Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2728: No place

After more than seven months, Qin Shuang returned to the place where Weiji was. But Qin Shuang was not in a hurry without seeing the guard. It is estimated that Wei Ji's four Tianzun rushed into the depths of the convergence of the law again, and captured the multi-attribute law chain. Qin Shuang waited while capturing the chain of single-property laws in the outermost periphery. Seven days later, four figures flew out of it. It was the four Tianzun of Weiji, but this time they were not very lucky. They did not catch the chain of the law they wanted, but were injured, and the injury was not light.

"Qin Shuang!" Seeing Qin Shuang, Wei Ji was surprised that Qin Shuang had not left.

"Senior!" Qin Shuang stepped forward to salute.

Weiji looked up and down at Qin Shuang, and nodded, "It's good. In just a few years, it will be almost perfect. After a few more years, it is estimated that you can step on the threshold of Tianzun!"

Speaking of this, it was another sigh: "Unfortunately, being here can't break the threshold of Tianzun."

The remaining three Tianzun also nodded, and their attitude towards Qin Shuang changed slightly. Here you can get a breakthrough in a short time,

It is not difficult to break all the way to the peak of the original state. There are ready-made rules that all pigs can do. but,

It is a genius to be able to consolidate his realm and achieve a great success in just a few years after breaking through to the top.

"Senior, since you basically broke the chance of breakthrough in this space, why do you catch the chain of laws here?"

The four Tianzun of Weiji couldn't help being silent, and then a sigh: "I also know, but I always have a luck of luck. Once I can capture the law of the eleven attribute, there is hope. The principle of one attribute, and the principle of capturing more five attributes, may also be able to find an opportunity. "

"Is there no other way?" Qin Shuang asked expectantly.

"It's not that there is no other way," Weiji said.

Qin Shuang was refreshed, but Weiji shook his head and said, "Come on, I will take you to a place."


"There is no place."

"Nowhere? What do you mean?"

"Literally, there is no place for rules."

"Oh? Is there such a place?" Qin Shuang suddenly became interested.

"Yeah, let's talk while walking. What about you?" Wei Ji looked at the three Tianzun.

The three Tianzun said: "It's okay to go and see, and these days are a bit tired."

The five monks walked in one direction, and Wei Ji walked along, saying, "I once told you Zuo Yan. At first, he used the broken knife to split the space and shuttle away."


"His broken razor cracked a crack, but the broken razor also broke. At that time, I rushed away and didn't care about it. Two years ago, when I suddenly remembered, I went to Zuoyan The land of splitting the sky. But I found a land of nowhere. Under my careful sense, it should be after the broken sword, the mystery of nowhere gathers here, forming a place of nowhere. "

Qin Shuang's eyes flickered: "Predecessors mean, if you understand it, will there be a chance to leave this place?"

"Yes!" Weiji nodded. "But it's just a thought. It's hard to understand the power of nothing. We are all in a position, and it's a fallacy in itself."

Qin Shuang was silent. After seven days, the group came to the foot of a small mountain. Qin looked at the mountain from both directions, and saw hundreds of monks on the mountain, either gathered together to communicate, or realized it alone. Weiji pointed to the mountain road:

"It's this mountain. The original meanings of the no-rule that broke the sword were integrated into this mountain. As long as you set foot on this mountain, there is no place."

Qin Shuang looked upset and lifted his foot up the mountain. Then there was a meal, with raised eyebrows, and there was really an inexplicable mystery hitting my heart.

No law, it is not surprising!

There is no law in the entire lost eye. This no law means that there is no such primitive and basic law as the piano pair originally thought. The smallest rule in the lost eye is also a fragment of the rule. The fragments of these laws, in the view of today's Qin Shuang, are not naturally raised, but the monks who entered here fell, and the inner law of the Yuanshen shattered. Therefore, it can be said that the entire lost eye is an indiscriminate place.

However, in other places where he lost his eyes, Qin Shuang could not feel the present mystery. This kind of unanimous doctrine repels the law within her primal spirit. If it is not too weak, she has no doubt that it will launch a fierce attack on her.

"Feel it?" Weiji approached her.

"This is no rule?" Qin said softly.

"Yes! And there is nothing in the broken blade. I have seen broken blade and I can feel it."

Qin Shuangyou looked around and saw that there were no chains of law around the mountain, and even no fragments of law. Those chains of law are far from the mountain, as if they have a deep aversion to the mountain.

"It seems that there is no rule!"

Qin Shuang's eyes lit up, maybe this is really the only way to get rid of his lost eyes.

Qin Shuang went up the mountain with Weiji. Almost all of them were Heavenly Venerable, a small number of Earthly Venerable. Seeing the four Tianzun Weiwei, they stepped forward to say hello. Weiji introduced Qin Shuangyitong. The prestige of Weiji is great here. Those people, even Tianzun, are kind to Qin Shuang.

The four Tianzun of Weiji, in capturing the leisure of the chain of laws, seems to be studying the broken rules. Soon, they communicated with the monks, and with the exchange, controversy broke out from time to time. And there are more and more monks coming together. Each monk is publishing his own understanding and arguing with others, but in the end it is not annoying. Everyone knows that the purpose of the argument is to leave here, not to prove who Smarter.

Qin Shuang has been silent, sitting next to listening to these people's exchanges and arguments. In the Zhenyao Tower, Zhenlao recorded every word of these handovers and arguments in the jade slip.

This argument lasted for three months. Each monk exchanged his insights, and then inspires his own thoughts through controversy. In the end, there were fewer and fewer people talking, and finally they were caught in the derivation. Weiji stood up and said:

"Qin Shuang, are you staying here, or are you going back with us?"

Qin Shuang shook his head without hesitation: "Senior, I still stay here to study. It is no use to go back with you. You may be able to meet the opportunity and be holy. I can't even live with Tianzun.

Weiji nodded and left with the three Tianzun. Qin Shuang did not immediately begin to comprehend, in fact, this has been disturbing for three months. Although Qin Shuang has been listening to the side, but the first contact is random, but he heard a confused, there is no such thing Income. She needs to find a place to study the old records of the town from beginning to end, and to synthesize the commonalities and differences between the hundreds of monks. At that time, it was only Qin Shuang ’s turn on this basis. And try your own new ideas.


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