamity.

This blessing, as long as it is not bombed to death, has two effects.

One effect is to eliminate the erysipelas and impurities accumulated in the monk's body, and the other is to quench the body of the monk, so that the monk's body can be strengthened.

Therefore, monks often break into three levels after breaking through.

The weakest level is to use a variety of defense fairy tools, such as Qin Shuang now, and use the Zhenyao Tower to perfectly defend against Heavenly Tribulation, so that Heavenly Tribulation will not touch your body at all.

However, such a result will cause the weakest monk.

Because such monks only reached the realm of Yuanshen Realm and Immortal Power, such as Qin Shuang, if Qin Shuang's current body strength is also the peak of human respect, this breakthrough has reached the realm of earth respect. But the strength of the body has not reached the Di Zun, it is still the peak of Zun Zun.

What will this result?

When Qin Shuang fights with a Di Zong who is in the same realm, both sides are attacked on his body by the other's Taoism at the same time. Because the opponent's body has the strength of a layer of Di Zun, at most it is slightly injured, but Qin Shuang will be seriously injured and even die of death because of the strength of Zun Zun's peak body.

Moreover, every time such a monk releases the power of Di Zun's power, it is a harm to himself, because his body strength does not reach that of Di Zun. When releasing the Da Zun Dao, the body cannot withstand the recoil. Gradually leaving a trace of dark wounds, when these dark wounds accumulate to a certain extent, burst out suddenly, there is a great possibility of falling. Not to mention the continued breakthrough, basically no further possibility is lost.

The second level is that the monk who crosses the Heaven Tribulation will more or less suffer from the Heaven Tribulation, so that his body strength can keep up with Yuanli cultivation. In other words, the monk broke through to the first level of Di Zun, and the strength of his body also increased to the first level of Di Zun.

This is a breakthrough in standards!

A monk who breaks through this standard will be able to withstand the recoil when releasing the Dzong Taoist Law, and will not leave a dark wound. Will not delay him to go further.

There are also surpassing this standard, the monks who cross the calamity, will try to withstand the heavenly calamity, use the heavenly calamity to temper themselves, so that their body strength exceeds Yuanli Xiuwei, such a monk is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that monks at this level can release the Taoism beyond their cultivation. For example, Qin Shuang's world grinding plate.

Therefore, Qin Shuang hopes that he can take advantage of this catastrophe to make his own strength stronger again.

Qin Shuang took out the five-element sword, shattered the thunder soldier thunder, and led the thunder into the space enveloped by the town demon tower, using the thunder to quench the body.

"Booming ..."

After all, she fell down, and really, the movement of Qin Shuangdu was too big, and some monks began to fly towards this side, but they all fell down far away, looking at the sky with shock in their faces. Robbery.

"This ... it seems that Tianzun Tribulation is not so powerful!"

Each monk was away from hundreds of miles again, and it was already determined in their hearts that the people who had robbed at this time must be in the sky. In other words, when the day of the robbery was over, a Tianzun was born!


In addition to the seven saints, Tianzun is a top-notch existence.

In fact, it is common sense for the saints not to show that Tianzun is the top-level existence. Every monk is extremely embarrassed about the existence of Tianzun. Because the monks who come here to watch now have no Heavenly Venerable, not even the Venerable Venerable, and there are very few human respects, because the monks of those levels have basically run away and lost their eyes.

Qin Shuang also saw the monks in the distance, and also clearly saw their cultivation behavior. He felt a little fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't break into the sky tower in the Tiantian Continent. If you make a breakthrough in Ditian in Butian Continent, this noise will definitely attract the attention of Tianzun, which is a trouble for Qin Shuang.

However, after losing the continent, Di Zun and Tian Zun are now losing their eyes. These onlookers will not pose any threat to her. Rest assured, Qin Shuang began to refine himself with all his heart.

When the twelfth Heavenly Tribulation came down, Qin Shuang had completely eliminated the erysipelas and impurities accumulated in his body, and began to refine the body to improve the strength of the body.

"Booming ..."


Thank you very much seaphay (100) for the reward!



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