Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2712: break out

Such a powerful monk should not be interested in the fragments of law!


Gao Yin and Gao Yun fell beside Qin Shuang. Gao Yin said: "Qin Fairy, we are here to collect the law fragments and protect you by the way."

Qin Shuang nodded. It is of course good for two people to protect themselves, and there are only two of them. They receive four splashes of law fragments, which has no effect on her practice.

Qin Shuang let Zhenyao Tower squeeze a 10,000 fresh fruit in her stomach, and then jumped into the waterfall, letting the fragments of law wash his body under the waterfall, while practicing jade body quenching Body tips.

"Booming ..."

Dense pieces of water property law bombarded her, her body began to crack, and the erosion of Dadao law began to change the body of Qin Shuang. If the body was repaired from the inside out, Qin Shuang felt that his body was rapidly rising.


Qin Shuang was overjoyed. The price she paid was only pain and abnormal pain. However, Qin Shuang's experience did not know how many extreme pains she encountered. Her cultivation practice was not top in the fairy world, but the bearing capacity was absolutely top. There is another price, which is the consumption of Vientiane fruit. Fortunately, she has the town demon tower, the Vientiane fruit accumulated a lot.

"His ..." Gao Yun could not help but take a breath. "Sister Qin really can bear it!"

Gao Yin also changed his color, lowering his voice and saying, "I am afraid that Qin Fairy is not just Di Zun, maybe Di Zun is in the late stage."

"It's awesome!" A small star appeared in Gao Yun's eyes, a look of admiration.

"Okay, let's collect the law fragments while protecting the law." Gao Yindao said: "Here are the water property law fragments. With these law fragments, maybe we will soon reach the peak of human respect and Qin Dao friends. Together, when the time comes we can ask her how to break through Di Zun. "

"Yeah, let's hurry!"

Gao Yin and Gao Yun brothers and sisters, while protecting the piano for the two, began to grab the water splashing law fragments.

At this time, the monks who were driven away by Qin Shuang gave Qin Shuang a dreadful look, and immediately looked away, even daring to look at it.

Too cruel!

Actually, the fragments are used to quench the body. If I stand under the waterfall, I am afraid that it will become gray in an instant!

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Forty-two days later, Qin Shuang's body was upgraded to the seventh floor of Di Zun. Qin Shuang felt that the waterfall was still effective for himself, so he continued to practice here. The cultivation of Gao Yin and Gao Yun also came to the second floor of Zun Zun.

Shangyuan mainland.

Forget the mountain.

The news of the lost continent has not yet come from the lost continent. Why is the lost continent a very large continent? When Qin Shuang first entered the lost continent, the original inhabitants of the lost continent encountered did not know the lost eye. It was only later that I entered the larger city and learned of this news. I am afraid it will take a long time for this news to be reported to the mainland.

At this time, there are fewer and fewer people coming here to search for the Chuanshan Mountain, but Qin Ying still stays here, where he is struggling to comprehend the battlefield and wants to crack the large battlefield set up by Xu Ziyan.

However, this is the big formation of Xu Ziyan!

In fact, Qin Ying's comprehension of Zhen Dao is very close to Xu Ziyan. However, Xu Ziyan laid out this big array, and its profundity is not only the array, but also her understanding of Heavenly Dao as a holy priest.

This is no longer a big battle, but Xu Ziyan's understanding of heaven and the world is what constitutes a world.

Therefore, the more Qin Ying studied, the more deduced, the more comprehended, the more confusion in her heart, because this is no longer within the scope of the lineup, and her cultivation is less than the Holy Class, it is impossible to comprehend these.

But she didn't know that she still thought it was not enough for her understanding of the battlefield. She was still studying hard, and slowly she began to accumulate irritability between her eyebrows, and the magic in her heart jumped.

She couldn't recognize this, but she had been observing her chaos from the edge of the chaotic zone in the distance, but slowly realized this.

Chaos' understanding of the battle line is very low, but he is a saint-level monk. He tried continuously through Qin Ying here. He saw a trace of saint-level shadow and thought slowly, so he guessed the reason and gently With a sigh:

"It seems impossible to use Qin Ying to crack the array!"

"But how do you force Xu Ziyan out now?"

Chaos was very curious about Xu Ziyan what they were doing inside. He didn't think that Xu Ziyan and their holy priests were bored, something must have happened.

He has been sitting here looking at Qin Ying for more than ten years, and he has been thinking about the reasons. So far, he thinks nothing more than two reasons.

One is that there are things that attract Xu Ziyan and other holy class monks, and the other reason is that Xu Ziyan's holy class monks have an accident.

Whatever the reason, he desperately wants to know.

Call the Chaos Beast to attack that big formation?

Not working!

The large array of this level, which is a collection of all Chaos clan attacks, is also unbreakable. And it's not that the more Chaos you gather, the greater the power. Because that large formation is so large, it will limit the number of Chaos monks attacked.

Do you want to confuse hundreds of people without chaotic beasts?

The result is the same as the Chaos clan, it is impossible to break through the violence!

Since they can't attack, they can only lead them out.

How can we lead out the holy priests such as Xu Ziyan?

"How can it be brought out?"

The figure of chaos disappeared, traveling between the Shangyuan mainland and the Bai nationality.

After a few days.

The figure of chaos appeared in the sky above Taixu Sect, hiding in the space. In the past few days, he has traveled dozens of continents, learned of the suspicions of the Bai Clan on the Seven Saints, and learned that the Bai Clan is negotiating whether to send messengers to contact other races to wage war against the human race on the Shangyuan Continent.

"Stupid creatures!" Chaos looked at the Taixuzong below: "The creatures in this space actually want to kill each other, which ... but that's great. But they seem to be a little hesitant, then I'll add them Fire! "

A month later.

The Star Continent, the Lost Continent, the Sky Continent, the Bright Continent and the Giant Continent, wars broke out again on the five continents, but this outbreak of war is different from before. The chaos that the previous chaos went through was an indiscriminate attack. Seeing villages attacking villages, seeing towns attacking towns, anyway, as long as monks and buildings are found, they attack.


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