Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2713: Ontology

But this time, the Chaos clan used from all sides ignored the monks at all, unless there were monks standing on the road they passed, or actively attacking them, they didn't even pay attention to the buildings.

Starlight Continent.

Vertical Star City.

The moat has been opened, and the city master and eight thousand monks stand on the head of the city, looking dignifiedly into the distance.

I saw the smoke on the ground in the sky, and soon the ground was covered by Chaos, and the endless Chaos filled their eyes.

Above the city head, the faces of the eight thousand monks became pale, and the look of despair appeared in their eyes. Because they knew that such a huge chaotic family, the moat array of the Chuxingxing City could not resist it at all. I am afraid that they would not be able to block half a quarter of an hour, and they would collapse suddenly, and these monks would eventually fall in this war.

"Booming ..."

The earth trembles in the distance, chaotic beasts are running on the ground, and chaotic races are flying in the sky.

Cover the sky!

Coming towards the vertical star city!

Many monks have closed their eyes in despair!


Instead of hearing the sound of the vertical star city being attacked, they heard the rumble of hoofs rumbling from both sides of the vertical star city. They could not help opening their desperate eyes, and then became dull.

In their field of vision, those Chaos did not attack the vertical star city, even did not even look at it, and ran like flowing water from both sides of the vertical star city, and then went away.

It wasn't until dusk, when the last Chaos beast disappeared from their vision, they broke free from the tension, the sweat suddenly came out like a stream, one by one felt their legs are soft, and even some people buttocks Sat on the ground.

"What are they?"

However, their hearts are more confused, they do not understand, why do these Chaos clan ignore them?

The main star of Vertical Star City followed his eyebrows with a trace of worry in his eyes: "Looking at the direction they are going to, it should be Tiangong!"

"Tian Gong?"

Eight thousand monks shake their hearts!

This happened in all directions of the Starlight Continent. Countless Chaos came from all directions, but they did not attack the monks or the buildings. They just ran in the direction of the Tiangong. This let the monks of the entire Starlight Continent know one thing. This time the Chaos tribe seems to be only aimed at the Holy Land Temple.

At the same time, things are happening on the Star Continent on the Lost Continent, the Sky Continent, the Bright Continent and the Giant Continent. And the news was chaotically spread to every continent in less than ten days.

The news shocked the hundreds of people and ecstatic them.

The reason why they still have n’t decided to contact monks from other continents, and at the same time fight against the human races of Shangyuan Continent, is because they are worried about the star continent, the lost continent, the patched continent, the bright continent and the giant continent. Continent of monks.

They can form an alliance. Isn't the Saint-level priests an alliance?

If these five continents also fought against them when they were fighting against the Yuan, they would put them in a disadvantageous situation.

Not to mention that they have dozens of continents and endless monks, but there are few top monks. After all, they don't have holy monks. On the continent with sacred priests, there are sacred priests' instructions, so there will naturally be more heavenly venerable. The five Holy-class continents and the Shangyuan Continent Alliance, which makes the hundreds of people worry.

However, it is different now!

Beast tide broke out in the five continents!

Bai people are excited!

This is a holy place for the five continents, and it is not the temptation they initiated.

It is conceivable that the Chaos of the entire continent are attacking a holy land. Can those holy places stop it?

If it is the Taixu Sect of Shangyuan mainland, it is very likely to be able to stop it. But what about other great places ...

Can't resist at all!


Is this true?

Where did it spread?

It is impossible for a large continent to investigate the source of the news. However, these monks also have a way to directly send a team of monks to the five continents and take a look at them in person. Although such a round trip will take nearly two decades, the most important thing is time. Twenty years for the monks of their level, it is just a white horse.

As for the matter of Tian Xingzong and Qin Shuang, they have been thrown aside. With the Chaos clan attacking the five holy sites, it is no longer necessary to hunt Qin Shuang to test the reaction of the seven holy men. Of course, Tian Xingzong must kill their enemies of human and dignity.

This is a face, not to lose!

They were killed by the dregs of a garbage continent. If they did not retaliate back, their race would be regarded as a soft egg. Once they gave the impression of other races, they would occupy Shangyuan mainland After the suppression of the human race, when you spread cakes, your race will be bullied and your race will suffer. At that time, if you fight again, you may be united by other races and destroy your own race!

Therefore, from the beginning, it is necessary to show the toughness of their own race, so that all races know that their race is not easy to provoke. Once it provokes, it will pay a great price.

How do you give this impression to other races?

Quite simply, Tian Xingzong must be destroyed, Qin Shuang must die!

And they think this matter is very simple, Qin Shuang can use some kind of mysterious fairy device to kill Venerable Master and Di Venerable King. But it is absolutely impossible to kill Tianzun!


In their view, in addition to the holy level, Tianzun is already standing on the pinnacle of fairyland, only Tianzun can kill Tianzun.

Is Qin Shuang Tianzun?

Does Tian Xingzong have Tianzun?

Is there a Tianzun in the Barbaric Continent?

Therefore, as long as a Tianzun is sent to the past, you can destroy the Tianxing Sect and kill Qin Shuang.

Don't worry!

It is not too late to wait for the monks who have gone to the five holy land continents to bring back accurate information, and then pack up the piano. In their eyes, Qin Shuang and Tian Xingzong are just an ant that can be pinched to death, but now they are just not in the mood for reason.

Lost eyes.

There was a trace of frustration between Qin Shuang's eyebrows. She has been practicing under this waterfall for half a year, and her body strength has now reached the eighth peak of Di Zun. But life and death can not surpass the nine layers.

She knows that the power of this waterfall is not enough, if there is a bigger waterfall ...

This is simply not around here, this waterfall is already the biggest!

Qin Shuang stepped out of the waterfall and fell beside Gao Yin and Gao Yun. He looked up and down with two smiles:

"Congratulations to the two, they have already respected the third floor!"


Thank you very much bookmates 20200506181029602 (500), seaphay (100) for the reward! *



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