Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2706: Encounter

After a round of sky-tribulation came down, more and more monks were watching around, their faces became paler, and fear grew in their hearts. This kind of heavenly catastrophe, they were smashed into gray in one round!

At this time, Qin Shuang is constantly improving the strength of the body. Although the process is painful, the result is gratifying.

When the last Sky Tribulation landed and Qin Shuang slowly wiped out Lei Binglei, her body strength was raised to the 6th floor of Di Zun.

Qin Shuang immediately put on a dress, moved Hua Taixiang out of Zhenyao Tower, and sat on Hua Taixiang ’s back. Hua Taixiang jumped out of the deep pit from the bombardment of Tiankai, He dived into the space node, disappeared without a trace in the vision of many monks, and even those monks didn't even see the face of Qin Shuang.

After running through several space nodes in a row, Qin Shuang will no longer let the flower too fragrant to shuttle nodes, and it is too dangerous to wear multiple nodes on the lost continent. Taking out the map and judging the direction, Huataixiang fell to the ground and galloped in the direction of the lost eyes.

Qin Shuang was a bit worried on Huataixiang's back.

Since Qin Shuang practiced, Qin Shuang's body strength has been one step higher than that of Yuan Li cultivation, so when Qin Shuang practiced, he basically didn't need to consider the body strength to keep up with Yuan Li cultivation. As long as her Yuanshen Realm is enough, Yuanlixiu is enough, and naturally it will be able to break through.


It's different now!

Her current strength is cultivated as the first floor of earth respect, and her body is cultivated as the sixth floor of earth respect. This has never happened before. For example, when Qin Shuang's Yuan Li Xiu broke through to the first level of human respect, his worst body was also the first level of earth respect. Therefore, when Qin Shuang's Yuan Shen Xiu and Yuan Li Xiu reached the breakthrough to Di Zun, they didn't need to consider the problem of the strength of the body at all.

However, her main body is now only six levels of Di Zun, and now for Qin Shuang, there is no better way to improve the main body for this practice, even if it enters the thunder layer in the sky, for her Help is minimal and negligible.

So, how do other monks do it?

Water mill time!

That is, a certain amount of time must be poured out every day to use the fairy energy to wash your body, improve your body strength, and keep your body strength up to your own strength.

Is it effective?


But it is really a water milling time. For example, when they are the first layer of human respect, in addition to comprehend the avenue every day, accumulate fairy power, but also wash the body. Only the effect is very slow.

Or how to say, a monk who wants to break through to the earth lord, the unit is millennia, ten thousand years, or even one hundred thousand years.

Of these three items, the easiest is the accumulation of elemental forces, followed by the improvement of the body, and the most difficult is the comprehension of the avenue.

However, now Qin Shuang's situation is that she has a clear direction for the realization of Dadao. Now she has merged dark attributes into 50%. What she has to do in the future is to integrate the dark attributes into the Yuanshen tenfold. When she completely integrates the dark attributes within the Yuanshen, her Yuanshen realm reaches the peak of the Earth Lord.

In other words, before she practiced to the peak of Di Zun, there were basically no bottlenecks, as long as she understood the anxiety step by step.

Before, Qin Shuang was confused, and did not know where he was heading?

Now that the direction is determined, it is relatively simple for Qin Shuang.


It is relatively simple, as long as you continue to merge the dark attributes!

However, this is not easy. Otherwise, it will not be the most difficult of the three! However, Qin Shuang is confident that she will not be a burden for her own cultivation and improvement. She also has a supplementary Tiandan, and a December fruit. She can also go to the Tianta. Therefore, it is not so difficult for Qin Shuang to merge dark elements, but it is a little bit more difficult than accumulating Yuanli. Instead, refining her body became the most difficult point to slow down her ascension.

She believes that her cultivation practice will soon be promoted to the sixth floor of Di Zun, but at this level, cultivation practice is consistent with the strength of the body. If the strength of the body had not been raised to the 7th floor of Di Zun, Qin Shuang would never dare to repair Yuan Li to the 6th floor of Di Zun.


Qin Shuang couldn't help but sigh. If there is really no other way, just rely on water milling time, Qin Shuang feels that for thousands of years, he really may not be able to increase the strength of the body to the peak of Di Zun, let alone break through Tian Zun.

not to mention……

Today, Qin Shuang still has no effect on how to break through to Tianzun.

"I need to pour out time every day to wash my body."

Qin Shuang sat on Hua Taixiang's back and ran away in the direction of lost eyes. Every morning, she would practice once and accumulate vitality. During the day, he will sit on the back of the flower too fragrant, and when he is on the road, merge the dark attributes. At night, the body will be washed with fairy energy.

Every day is such a regular life. When she passed the Tianta City, she did not enter the city, but went around the city and ran in the direction of the lost eyes.

The flower is too fragrant, even if it is rushing on the ground, the speed is very fast. From time to time to catch up with some monks who went to the lost eyes, but Qin Shuang was indulging in the fusion of dark attributes, and the speed of the flowers was too fast. They all rushed past the monks, and the two sides did not intersect.

On this day, Qin Shuang passed by a group of monks again, but suddenly heard a voice:

"Sister Qin!"

Qin Shuang turned his head and saw Gao Yunzheng running towards himself happily. Qin Shuang jumped from Hua Taixiang's back and said:


"Well!" Gao Yun nodded excitedly: "My brother and I have been breaking through for more than a month. The two of us have inquired about you, but we did not hear from you. Then we left Tianta City."

"Qin Fairy!" At this time, Gao Yin also came to Qin Shuang and offered her a gift.

Qin Shuang wanted to return the gift, one of his arms was still held by Gao Yun. He smiled apologetically and said:


"Tong Xi, Qin Fairy should also break through?"

"Well! It's just a short break! Are those members of your team?" Qin Shuang asked softly when he saw six monks walking towards them.

"Not really!" Gao Yin said: "My sister and I went to the Lost Eyes. These Dao friends met on the way and came together."

At this time, the six monks also came to the front. Gao Yun acted as an introducer, introduced the two sides, and then shook Qin Shuang's arm:

"Sister Qin, let's be together."

"it is good!"


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