Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2732: Wu Tianzun

However, Futian Tianzun has also been a little uneasy recently, because it has been more than seventy years since he came from Xiaoyao Tianzun. He did not think that after receiving the graciousness of Qin Shuang, other holy places would not send Tianzun to protect Tian Xingzong, so Qin Shuang had an accident.

Lost eyes.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes. Rarely, there was a trace of irritability in his eyes.

Her current state is that some are paradoxical. It seems that I have some comprehension about Wu, but when I think about it, I feel that there is no comprehension. This is still true with the help of December.


Qin Shuang sighed and walked out of the Dong Mansion. She decided to go to the monks to discuss Taoism again. It was another ten years after the last discussion. Qin Shuang felt that those monks should have some understanding in this decade, everyone If you collide again, you might be able to see the light.

Qin Shuang walked out of Dong Man, he just found someone, and he began to talk. And the monk was very happy to talk to Qin Shuang. Ten years ago, Qin Shuanghuan battled hundreds of monks, making her reputation resounding in this place, and being able to argue with Qin Shuang, which is a kind of recognition by Qin Shuang. And as the news of the two of them spread, the monks on the mountain gathered one after another. There were old people who had been talking about it ten years ago, and new people who had only come here in the last ten years.

The old man, of course, needless to say, came up with a double-edged sword. Before the newcomers participate in the debate, they will introduce themselves to Qin Shuang, even if they just say their names, this is a polite. Although most of them are Tianzun, and their cultivation is higher than that of Qin, they are higher than them in their understanding. Deserve their respect.

Qin Shuang didn't care about the old and the new, she wanted a collision of ideas.


When a Tianzun pinnacle reported his name, Qin Shuang jumped in his heart, because the name of this great Tianzun was Wu Tianzun.

Wu Tianzun!

It was she who entered the lost continent, lost the person she was looking for in the Holy Land, and also heard the name of Wu Tianzun, which reminded her of her purpose of finding Wu Tianzun, which was to complete Zuo Yan's entrustment and give it to Wu Tianzun Yujian and a token.

Now Qin Shuang already knows that the token is sealed with the power of three holy priests.

So, can the saint-level might tear a gap in the lost space?

The tokens of the holy priests all have their seals, and only their disciples can excite the token, otherwise Qin Shuang has already used that token. Qin Shuang forgot the token because he couldn't use it. However, at this time, her heart could not help beating violently.

This is the way to get rid of lost eyes!

Of course, Qin Shuang is also not sure. Saint-level power will be able to tear the lost eye into a gap, but this is the most likely

The way to understand the rules is really without much confidence.

It's just that Qin Shuang at this time still bears the intention of his heart, but he heard Wei Ji said that Zuo Yan used a broken knife to tear

A small crack was opened, but Zuo Yan ran out. If I said it here, so many days here

Zun, is there any room for you to run with me?

No matter what race, it is impossible to avoid selfishness. Only under the premise of protecting oneself can one take care of others.

It is not that monks who have not given up their lives and preserved others, even Qin Shuang, have done this kind of thing of giving up their lives and forgetting their deaths for more than 600 years. However, at that time, she was to protect her life and death friends, not some irrelevant people.

Do these monks have any friendship with her in life and death?


Qin Shuang suppressed his heart and continued to debate with others, but he had no patience. After hurriedly debating for seven days, it hastily ended. The monks were greatly disappointed with Qin Shuang, who originally thought that this time the Qin Shuang would go out of the customs, and there will be a fascinating collision, but the result is very ordinary.

Qin Shuang did not immediately communicate with Wu Tianzun. She knew that since Wu Tianzun had come here, she would not leave in a short time. After paying attention to the location of Wu Tianzun's cave, Qin Shuang returned to his cave. In the past three days, Qin Shuang came to Wu Tianzun's cave and visited Wu Tianzun.

The cave house in a land of nowhere is a simple cave. It is impossible to arrange any formation. There are no rules here. What formation can you place?

Even if Qin Shuang throws out his position in the cave house, it consumes the rules that come with the position, and it is consumed every day. Qin Shuang still has to spend some time each time, and the weaving rule is poured into the position. Wu Tianzun did not have such a position, so his cave house was blocked by a large rock.

When Wu Tianzun saw Qin Shuang, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He did not despise Qin Shuang, whoever cultivates high or low here can temporarily put it down, because it is different. The important thing is to understand the rulelessness. Qin Shuang's fame for Wu Ze's comprehension is naturally respected by Wu Tianzun. It's just that he didn't understand why Qin Shuang came to visit him. He didn't think he had any substantive comprehension of Wu Ze. After all, he had only been here for three years.

"Senior, did you go out to catch a few rules and resolve your depressed thoughts?" Qin Shuang said with a smile.

There is no way. In this random place, even the transmission of metaphysical knowledge cannot be done. Naturally, can't you tell the truth to Wu Tianzun, which was heard by others?

The monks who can practice Datianzun are exquisite hearts. Wu Tianzun instantly determined that Qin Shuang must have something important for him. Although Qin Shuang did something to him, he didn't know Qin Shuang, but nodded and smiled:

"Yes, trapped here, really depressed, go out and relax!"

The two people left the place of nowhere and walked towards the distance. No one doubts the two of them. Just as Qin Shuang said, being trapped here, everyone will inevitably feel depressed. When they realize that there is no irritability, they will go out and fight with the chain of laws to eliminate depression.

Thousands of miles away from the land of nowhere, Qin Shuang stopped. Along the way, neither of them spoke, Qin Shuang could bear it, and Wu Tianzun, who is Datianzun, could naturally bear it. Seeing that Qin Shuang had stopped, Wu Tianzun looked at Qin Shuang, and at this time his heart was more certain that Qin Shuang must have important things to find him.

Qin Shuang looked at Wu Tianzun. She needed to further confirm Wu Tianzun's identity. Once this Wu Tianzun is not the other Wu Tianzun, it will make Wulong.


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