Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2711: A flash of light

Those monks encountered saw that Qin Shuang and the three of them just collected the fragments of the law, and ignored them. In such a place, everyone has their own purpose. The three people of Qin Shuang only collect the law fragments, and they have no conflict of interest with them. Of course, they are not willing to provoke trouble, but they do not hinder. Double three people.

Qin Shuang and San will naturally ignore them, because they just collect the fragments of the law, which is much faster than those monks fighting with the law chain, and they quickly leave the monk they met behind.

Does Qin Shuang do not want to grasp the complete rule?

Of course I want!

Although it is much harder to strip a ruled chain of silk and pull cocoons than to strip a ruled piece of silk, but it is possible to completely decompose a complete chain of rules, which is a deep understanding of a complete road. It is not comparable to break up a rule fragment. However, Qin Shuang knew that as he went deeper, he must encounter more and more chains of law, and there was no need to compete with other monks in this periphery.

The fragmentation of the received law increases, so that the speed of Qin Shuang to fill the dark attribute begins to increase. One month later, there are already 1,268 seven-attribute laws among the ten thousand and one laws in the Qin Shuangyuan God. This is because there are too few fragments of the dark attribute rule. Qin Shuang did not make full use of the time in the town demon tower every night, and consumed the dark attribute rule captured during the day. Moreover, with the decomposition and weaving day by day, Qin Shuang became more and more proficient. On the first day, Qin Shuang still needed to be in the town demon tower for a few days to be able to perfectly integrate a rule. And now it just takes less than an hour.

However, Qin Shuang also encountered a problem, that is, to decompose and merge the dark attributes, which had little help for her understanding of the dark attributes.

Qin Shuang knew that if he wanted to get this quicker understanding further, the fragmentation of the decomposition rule was no longer valid, and he should have decomposed the rule.

"Start fighting for the rule lock today!"

Qin Shuang made up her mind. In fact, this month, she also received a lot of law locks, even incomplete and complete law chains. Because of the fragmentation of these laws, the chains of laws and chains of laws are flowing, even if they are caught by the monks in front, after those monks leave, there will be new flows. It ’s just that there are n’t many of them. After all, they were caught.

Seven days later.

Qin Shuang paused, Gao Yin and Gao Yun quickly returned to Qin Shuang's side, they saw a large number of monks. These monks are the law monks from the fairy king to the peak of the fairy emperor, and in Qin Shuang's field of vision, there are a lot of law fragments, as much as dust.

Although most of these laws are floating in the air one by one, half in the air, some even roll on the ground and hover. However, there are also many law fragments that come together according to attributes, forming various forms.

For example, the fragments of the metal law converge into various weapons, and even the appearance of various creatures. The fragments of the water law converge into the forms of streams, rivers, waterfalls, and creatures.

Of course, among these rule fragments, there are also a few rule locks, incomplete and complete rule chains. The law chain is somewhat stronger for the monks of the fairy king to the fairy emperor. Most monks are robbing the law lock, and some monks team up to capture the law chain. There are still a few monks who capture fragments of the law, and almost all are fairy kings. Because it is not so easy for monks in the realm of immortal king to catch the lock of law.

Gao Yin and Gao Yun's eyes flashed with excitement. The two of them are different from Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang has the Zhenyao Tower. For more than a month, for Qinhuang that can use the Zhenyao Tower, even if it is only used Every night is equivalent to more than 500 months, so the fragmentation of the law has no help for her comprehension. However, Gao Yin and Gao Yun have only really passed more than a month, and the help of the law fragments has just begun, and they have a huge effect.

Previously, because the law fragments were scarce, there were fewer law fragments from which to find water properties.

However, it is different now!

There are too many fragments of water law in front of us, such as those that converge into streams, rivers and waterfalls, and even creatures, which are all fragments of water law, and there are not many monks fighting for it, even if they are fighting for it. Immortal king realm, in front of the two of them, is simply not qualified to grab.

Gao Yin licked his lips: "Fairy Qin, we want to collect some pieces of law here."


Qin Shuang nodded, but her eyes fell on a huge waterfall, which was completely made up of fragments of water property laws and rapped down. At this moment, Qin Shuang's heart suddenly appeared, and she wondered whether she could use the waterfall to wash her body to improve her body strength?

"Sister Qin, what do you think of that waterfall?" Gao Yun asked.

Qin Shuang did not conceal his thoughts: "I was wondering if I could use the waterfall where the fragments of the law gathered to temper the body?"

Gao Yun and Gao Yin couldn't help but grow their mouths in shock. Both of them can easily capture the fragments of the law, but it does not mean that their bodies can withstand the erosion of the waterfall of the law. Just like an ordinary mortal, he can easily scoop water from a river, but you let him stand under a waterfall to try?

There is only one result, and that is death!

Gao Yin and Gao Yun are human respects, but even the ontology of the human race cannot withstand the erosion of the regular waterfall.

"Sister Qin ..." Gao Yun stammered: "It's too dangerous!"

"You two will collect the fragments of the law, let me try."

When Qin Shuanghua fell, he rushed towards the waterfall. Wherever he passed, he collected the rule fragments around him, including the rule lock, and smoothly collected a rule chain.

Qin Shuang was standing in front of the waterfall. At this time there were a group of fairy kings in front of the waterfall. When the waterfall fell to the ground, the debris of law would splash around, and the monks would collect the debris of law. Qin Shuang eyes glanced at them, exuding Di Zun's breath, and said lightly:

"You change places!"

Under the pressure of Qin Shuang, the immortal kings were suddenly thrilled and flew away toward the distance. There are also streams, rivers, and water-attribute creatures. Give up the waterfall side, is there no place to grab the debris of water-property laws?

However, they also looked at Qin Shuang from a distance. They were wondering, what did this powerful monk drive them away?


Thank you very much seaphay (100) for the reward!



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