Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2768: Xinghai

Qin Shuanghuan looked around with some worries: "Now that we are lost here, can we still go out?"

"Nothing!" Jun Ke waved his hand: "We have been here for hundreds of years, but we are not completely vain. Although we have not received nothing, we have a better understanding of the path here."

While talking, he took out a jade jade and handed it to Qin Shuangdao: "This is the way we have explored in the Nether Mine Area. Let me distinguish first."

When the words are down, Jun Ke will start to check where he is now, and the direction he should walk. Qin Shuang has taken the jade jade. After seeing the profound knowledge, he is happy in his heart. This map is only about the minefield of nothing Way, but it is much more detailed than Yun Hao gave himself. Qin Shuang watched the jade jade seriously. Before she finished reading, she heard Jun Ke go:

"follow me!"

Under the leadership of Jun Kewang, the four people wandered around in the Nether Mine area. This walk was more than three months, and finally walked out of the void of the mine. Jun Kedao said:

"Qin Daoyou, we are going to take another star road back to Shangyuan mainland."

"Farewell!" Qin Shuanggong karate.

"Take care!"

"Take care!"

The four people are separated, Jun can go all the way to the three people, Qin Shuang alone all the way. While flying, observe the thunder wing in the sea. At this time, in Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge, Yuanshen was wearing Tian Xing armor, with Tian Xing sword lying across her knees. Linglong Ao Tian Jian stood beside her, but a pair of fire thunder wings fell into a deep sleep. Qin Shuang explored for a while, and there was a trace of joy between Meiyu, giving her the feeling that, with a high probability, when the Thunder Wing wakes up again, it should be upgraded.

Withdrew his metaphysics, he moved Qin Jingyun out of Zhenyao Tower. Qin Jingyun traveled around and said:

"Sister, what about those people?"

"It's alright, let's keep going!"

"Tell me about it!" Qin Jingyun pleaded while following Qin Shuangfei.

Qin Shuang said things again. When it came to the void, he suddenly remembered that Qin Jingyun is now low, and the improvement of the body is easy, but he will face the same problem in the future. Then he stopped:

"Jingyun, I now teach you a body-building exercise called jade body quenching."

"Okay!" Qin Jingyun's spirit was revitalized.

Qin Shuang passed the jade body quenching tactics to Qin Jingyun, and in the void, he pointed several times and spent nearly half a day, and the two went forward again.

This day.

The two stood in the void and looked forward. Qin Jingyun's eyes appeared shocked:

"Sister, after this Xinghai, is it quite a mainland?"

"There is still some distance, but this Xinghai is our last difficult journey."

Qin Shuang's expression was a little dignified. He turned his head and looked at Qin Jingyun, but saw Qin Jingyun's temperament condensed. The whole person was very impressed in the realm of the peak of Xianhuang. At the same time, I am very satisfied with my trip to the stars in the past three years.

In the past three years, Qin Shuang has discovered that the gains from the experience of starry sky are not comparable to the worries of various continents. Traveling in the starry sky has made her more profound understanding of the world. In the past three years, Qin Shuang has merged the seven attributes of herself into a mellow state, that is, the moment she merged the five attributes of light, dark, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth into a mellow, and she has all the yin and yang five elements This kind of feeling, the wind thunder spirit root that I hope for, can not be derived, and after all the five elements of yin and yang, wind thunder will be automatically born.

However, this requires continuous understanding of the five elements of Yin and Yang, and the current state is not enough to create Fenglei. However, given the direction, this trip to the void is worthwhile.

Looking up at the opposite side, it is Xinghai.

The so-called Xinghai is neither a star nor a sea, but is constructed of countless meteorites of various sizes. The big ones are like grinding discs, the small ones are like nails, and they are densely covered in the void.

It stands to reason that using Qin Shuang's body as a body, not to mention a millstone-sized meteorite, is a hill-like meteorite impacting on the body, and will not cause any harm to Qin Shuang. However, the jade briefing given by Yun Hao gave a very detailed introduction to this piece of Xinghai.

This star sea is very magical, and the large and small meteorites are very heavy. A meteorite with large nails also has the weight of a mountain.

So, is this nail-shaped meteorite and a mountain a concept?

Absolutely not!

What is the concept of putting the weight of a mountain in a meteorite with large nails?

This meteorite is as hard as expected!

Qin Shuang can easily smash a mountain, because the mountain only has weight, but the density is not enough, and the hardness is not enough. However, a meteorite with large nails has the weight of a mountain, and you can imagine how hard it is. Even Qin Shuang couldn't slap it.

Moreover, this meteorite is useless. It can't be refined. It is simply heavy, but unlike other materials, it has an increase in attribute power when refining.

The most important thing is that this star sea formed by meteorites also has tides. When the tides come, you can imagine that each meteorite has a mountain, or several mountains, even the weight of a small continent, and it is extremely hard What kind of oppression will the big waves hit for the monks crossing the Xinghai?

"Sister, can't we fly high?" Qin Jingyun also scratched his head a bit, crossing the Xinghai with his practice, it was really embarrassing.

"No! This Xinghai is very peculiar. The jade jade records that there is some strong gravity here, and you can't fly if you want to fly."

"Yeah!" Qin Jingyun said with emotion: "How can the gravity be so small when so many meteorites are brought together?"

"Let's go, it's really not going to work. I'll put you in the town demon tower."

Qin Shuang stepped towards the star sea thousands of miles away, followed by Qin Jingyun.

As he approached, Qin Shuang felt a kind of gravitation, attracting herself towards Xinghai. Qin Shuang hurriedly worked to repair his behavior, resisting such gravity. If she couldn't resist, her body would be attracted towards the Xinghai by the gravitational force, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and eventually hit the Xinghai like a meteor.

This Xinghai is not the earth. The level of rigidity, coupled with the speed of the moment of impact, I am afraid that Qin Shuang will also die.

The two controlled their own bodies, but the speed did not decrease, but a slight increase.

"Good gravity!" Qin Jingyun said.

"Control the speed!" Qin Shuangdao said.

Facing the Xinghai, the two are like two dust under the sky. As the distance gets closer and closer, the more you feel your own insignificance.

Finally, the two came to the Xinghai, each stepped on a meteor of the size of a grinding disc, and felt their bodies sink. Sure enough, they couldn't fly here, but they could also rise up. It is impossible to stay in the void.


Thank you very much for studying hard and studying hard (200), the wolf walking alone under the sky (100), and the reward of seaphay (100)!



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