Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2763: Star journey


The death of the Chaos clan Da Tianzun gave a refreshing spirit to the clan. They knew that the balance of victory began to lean towards them, because they had an extra big Tianzun. Although this advantage is only a little, it takes time to slowly expand this little advantage. , But this has made the monks see hope.

In the void, the array radiated light, and no one knew what Qin Shuang and Yun Hao were doing inside, but they knew that when Yun Hao and Qin Shuang appeared again, it was the beginning of their expansion of advantage.

One day later.

With the help of Qin Shuang's Elixir, Yun Hao's injury has recovered 80%, opened his eyes, and politely bowed to Qin Shuang:

"Where do Daoyou come from?"

Qin Shuang took out a jade slip and a token, and handed it to Yun Hao: "It's all here."

Yun Hao took over the jade jade and token with some confusion, and Xuanzhi probed in. His expression was shocked. He suddenly looked up at Qin Shuang, then bowed his head to continue. In less than a quarter of an hour, Yun Hao put away the jade slips and tokens, stood up, and gave a gift to Qin Shuangshen:

"Thank you Daoyou!"

Qin Shuang accepted it calmly, and then, before Yun Hao asked, he took the initiative to say:

"Senior Yun, I am now picking up what I can say and telling you what I can't say. I won't say it if you ask."

"Okay!" Yun Hao nodded and sat across from Qin Shuang again.

Qin Shuang said the matter again, together with Wu Tianzun's suggestion that the Holy Land united the situation, but she did not say that Wu Tianzun was going to let Tian Xingzong join, and promoted Tian Xingzong to the status of the Nine Great Sect .

After listening to Qin Shuang's words, Yun Hao's expression became dignified. It can be said that the Holy Land has never been so difficult, and the future situation is confusing. But he also knew that Holy Land unity was necessary, and he moved his heart, saying:

"Master Qin, I will propose that Tian Xingzong's position in the alliance is not weaker than that of the Nine Great Sect."

Qin Shuang nodded indifferently, Yun Hao was moved in his heart, and immediately knew that Wu Tianzun would also promise Qin Shuang. Maybe other holy places have promises. A deep thought in his heart said:

"Master Qin, are you going back to Tianxingzong?"

"Yes!" Qin glanced out from both directions: "If Senior Yun does not need my help, I want to return to Zongmen immediately. I have left for more than 100 years. I don't know what Zongmen is today."

"It's our holy land that has dragged down Sect Master Qin."

Qin Shuang shook his head slightly. Yun Hao took out a jade jade and handed it to Qin Shuangdao:

"Master Qin, in fact, it is faster to return to the Savage Continent from Xinglu. You walk from the mainland and back to Tianxingzong. It is estimated that it will take at least 11 or 12 years, but it will not take three years from Xinglu.

"Xing Lu?" Qin Shuang looked startled, and took Yu Jian from Yun Hao's hand.

"Just walk from the void!" Yun Hao explained: "This jade jade is a star map, which was explored by countless generations of monks in Tiangong. I hope this can help Master Qin."

"Explore the starry sky?" Qin Shuangshan did not immediately watch the star map, but asked: "Why do the Holy Land explore the starry sky?"

Yun Hao laughed, this is the lack of the foundation of Tianxing Sect, and explained: "Now there is no suitable place for monks to practice in the starry sky, but it contains rich mineral deposits."

Qin Shuang immediately understood, arching his hands as a courtesy: "Thank you!"

"This is what it should be!" Yun Hao said: "But you must be careful when you walk the star road. There are void beasts in the starry sky. Their strength is strong and weak. The strongest has reached the peak of Tianzun, but has not Found a sacred Void Beast."

Qin Shuang nodded, and Xuanzhi went into the jade jade, and he saw a huge star map, which was very realistic. Star roads were marked with star roads, continents, and star roads leading to continents. There is also a dangerous place in the star road. Qin Shuang found the location of the barbarian continent and the star road leading to the barbarian continent, and put away the jade jade and stood up and said:

"Senior Yun, the junior has left!"

"There will be a period in the future!" Yun Hao returned the gift.

"There will be a date!"

Yun Hao flashed out of the battlefield, Qin Shuang once again constructed a Baizhang rune, put away the battlefield, his figure rose toward the depths of the void, and gradually, the battlefield under his feet went away, and eventually it was not visible. Qin Shuang had put away the Rune, and he had identified the direction and flew away in the direction of the barbarous continent.

one year later.

Qin Jingyun, who has been practicing in the town demon tower, broke through to the peak of the fairy emperor, but it was stuck on the threshold of the fairy emperor. Qin Shuang was informed by Zhen Lao that Qin Shuang Xuan Zhi entered the Zhen Yao Tower and found that Hua Taixiang had reached the peak of human respect and was sleeping. He moved Qin Jingyun out of the town demon tower.

"This is... the starry sky?" Qin Jingyun came out and was surprised when he saw the surrounding environment.

"We will return to Tianxingzong from here faster, and we will return in about two years. But... your speed is now slower, it is estimated that it will take nearly five years."

"Then...I'll go back to the town demon tower." Qin Jingyun was a little embarrassed.

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said: "Stopping in the town demon tower is not a way to break through the fairy emperor, even if you break up the law fragments. From now on, you will follow me all the way through the stars and the world Avenue. In this endless starry sky, it is the real place of heaven and earth Avenue. When you meet the Void Beast with your strength, you will go to fight. After five years, the precipitation will be enough. Back to the Tianxingzong Then, if you retreat to break up the fragments of the law, you might break out of the Immortal Emperor overnight."

"Huh!" Qin Jingyun nodded: "I listen to my sister!"

A month later.

In the void.

Qin stood with his hands down, looking at Qin Jingyun who fought against the Void Beast in the distance. The Void Beast roared frantically, and the huge tentacle waved frantically. Qin Jingyun walked through the crevices of the tentacle whipping. The best fairy sword in his hand was cutting the tentacle.


More than a hundred tentacles of the Void Beast were cut by Qin Jingyun, cutting your Void Beast like a big egg. The Void Beast grieved with pain, and with that huge body, madly struck Qin Jingyun.

Qin Jingyun's sword slowly hacked out, but it was shaking hundreds of millions of starlights, and the blue swaying in each ray of starlight was actually transformed into water attributes by Qin Jingyun, condensing a reckless basalt, head roaring, biting The Void Beast. There was a bite in his ear.

Void Beast, broken!

"Sister!" Qin Jingyun swept back.

Qin Shuang nodded comfortably: "Not bad!"

The two continued on their way, and the void became darker and darker.

Black hole!

This is a dangerous place on the way of Qin Shuang's return to the barbarian continent. The black hole is like a huge vortex, turning slowly in the void, absorbing everything that can be absorbed, even the light is no exception.


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