Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2721: bottleneck

In Qin Shuang entered the sixth year of lost eyes. Her cultivation has been elevated to the sixth floor of Di Zun.

Nowadays, around Qin Shuang, it is almost difficult to see the rule fragments. Most of them are rule locks, the remaining small parts are incomplete rule chains, and occasionally I see a complete rule chain.

The speed of Qin Shuang's advancement began to decrease, because the chain of catching the law still required some means for Qin Shuang. Moreover, Qin Shuang is not like other monks. Other monks just choose the locks and chains that suit their own attributes. The locks and chains that do not meet their own rules are simply given up. And Qin Shuang is no matter what the rules of the lock and the chain of the rules, all will not let go, here let her move forward a lot slower.

Over the past year, many monks have surpassed her from both sides of her. For her, it was a greedy act to others, and all shook her head.

This day.

Qin Shuang was collecting the chain of the law, and suddenly stopped, looking towards the left front, and saw that there were five monks walking from the left front. Qin Shuang instantly felt the killing intention from that direction. Turning her head, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw the monk who had collided with her realm half a year ago.

"It seems to have found a helper to get revenge!"

Qin swept away two monks in two directions. The monk who collided with her was still the third floor of Di Zun. Qin Shuang was able to rise so quickly because of the time flow rate in the Zhenyao Tower, but actually in the Zhenyao Tower, She pulls the silk and peels cocoons and weaves the chain of laws, and it takes more than a day for each one. Even if that Di Zun is the same as her savvy, for about half a year, he will weave about 2,000 chains of laws, and it is naturally impossible to improve the breakthrough.

The other four monks, one has four floors, two have five floors, and one has six floors.

The five men came violently, but suddenly stopped hundreds of miles apart. The eyes of the Sixth Floor of the Di Zun flashed, and suddenly he turned to look at the Third Floor of the Di Zun and said angrily:

"Don't you say that she only has the second floor?"

"I ... when I met her, it was the second floor of Di Zun."

The eyes of the Sixth Floor of the Di Zun flashed. With the strength of their five, he firmly believed that he could beat Qin Shuang, but Qin Shuang wanted to escape. And once Qin Shuang escaped, and was still a must-have master, they would have to be careful in the future.

As Di Zun, he must be a decisive person, but in a moment, he has a decision in his heart.


If you don't stay, turn around and go!

Qin Shuang was relieved in her heart. She has only two purposes now, one is to comprehend the avenue, improve her cultivation, and the other is to find the way to leave. Where can she find time and energy to fight needlessly?

Qin Shuang went straight as if he didn't see them.

Originally thought that in two years, he would break through to the peak of Di Zun, but Qin Shuang found that the further the road, the harder the comprehension of the avenue, even if there are law locks and law chains to pull off the cocoon, the original principle of pulling the cocoon is There will be some comprehension, but now there is only a trace of comprehension even if we take five or six.

Qin Shuang gave up the lock of the principle of threading and cocooning and began to chain the principle of threading and cocooning. Although she now captures incomplete law chains, the contained avenues are qualitatively different from the law locks. Of course, the time and effort spent on pulling the cocoon chains has increased by a factor of ten.

In this way, year after year, Qin Shuang didn't encounter another monk to intercept him, because at this time she had entered the place where the chain of laws converged. At the point of entry, almost all are incomplete law chains, sometimes with complete law chains, or very few law locks.

This is not only a pressure on Qin Shuang, but also a great pressure on any monk. Because they are not facing a chain of laws, they need to target several or even dozens of chains of laws at the same time. Who still has the mood to kill others?

And, if you want to kill, can you kill?

What should I do if I have been counter-killed or someone else has profited?

On the contrary, he was approached several times by other monks who wanted to team up with Qin Shuang and hunt the chain together, but Qin Shuang refused.

She has the secret of the town demon tower and doesn't want to get too close to others. Even if it is not used in front of others, it is separated by a plate. However, others see that their cultivation is growing so fast, they also have doubts.

Moreover, Qin Shuang has only reached the 6th level of Di Zun, and the combat effectiveness has not reached the level he deserves. Just because cultivation is too fast, she needs to fight to improve. And here is not only a place where the chain of hunting rules, but also a place to fight.

These chains of laws are not one by one. They have the chains of laws combined into various shapes, and even have the shapes of monsters and monks. The power is amazing. Qin Shuang hopes that he can cope with himself alone and expose himself to the greatest pressure before he can stabilize his vain realm in the shortest time.

Teaming up with others and sharing the pressure will only extend the process and delay time.

So, is there any danger to life?

Of course, Qin Shuang has seen it many times. Many monks fell and died, and the laws in the body were released from the broken Yuanshen like fireworks.

However, Qin Shuang still has some confidence. After all, her body is a layer of Tianzun, and she has a five-element armor. Even if you are in danger, you have the opportunity to escape. It is basically impossible to get killed by a single blow.

At the very least, it is temporarily impossible.

Of course, if you continue to go deeper to the depth that Weiji said, everything is hard to say.

In this way, from the moment Qin Shuang entered the lost eye, Qin Shuang finally broke through to the tenth peak of Di Zun in the past 13 years. There is a chain of 100,000 laws in Yuanshen.

At this level, Qin Shuang's cultivation practices are beyond mention. Even if she has as many chains of law, she can't pull the cocoon, because her primordial spirit can no longer hold a chain of law. If you want to accommodate the chain of laws again, the primal spirit must expand.

This is the bottleneck facing Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang must break through to Tianzun before he can further improve his cultivation. Without breaking through Tianzun, it is impossible to expand the Yuanshen, and there is no way to accommodate the chain of laws.

Qin Shuang still went straight to the central bank in the eyes of her loss. She didn't move fast. In fact, she couldn't think too fast. At this time, Qin Shuang encountered the chain of rules, and there were very few incomplete ones. Most of them were complete chains of laws. The complete chain of laws, Qiwei was more than a hundred times larger than the chain of incomplete laws. For most of the day, Qin Shuang is almost fighting. How can this speed get faster?

However, it also has the advantage that Qin Shuang's state is stable a little bit. Once it has completely settled down, Qin Shuang is a true peak of Di Zun.


Thank you so much for Ziyan's dreams (300), seaphay (100), Great Sword King III (100), and blue magic stone (100)!



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