Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2762: Heli

"Booming ..."

Yun Hao's continuous crazy attacks have already begun to damage the body of Chaotian Datianzun. Although his four arms alternately sacrificed the Chaos Law of the Tao, and even the four arms met Yun Hao's power law, in the face of pure power, Yun Tianzun After winning the first prize, Chaos Clan Datianzun has begun to be slightly injured.

Two monks in the same realm battled, and one of them started to be injured, even if it was only slightly injured, which actually has the sign of defeat. The slight injury will gradually expand into a serious injury under the attack of the other party, and finally be killed by the other party. The usual experience is that the Chaos Clan Tianzun should fight back and recapture this imbalance, causing damage to Yun Hao and pulling everyone back into balance.

However, the Chaos clan Datianzun did not do this, and still only struggled with the four arms and Yun Hao.

This is not normal!

Yun Hao and Chaos Clan Da Tianzun have been fighting for so long. They already know Chaos Clan Da Tianzun very well. This is not a normal Chaos Clan Da Tianzun. Chaos Clan Da Tianzun only took out eight cost leads and hid two costs.

Why is that?

Yun Hao instantly shouted to the approaching Qin Shuang: "Daoyou be careful."


At this moment, Qin Shuang had already approached within a hundred miles. That Chaos Da Tian Zun, the first two of the six legs that seemed to be rooted in the void, which had not moved, suddenly moved and kicked out towards Qin Shuang The void was kicked by these two legs clearly showing two deep depressions, the lower end of the depression, struck towards Qin Shuang.

From the moment when Qin rushed towards him in two directions, there was a kind of uneasiness in the heart of Chaotian Datianzun, and this uneasiness quickly enlarged as Qin Shuang approached. Therefore, he decided to kill Qin Shuang first. Even if he was injured by Yun Hao, Qin Shuang, the unstable person, must be removed first.

This is his definite kick, and he doesn't think Qin Shuang is still alive.

The rune is only ten feet long, and Qin Shuang is just a pinnacle of Di Zun, unable to stop his long-held feet. These are his pinnacles, not to mention Qin Shuang, which is an ordinary mid-life of Tianzun, who will be kicked to death.

The look of despair appeared on Yun Hao's face, and his eyes became fierce immediately. It was Qin Shuang used his life to win a trace of opportunity for him. He wanted to use this opportunity to devastate Yun Hao and kill him.

Those two legs, like Tianzhu, stretched rapidly in the air.

This is not a magical rule, but his two legs spanned hundreds of miles, kicking towards Qin Shuang.

This power is definitely different!

For example, Qin Shuang holding the Tianxing sword, even if the world grinding disc is released, it may not be able to kill a Tianzun. However, if the Tianzun let the sword of Tianxingjian really cut him, he would definitely be able to kill him.

This is the power of the body!

The two long legs like celestial pillars shattered the void, layering deeply, and deeply entangled with the fragments of the void, forming a storm, and immediately reached Qin Shuang.


Chaos Clan Datianzun uttered a scream, Yun Hao released all his strength, and took out his true hole card, pure power, crushed the two arms of Chaos Clan Datianzun into smash, but that Chaos Datianzun still endured the pain and kicked his two big feet towards Qin Shuang. At the same time, he turned his huge head and looked at Yun Hao. Two gray eyes in his eyes swept the void, the voids shattered, and then stared at Yun Hao. In his psychology, he no longer needs to pay attention to Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang will definitely die.

However, at the moment he turned his head, he didn't see that Qin Shuang's figure disappeared because Qin Shuang sacrificed his battlefield.


At the same time, the two big feet and the disk suddenly began to radiate a dazzling light, as if they had turned into two suns, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared in that void, and the mushroom cloud was made of broken fragments of the void.

The Chaos clan Da Tianzun kicked his feet on the plate, and he felt wrong. When he wanted to come, it was that he should smash the piano pair with one foot, there was no hindrance at all, but now he feels a huge rebound. That hadn't locked Yun Hao's eyes, and could not help but swept across the void and looked back, his expression was stunned.

He saw a huge ball of light, which was the defense released by the array. Besides that, he could no longer see Qin Shuang's figure. But his heart was sinking, knowing that Qin Shuang must be hiding in that sphere of light.

Within the sphere of light.

Qin Shuang condenses ten Yuanli big hands, each pair of Yuanli big hands holds a Zhuxian crossbow, the left hand holds the crossbow, the right hand places the crossbow arrow, and his eyes are locked.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Five Zhuxian crossbows broke through and plunged into the huge body of the Chaos tribe Datianzun.

"Booming ..."

The body of Tianzun, a huge Chaos clan, was exploded into five huge holes by five Zhuxian crossbows. Numerous cracks spread from the five huge holes to the surroundings of the body.

A heavy roar sounded in the sky, that was Yun Hao who saw the opportunity, two punches from the bombardment.

The speed of these two punches is much slower than before, but it is ten times heavier. Yun Hao's face became pale, blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, and even the muscles of his arms began to crumble.

This punch is called Kaitian, and it is a power law he has recently realized. Its power has surpassed his ability to bear, with a hint of holy power.

The sky began to crack slightly, as if something was tearing the void, then ...


Suddenly there was a loud bang, and a pair of fists bombarded the body of the great Chaos Datianzun.

The original body of the Chaos Clan Da Tianzun was nearly destroyed by the Zhuxian Crossbow, and Yun Hao, with a trace of Saint-level power, immediately began to crumble.

The fall of a Great Heavenly Venerable caused that piece of void to shatter. Numerous cracks in the space cut the body of the already collapsed Chaosian Great Heavenly Venerable, so that the huge body soon became powder.

Yun Hao flew towards Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang opened the gap to the array, Yun Hao shuttled without hesitation and looked at the space inside the array, wondering:

"Daoyou, you are such a powerful player!"

Qin Shuang took out a panacea and handed it to Yun Hao: "The Daoist healed first."


Yun Hao took the elixir, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. It turned out to be the elixir of the elixir level. He gave Qin Shuang a deep look, swallowed the elixir, sat cross-legged, and began to heal.

Qin Shuang is now the pinnacle of Di Zun, with positions and charms, and finally has some self-protection capital, which can reveal some of his skills. This is why she dared to take out the elixir of the Danyun level.

Everything still depends on strength.

Qin Shuang did not take the Elixir. She just consumed a little more and was not injured. She sat cross-legged in the array, transferred the Zhenyao Tower to the palm of her skin, and began to recover the energy in the Zhenyao Tower.


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