Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2731: Qin Yingxinsi

Throughout the history of the Immortal World, there have been many blood demons, but none of the bloodlines have become a Saint-level monk. Where is the Saint-level monk so easy to swallow?

The complete blood demons of all generations have not successfully devoured a holy class monk, and then broke through to the holy level. Qin Ying, an incomplete blood demon, wants to devour a holy level?

Since it is not feasible to devour this path, there is only cultivation left. In fact, Qin Ying still has an advantage in cultivation. A part of the demon's inheritance, so that she still has some understanding of the holy class, giving her a certain amount of time may not be impossible.

However, her foundation is not good, because she is a shadow. In order to break through to the holy level through the way of the devil, she must solve this basic problem.

How to solve?

Devour the piano pair!

Not bad.

Is to devour Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang has always wanted to take back his shadow, and Qin Ying has always wanted to devour Qin Shuang. Once she swallowed Qin Shuang, she became the main body, and she had the foundation to break through the Holy Class.

When she and Qin Shuang fought each other last time, she was still not Qin Shuang's opponent, or she was unable to devour Qin Shuang. Can't compare with her, she directly refines the three Tianzun, the speed is not comparable to Qin Shuang. She believes that the next time Qin Shuang returns, she will be able to devour Qin Shuang. Therefore, she was afraid that Qin Shuang could not find her, which became a reason for her to stay here.

Study the big formation, refine the three Tianzun, and wait for Qin Shuang.

Do three things with one fell swoop.

However, she could not have imagined that there was such a place as a lost eye, that Qin Shuang's current practice was already the peak of Di Zun, higher than her.

Chaos has now returned to the chaotic area not far from here, monitoring the large array and Qin Ying, and occasionally leaving to observe the status of the five holy sites. He was waiting for the fall of the five sacred sites, and the Bai people attacked the Yuanyuan continent. At that time, could Xu Ziyan and other monks in the big formation still sit still?

Too Xuzong.

There was a trace of uneasiness in Xu Qinyang's heart. As time went by, the jade slips brought by Qin Shuang let him know that Xu Ziyan was in big trouble. He couldn't help with such a big trouble. Xu Ziyan made it clear in the jade bamboo slips that she needs three thousand years, and as long as three thousand years, Xu Ziyan will return.

For three thousand years, let alone a holy priest, it is nothing more than a closeness to Xu Qinyang. If this is normal, it is not a problem at all.

However, he could feel the thoughts of the Bai people from the slightest signs. Once the Hundreds even attacked the Shangyuan Continent, the Taixu Sect had a large formation of Xu Ziyan, and they would probably not be defeated, but the entire Shangyuan Continent would become a ruin, and the number of human race monks would be killed Extinct. I am afraid that by that time, in addition to the human races in the Taixu Sect, they can still be kept, that is, the human race monks in the Nine Great Sect gates will be killed. This is definitely a catastrophe for the human race.

Even after three thousand years, Xu Ziyan returned, and the human race wanted to recover, not knowing how many years it would take.

If you want to retain a little more human race luck, you can only unite with the other five holy sites. At that time, their six holy sites will unite, at least to delay the invasion of the hundreds. Can delay the decline of the human race. He has sent five teams of monks to the five holy sites to see the time. It should be coming in a few years. I do n’t know what news will be brought back?

Demon world.

Since Qin Ying left, the remaining ten great deities of Demon Realm followed the order of Qin Ying, did not participate in any actions of the human race or the hundred races, and developed independently. They even closed the passage to Demon Realm.

Quite a continent.

The tense minds of Lietianxing and others have just begun to relax. From the moment Qin Shuang left Tianxingzong, it has now been nearly a hundred years. At the beginning, Tianxingzong and others have been worried about the Bai people Tianzun was sent, but a few decades later, no one came.


There was still a Tianzun, from the Tiantian of Butian Mainland, who came with the jade slips of Qin Shuang. Afterwards, Lietianxing and others knew what Qin Shuang was going to do and what Xiaoyao Tianzun was here to do, so the tightness was slightly relaxed. Accelerated the elimination of Chaos.

Xiaoyao Tianzun will naturally not join this kind of action, he just sits in the Tianxingzong. Occasionally point out Xu Nianzu, Xu Kaiyun and Zhang Chuchen.

In the past hundred years, under the union of the human race and the barbarians, they have basically controlled 90% of the land of the barbarian continent. After another five years, they can hang out and throw all the chaos in the barbarian continent. The altar slowly decomposes all the chaotic laws of the barbaric continent, turning the barbaric continent into a holy place suitable for the cultivation of hundreds of people.

It can be said that in terms of the Qing chaos and the altars, the barbarian continent has already walked in front of all continents, and even in front of the Shangyuan continent. Now, except for the barbarous continents, all continents occupy at most 50% of the territory, and the remaining territories are still occupied by the Chaos.

This is because the human race on the Shangyuan Continent or the Bai Clan on the Bai Clan Continent, their minds are not used in the Qing Chao Chao Clan. Thinking about how to resist the attack of the Bai people.

Under the guidance of this kind of thought, how could it be possible to dissipate energy to clear the Chaos tribe and put it on the altar?

After surrendering the barbarians, the enemy of the past, almost completely changed the rule of the barbarians. Everything in the Tianxingzong is flourishing. Moreover, there are two respects of Xu Kaiyun and Xu Nianzu. Occasionally, he preached the altar, and he was the Xiaoyao Tianzun. During these hundred years, he felt the kindness of Qin Shuang, and he also preached once. Both Xiang Lie Tian Xing and Bi Chong Tian have broken through to the mid-term respect.

It's just that the more they are, the more they miss their suzerain. They knew that all this was brought by their sovereign.

No matter how good this lord is, he doesn't sit at home, and he hasn't returned in a few years since he left. It's been almost a hundred years, and he hasn't come back yet, and he hasn't even heard anything.

Fuyao Tianzun still did not appear, still hiding in a cave not far from the Tianxingzong, in his own cave. A big Tianzun wants to hide, even Xiaoyao Tianzun, who is also a big Tianzun, is hard to find. Fuyao Tianzun knows Xiaoyao Tianzun. So when Xiaoyao Tianzun arrived, she knew that Qin Shuang had already been to the Tiantian Continent. She didn't want to go out, she thought it was good to be so bright and dark with Xiaoyao Tianzun.


Thank you so much for Ziyan's dream (200) and seaphay (100)!



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