Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2710: Cocoon stripping

It's just that although this speed is much faster than the capture rule in Xianjie, Qin Shuang still feels slow. In the end, Qin Shuang decided that he would hurry up every day during the day, catching debris and locks by the way, and stopping at night.

The reason for this is that the rule of rushing and collecting for a whole day in the day is so non-stop and simple, and all three people consume a lot, especially Gao Yin and Gao Yun need to adjust interest rates at night to recover. Otherwise, once you encounter some slightly powerful danger, there is a possibility of falling. Qin Shuang can use this time to enter the town demon tower, use the time flow rate in the town demon tower, extract the dark attribute law silk captured for half a day, and weave into his original law.


The three men stopped and Qin Shuang sacrificed the market. Then the three people entered the set, and the piano sat cross-legged, starting the other set-ups in the set, separating themselves from Gao Yun ’s siblings, so that the two could not see and could not perceive themselves . This made Gao Yin's brothers and sisters restless for a moment, and then settled down. Every monk has his own secret. Qin Shuang can let his two brothers and sisters follow. This is already a big sentiment. Is n’t it reasonable to not let him discover Qin Shuang ’s secret?

And they also know that curiosity will kill, and when they know the secrets of others, it may be the moment of death. Therefore, the two sisters, Anne, lived with the curiosity in their hearts and honestly regained their interest rates. When two hours or so, his state returned to the peak, began to extract the law silk, weaving law.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin Shuang is extracting the fragments of the law, which is equivalent to re-stripping the cod. Law chain.

The time flow rate in the town demon tower is more than a thousand times outside, and this is only the first day that Qin Shuang entered the lost eye. The rule fragments encountered are not too much, and she only extracts the dark attribute rule And, there are not many fragments of dark property rules or locks. So just within a few days of the town demon tower, the dark attribute rule fragments and locks collected during the day were completely extracted, and then weaved and merged into their own original rules.

How many chains does Qin Shuang have now?

Ten thousand and one, but within a few days in the town demon tower, she just completed the fusion of a rule and possessed a rule of seven attributes. This is because she has too few rules of dark attributes.

"There are 10,000 more! Only then can we begin to improve our cultivation base!"

With a sigh, Qin Shuang came out of the Zhenyao Tower and used the fairy spirit to wash his body, raising his body strength slightly, but this slow increase made Qin Shuang very weak.

However, the situation became better in the following days. The space in this lost eye was very large and boundless. At least so far, Qin Shuang did not know where the limit of this space was. But as they went deeper, they found that the rule fragments became more and more. Relatively speaking, the rule locks, incomplete and complete rule chains, not only did not have more, but became less.

This let Qin Shuang know two results.

One is that as they go deeper, the fragments of the law, the locks of the law, the incomplete and complete chains of the law must be more and more, now they are just entering the edge of the lost eye, and the space of this lost eye is endless, imaginable, with How deep will it go as you go deeper!

What if you get to the center of the lost eye?

Will there be too many places to stay?

The second inferred result is that the reason locks, incomplete and complete law chains we see now are not much, but the opposite is rare, because they were all captured by the previous monks.

More than a hundred years have passed since the birth of the lost eye. There are hundreds of millions of monks who have entered here, and they are basically law monks. This is like the locust border. You can imagine that those laws will be locked and the chain of laws will be captured. To what degree?

The reason why those law fragments are looking more and more is because no monk can see them, no monks can grab them, and they are not willing to waste time on the law fragments, all aiming to directly grasp a complete chain of laws and refine them directly. , Such a rapid improvement. And the rule fragments are useless. The only thing that can be done is to strip the rule fragments and cocoon, and then weave again. How much time is wasted?

With the shortcut of direct refining and chemical chains, who would do the hard things?

Therefore, it is only when monks do not pay attention to the fragments of the law that it causes more and more fragments of the law.

However, the three people of Qin Shuang need it, and it is really easy for them to catch the fragments of the law. Therefore, the three places they went through was also a rule of fragmentation, Gao Yin and Gao Yun were okay. They just selected water attribute rule fragments, but Qin Shuang did not have taboos, all attribute rule fragments were charged. Therefore, the three of them walk side by side, separated by several miles, so that they can see each other and help each other when they are in danger. And it won't **** rule fragments from each other. Going all the way, the fragments of laws around yourself are your own.

Qin Shuang's experience is not like Gao Yin and Gao Yun at all, but he also has to find his own water property law fragments from countless law fragments. Qin Shuang didn't distinguish at all, as long as he saw the fragments of the law, he united the big hands of Yuan Yuan, grabbed it in a leak-free manner, and brought it into the realm. Because Qin Shuang has a feeling that he now only needs the law of dark attributes, but after he completes the ten thousand and one laws, he must weave new laws to improve his cultivation. At that time, the seven rules of water, fire, earth, light and darkness were needed. The most important feeling was that she felt that if she wanted to break through to Heavenly Venerate, she might need to integrate new attributes, such as wind, thunder, time, or space. By that time, if she had left her lost eyes, where would she look for these fragments of law?

Therefore, she will now capture the fragments of these laws and store them in her own realm.

Time passed day by day, they only met other monks occasionally, but it was really too big to lose their eyes. When hundreds of millions of monks came in, it was like a spray thrown into the sea. The direction is difficult to encounter. However, Qin Shuang is convinced that as everyone moves towards the center of the lost eye, they will eventually come together.


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