Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2727: Nine drops

Qin sat cross-legged and Xuanzhi went into the lake. She had never seen the fluid before. To be honest, if it wasn't for the first time, she didn't know the law and could melt the fluid!

When Xuanzhi entered the gourd, he saw a drop of law liquid quietly at the bottom of the gourd, and enveloped Xuanzhi towards the drop of law liquid.


Xuanzhi just touched that drop of law fluid, and the surging energy was passed from within Xuanzhi, making Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge buzz. Qin Shuang quickly collected his metaphysics, and his face appeared shocked.

"There is something smaller than the law ..."

It was only at that moment that Qin Shuang discovered that there was no trace of the rule in the drop of the rule liquid. The foundation of the rule liquid was smaller than the rule, and it was too small to know how many times!

"In this way, the rule of law is not the most primitive and basic rule. My previous perception was wrong?"

Qin Shuang's heart beat violently.

She knows what this means?

This means the origin of the road!

I originally thought that the law of silk is the origin of the avenue. It was not originally, but it is directly accessible to the origin of the avenue. How important this is for a monk can be imagined.

Qin Shuang carefully cautiously probed Xuanzhi into the gourd and enveloped the drop of law fluid.


Numerous and dense, clear roads flooded into Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge. Qin Shuang quickly interrupted metaphysics again, then closed his eyes and realized.

Only about a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and there were surprises and thoughts in his eyes.

To her surprise, this drop of law fluid contains eleven avenues of law, and they are very well integrated. This is a great opportunity for any monk. However, for most monks, there is also helplessness.

Are there eleven monks in this world?

Perhaps Xu Ziyan's holy priests were, but apart from those holy priests, Qin Shuang had never seen it again.

Do not!

Not only have I never seen it, but I have never heard of it.

How could there be monks with congenital eleven attribute roots?

The Son of Heaven is not so magical!

However, now Qin Shuang already knows that when a monk has all five elements, he can derive spiritual roots of other attributes. However, even a monk with five elements is rare in the fairy world. So far, not being a saint-level monk, Qin Shuang also only knew about Xu Qinyang, Xu Kaiyun, Xu Nianzu, himself and his disciple Zhang Chuchen.

Now Qin Shuang has no choice but to practice through this drop of law is a waste.

Because she now has seven attributes, not eleven. In this way, only the seven attributes of this drop of law liquid are effective for her, and the remaining attributes that she simply cannot comprehend are waste.

This is the source of the avenue, so wasteful, even Qin Shuang also felt thunderous.

Then ...

Can Qin Shuang wait for himself to derive other attributes before using this ruler?

This again involves the original problem, where Qin Shuang simply cannot comprehend the avenue and derive its attributes. You must leave your lost eyes.

However, it is inseparable!

"Save it first!"

Qin Shuang wasn't willing to waste so much, only realized that for a quarter of an hour, the drop of the law liquid was one-tenth less. Now think about it, Qin Shuang still feels heartache.

Qin Shuang returned to Zhen Lao's side, she couldn't wait here all the time. One drop of law liquid a day, this is a day outside, not a day inside the town demon tower. In other words, Qin Shuang had to stay in the town demon tower for more than a thousand days before he was able to collect a drop of law fluid. How could Qin Shuang stay here all the time?

After discussing with the old town, Qin Shuang went to alchemy first. Whenever he wanted to drip the law fluid, the old town was calling on Qin Shuang. So, Qin Shuang went to refine the panacea.

In a flash, Qin Shuang spent nearly thirty years in the Zhenyao Tower. Dan Dao still did not reach the Great Consummation, but Qin Shuang felt that it was very close.

On this day, Qin Shuang held the gourd and stood in the town demon tower, waiting for the dripping law fluid, which will be the ninth drop that Qin Shuang wants to collect.

The ninth drop of law liquid was successfully received into the town demon tower, but just into the town demon tower, before Qin Shuang had collected that drop of law liquid into the gourd, the law funnel outside burst.

The law funnel spread out and swept intensively towards all the space above the pond. At the unusual moment of the law funnel, Zhen Lao closed the mouth of the town demon tower and flew away. Qin hurriedly put the drop of law liquid into the gourd, and looked nervously at the light curtain inside the demon tower.

The scene on the light curtain was extremely shocking.

The law funnel is like molting, and the layer-by-layer law peels from the huge law funnel, hangs down, and fills the sky above the pond.

"It's not empty in this funnel!"

The scene on the light curtain changed rapidly, and the scene of the law funnel had disappeared. It was not the town demon tower that escaped from the scope of the funnel, but the tiny town demon tower that became tiny, chained by dense laws, blocking the view.

Qin Shuang's heart was extremely tense, even a fool, at this time, he also understood that because the Zhenyao Tower intercepted the regular liquid, one drop or two, it has not been discovered by the law here. When nine drops were cut, it was found. Too. It was only because the town demon tower was a congenital fairy treasure, confusing the law, the law did not find the town demon tower, so they densely packed the pond above, wanted to find the town demon tower.

Thanks to the old guard of the town, at the beginning of the change of the law funnel, just after showing signs, the town old began to run away. So when the law funnel fills the pond, the town demon tower is already away from the pond.

"Huh ..." Qin Shuang highlighted his breath: "There should be no problem."

"It's not easy to say!" Zhen Laosheng is afraid that Qin Shuangsuo will still stay here, waiting for the law funnel not to find the town demon tower. After the funnel is restored, he will steal the law fluid:

"Maybe these laws will search layer by layer, as long as we stay here, there is a possibility of being discovered."

"Zhen Lao, don't worry. I know you worry that I'm still here. I didn't die like that. It's already a great opportunity to get nine drops of law fluid. I'm already satisfied. We will leave here now, and then Find a way out of your lost eyes. "

"The host can understand!"

The town demon tower finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to move outside. Qin Shuang had the mood to cover the gourd cover and put it away. But she didn't have the heart to go to the alchemy again, but was ready to attack the town demon tower at any time.

Sixty-one years after Qin Shuang entered the Lost Eyes, Zhenyao Tower finally left the center of the convergence rule. Qin Shuang came out of the town demon tower, and there were still no monks around. Qin Shuang was going to find Weiji and asked him if he had left here.


Thank you very much seaphay (100), cassendra (100) for the reward!



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