Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2722: Practice

Every night, Qin Shuang will release a set, while defending, it also shields his breath. Those chains of law will not attack her. However, Qin Shuang did not enter the town demon tower, because it is no longer useful to enter the town demon tower again. Every night, she thinks about how to break through Tianzun.

She also thought about whether she realized another attribute?

With the five-behavior foundation, other attributes can be derived. If Qin Shuang wants to develop in this direction, as long as Qin Shuang is given enough time, he can certainly do so.

However, the problem now is that there is no real heaven and earth avenue in the lost world, and there is no basic rule of law. There is no way to comprehend the heaven and earth avenue here. All that is here is the chain of laws, the chain of laws and the fragments of the laws. And these law chains, law buckles and law fragments, you have to pull the cocoon on it to understand.


This kind of comprehension is single, you are pulling the chains of the attributes of the cocoon, and you are comprehending the laws of the attributes.

Is breaking through Tianzun a matter of comprehending the single principle of the great road?

Not at all!

For example, Qin Shuang now wants to try to comprehend the attributes of wind and see if he can incorporate the attributes of wind into his own laws. But since it is necessary to integrate the sub-attributes into Qin Shuang's own law, Qin Shuang must have an improved understanding of his own law. Otherwise, why did you break through Tianzun?

Really thought that a rule of fusion could be broken?

Breaking through her Tianzun is a cocoon and a butterfly, which requires a qualitative leap for your own laws, that is to say, Qin Shuang ’s seven laws of gold, wood, fire, earth, light and darkness must all have a qualitative improvement before they can It is possible to break through Tianzun.

This is too difficult!

This requires wandering around the world-wide Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and it is useless to simply pull the silk and peel the cocoon. Even if Qin Shuang was in the town demon tower, the chains of gold, wood, fire, earth, light and dark and wind attributes were drawn and stripped separately, but it was only a single comprehension of the eight attributes of the avenue rule. It seems that Qin Shuang needs eight kinds of herbs to make a panacea. These eight kinds of herbs Qin Shuang have made a lot of efforts to understand and understand the medicinal properties of each herb.

However, will this allow her to successfully refine the panacea?

no way!

She needs to understand the medicinal properties of the eight herbs together, what kind of conflicts, what kind of fusion, how to use the intrusion and fusion, the order, the fire, etc., to be able to refine a panacea.

Therefore, the conditions in her lost eyes simply do not allow her to break through to Tianzun.

Unless you capture a complete chain of laws that incorporates eleven attributes, and then pull the cocoon.

Not to mention whether there is such a law chain, even if there is, Qin Shuang can not beat. Not to mention the rule of eleven attributes

The chain is a chain of laws that combines eight attributes. Qin Shuang feels that he is choking.

At this time, her heart already understood that in this world of lost eyes, each monk can only promote one to

The pinnacle of your realm.

For example, the fairy king who entered here can only be promoted to the peak of the fairy king, and Qin Shuang can only be promoted to the peak of Di Zun. Don't think of raising to the top of Tianzun all the way, only the kind of monk who is Tianzun, like Weiji and Zuo Yan, will have the opportunity to rise to the peak of Tianzun.

"It is estimated that these monks have not yet discovered this problem."

Qin Shuang thought about it. Qin Shuang had a thousand times the speed of the town's demon tower, so he would improve his cultivation to the peak in 13 years. And other monks do not have the time flow rate of the town demon tower, and their current cultivation is probably far from the peak of their own realm.

"Even if you are the lowest fairy king, if you want to break through to the peak of the fairy king here ... If this fairy king is only the first floor of the fairy king, I am afraid it will take decades. The time of decades will break from the first floor of the fairy king The peak of the fairy king is definitely a great opportunity. This is because the chain of laws required by the fairy king is scarce.

These fairy kings broke through to the top and found that they could no longer break through to the fairy emperor here. It is estimated that they would not have the idea of ​​leaving here. They would feel that there will be an opportunity to break through the fairy emperor here. They will continue to look for it, but if the opportunity cannot be found for thousands of years, I am afraid they will think about leaving. However, when they discovered that they could not leave, what would they think? How to do it? "

Qin Shuang shook his head and sighed.

What do you want to do?

I do n’t know if I have any hope of going out?

What are you doing now?

Can't break through, do you want to find a way to leave?

Not urgent!

Although the closing time of the Lost Eyes is not fixed, it is certain that it will not be closed within a thousand years, and now it has only been open for more than a hundred years. I still have to look deeper all the way. On the one hand, I continue to capture the chain of laws and store them in the town demon tower. Once I can go out, these chains of laws are a shortcut for my rapid improvement and cultivation. And going to the depths of the lost eyes itself is to find the way to leave without conflict.

Qin Shuang works in the town demon tower every night. He can't be idle for a long night. He always has to find something for himself. Qin Shuang's magical technique is close to Dzogchen. Qin Shuang's purpose is to practice his own magical technique to Dzogchen. So try it, is it possible to be a saint?

Moreover, making the 箓 can also become a means of enhancing combat effectiveness.

During the day, Qin Shuang went straight towards the center of his lost eyes, fighting all the way, collecting the chain of law. In the process of fighting, sharpen one's own Taoism.

All she has to do now is to merge her light attributes into the five elements, and first convert her five elements into six elements, and then merge the dark attributes into seven stars.

The time passes by year after year.

Not bad.

In terms of years, Qin Shuang had four gains in the past ten years.

The first harvest, getting closer and closer to the center of the lost eye, can be seen from the law chain, almost all are complete law chains, although not so dense, but also eye-catching. At this level, Renzun can no longer see. Their strength cannot reach this depth, at this depth, they will be killed by the chain of laws. And Qin Shuang has not met other monks for a long time. The monk who can enter this depth is the worst. No matter which continent, there are not many respects, let alone respect?

At this depth, the scope is reduced, but there are fewer monks. It is not easy to meet a monk.

The second gain she received was that a large number of law fragments, law locks, incomplete law chains and complete law chains had been stored in the town demon tower. The third gain is that he has already practiced Liuhe, and is trying to practice Qixing. The last thing she learned was that her charm technique used water milling, which was very close to Dzogchen.

But, unfortunately, she has no regulatory materials. She had consumed all the material for the symbols collected in the lost years. In exchange, there are tens of thousands of various fairy symbols close to the Dzogchen level.


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