Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2769: Crossing the sea

"Jingyun, how is it?" Qin Shuang looked at Qin Jingyun with some worry.

"Sister, let's do it!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun, two younger brothers, crossed the Xinghai. There was silence around it, as if the whole world, only the two of them were left.

After walking for more than ten days, the two sisters encountered the first surge. The dense meteorite in front of him undulated, and the undulations were small at first, and gradually became larger, setting off a wave of tens of feet.

That was a wave made of countless unusually heavy meteorites. When this wave smashed down, Qin Shuang also felt difficult. Don't think about walking on stones, gravity can't do it.


Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun each waved their fairy swords, and in the face of the wave that hit them, they would smash into their meteorite.

This requires not only strength, but also eyesight and speed. It is important to know that the meteorites that make up these waves vary in size, with large grinding discs and nail sizes. If you miss a nail the size of it, with the power of a big wave, hitting your body, Qin Shuang can't stand it either.


Qin Shuang picked up a meteor with a large grinding disc!

Not bad!

That is to fly, with the power of Qin Shuang, and the Tianxing sword in his hand, he did not smash the meteorite, Xuanzhi said:

"Can you persist?"

"I can!"

Qin Jingyun's eyes were crimson, eyes full of bloodshot eyes, staring at the waves smashed across the opposite side, the fairy sword in his hand jumped like a star pill, and meteorites of different sizes were taken off by him.

Qin Shuang nodded and saw that the defensive shield on his body was about to disappear. Then he raised his hand and released a defensive fairy symbol on his body, but the fairy sword in his hand did not pause.


A large wave of dozens of feet smashed down and instantly submerged Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun. The huge energy raged like a real tide.


Halfway through the big wave, two figures rushed out from the back of the big wave. Qin Shuang turned his head to look at Qin Jingyun, and saw that the defensive shield on Qin Jingyun had disappeared, his face was pale, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

"Go back to the town demon tower!" Qin Shuang said, his heart was extremely satisfied with Qin Jingyun. An immortal emperor was able to stick to this level, and his tenacity and tenacity of the realm can be seen.

Qin Jingyun didn't say anything this time, his breath was falling sharply, and the whole person was starting to quickly become weak. This big wave caused Qin Jingyun's harm to be absolutely not small. It was a fluke for Qin Jingyun not to kill Qin Jingyun.


The second big wave had already flowed in, and Qin's body was vertical, and she came to Qin Jingyun's side. With a wave of her hand, she collected Qin Jingyun into the Zhenyao Tower, and she rushed towards the big wave with a single sword.

The big wave surged, and the rays appeared above the big wave, just like the sun shining down the sea, it had a dazzling beauty, but this beauty had a strong destructive power.

The big waves are shaking, the whole space is shaking!

A tremendous and extreme force came under pressure from Qin Shuang, and the sword of the sky danced in both hands.


Soaring a meteorite, followed by the second, the third...

The endless waves slammed intensively. Qin Shuang swayed the sky sword in his hand like a machine. One sword and one sword flew a piece of meteorite of different sizes. The dense and heavy impact, constantly from The body of Tianxingjian teleported to Qin Shuang's arm. The force of the impact is densely superimposed.


Qin Shuang's arm spewed blood, and that was when her muscles began to crumble. However, Qin Shuang was like no consciousness, waving his sword through waves.


When a meteorite the size of a grinding disc was lifted by Qin Shuang, a nail-sized meteorite, such as a meteor, passed through Qin Shuang's defense and struck Qin Shuang's shoulder, which was the body of Qin Shuang. And blood spewed out. Qin Shuang's expression was somewhat embarrassed, and he could no longer retain Yuan Li's power, releasing the Emperor's Tower.


A translucent tower enveloped Qin Shuang, and the five-element streaks circulated. Occasionally, meteorite was missed and blocked by the Emperor Pagoda, but Qin Shuang's elemental energy consumption was extremely fast.

One wave after another, gradually, Qin Shuang felt something. The sword tip of Tianxing showed yin and yang. Surrounding the sword tip, when the meteorite collided, a small part of its power was released, and then the meteorite was taken off and let Qin Shuang's pressure has been reduced a lot.

Qin Shuang was already immersed in the comprehension at this time. The yin and yang of the sword tip circled gradually, and a trace of time and space was gradually produced.

More than three months.

Qin Shuang traveled in the Xinghai for more than three months and encountered several Xinghai tides. Finally passed the Xinghai, she stood in the sky, her eyes closed, her face exhausted, and she was covered in embarrassment.

But when she opened her eyes, she was as bright as a star.

"Yin and Yang are born in time and space. Five elements are all there, the wind and thunder come out!"


Qin Shuang exhaled for a long time, standing quietly in the void. Behind her, there was the endless rolling sea of ​​stars. Layer after layer, it is not clear in the distance, as if it is like a vast ocean.

From time to time, meteorites were attracted, and Qin Shuang suddenly looked to the right, and saw a small continent-like meteorite appear in his field of vision, being attracted by Xinghai and floating, Qin Shuang quietly Looking at the huge meteorite, about a day later, the small continental-like meteorite crashed into the Xinghai.


The Xinghai was rioted. Numerous meteorites, large grinding discs, under nails, etc. meteorite densely hit the continental-like meteorite. The continental-like meteorite was soon struck apart and was attracted to flow deep into the Xinghai Going, being hit intensively, just like a piece of ore being forged by countless blacksmiths with a sledgehammer. Qin Shuang could see clearly that the meteorite in the star sea was constantly hitting the debris of the continent, tempering the torn continent smaller and smaller, and naturally heavier and heavier.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, this Xinghai must have a secret, otherwise there would be no such gravity. However, she did not have the time and energy to investigate the matter at this time, but she made a decision in her mind.

Qin Shuang carefully perceives his primordial spirit, and there is joy and regret between Meiyu.

She finds that she already has the attributes of time and space in the Yuanshen, but she does not have the attributes of wind and thunder, and there is no sign of breaking through Tianzun.

"This is my constant use of yin and yang in the past few months to give birth to time and space. But I don't know how to produce wind and thunder. And now there is no sign of breaking through Tianzun. Is it because time and space have not realized the realm, or because We must understand Feng Lei to be able to break through to Heavenly Venerable?"


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