Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2777: Analysis of the plan

"This is just a plan proposed by He Hongtu for Zongmen's future. Let's discuss this plan first. Jin Boshan, what's your opinion on this plan?"

Jin Boshan stood up and said: "Sect Master, with our current strength of Tianxing Zong, this plan should be the most appropriate. However, this plan is also the most inappropriate for Zongmen's future.

Once we have made this choice, no matter what we think in our hearts, we have actually planted a timid thought in our hearts.

Once this idea is planted and we want to cultivate further, it will become difficult.

Xiu Xian was originally walking against the sky. How can she be timid?

It’s just a matter of us, even if it’s a sacrifice for the sect. However, this matter is bound to be publicized. The Sect Master deferred the good intentions of the six holy sites. The news could not be concealed. There were always leaked people. Then they would be informed by the lineages in the continent of the six holy sites, and then they would ridicule Tianxing Clan. In this way, the monks of Tianxingzong will know.

This has a profound impact on the Tianxing Sect. As the Sect Master said, this will become a spirit of the Tianxing Sect and then form a style.

A timid style!

What is the future of a sect with a timid style?

Even if you survive the battle of the world, I am afraid it will eventually disappear in the long course of history.

Therefore, I think this plan is the best plan for Zongmen to survive. But it was the seed that Zongmen finally destroyed. It just destroys the Zongmen in a short time and becomes a longer time. "

Everyone in the hall thought for a moment and nodded one after another. He Hongtu, who proposed such a plan, also stood up and said with shame:

"Sect Master, I am ashamed, and my eyes are not as good as Brother Jin."

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said: "Dr. He Dian should not be arrogant. We are only studying which option to choose. If there is no better option in the end, we will also choose the one you proposed. Although this option will make the Tianxingzong eventually disappear, but At the very least, the Tianxingzong did not disappear immediately, giving us time. Maybe in the future, our Tianxingzong can reshape the style!

When the future is unpredictable, we can only succumb to the present. Always let the suzerain live first. "


He Hongtu sighed deeply and sat down. All the people in the hall looked uncomfortable.

"Okay, He Hongtu is a temporary candidate. Let's study the proposal proposed by Ai Fengning. Han Rui, what do you think?"

Han Rui stood up and said, "Sect Master, I think this plan is feasible. But we don't know how much the Six Holy Sites owe the Sect Master's favors. To what extent can the Six Great Holy Sites help us, if we can get greater support, Then we can invite the six holy sites to introduce first-class sect to us. We make some concessions, some commitments, and even pay a lot of resources to connect with these first-class sects. This is not only during the battle of the world, right We are good, even after the world war, it is also good for us.

What is missing from our Tianxingzong now?

The first one is definitely strength, but the second one is friends. We are like a frog sitting on a well, just shrinking to a wild continent. Outside of the wild continent, we have no corresponding friendly sect. However, if we have friends through this world war, Zongmen's road will be much better in the future. And Tian Xingzong also formed his own style.

That is even horizontal and vertical!

However, if the six holy sites have limited support for us, all this is a mirror moon. Sovereign, what level of support do you think the Holy Land will give us? "

All the people in the hall looked forward to Qin Shuang, and even the style of horizontal and vertical, can be said to be the mainstream style of the fairy world. If you can form the Tianxing Sect into this style, it is much better than enduring humiliation. They It will not produce timid demons in the heart.

Qin Shuang thought about it seriously, but in the end shook his head and said, "The Six Holy Lands will have limited support for the Tianxingzong. You must understand that in this great world battle, only the mainland of the Six Holy Lands is quite brutal with us. The mainland, that is, there are only seven continental alliances.

But, how many hundred people do you think about?

Although there are not really a hundred continents, there are still more than eighty continents.

The Seven Saints are out! This is a difficult war. The final victory may not belong to the Holy Land Alliance, and even the Holy Land Alliance has a smaller win.

In this situation, do you think that the six holy sites will rebel against all other forces in the entire camp because of our Heavenly Sect?

This is related to the life and death of the six sacred places, which is what I owe to me. In that case, they will also choose to give up the Tianxing Sect. This is not to blame the six holy places, even if I sit in that position, I will choose so. Compared with the interests of the entire camp, the favor of a Tian Xingzong seems too small.

However, this is also an option, and it is not impossible to do it, but the future is unpredictable. What else do you add to this plan? "

Everyone shook their heads one by one, and this plan has been analyzed to a very detailed level, with the advantages and disadvantages first.

"Okay, now let's analyze the third plan, which is the road of overbearing. Song Xiong, talk about your thoughts."

Song Xiong stood up and said bitterly: "Actually, I think this plan is the best, which is conducive to our newly established patriarchal rule, so that the monks of Zongmen can cultivate a spirit of daring to think and struggle. We are not a monstrosity, but a monstrosity actually belonging to the third-class ancestors, which is barely the end of the second-class.

Even the horizontal and vertical schemes are plainly used to develop sect gates with strategies. This should be a big sect gate, which is a suitable scheme for first-class sect gates. Even horizontal and vertical also need strength, otherwise why do people connect with you horizontally and vertically? And do we have this strength?

does not have!

Therefore, even horizontal and vertical for us, it is likely to become a situation where the tiger is not a counter-dog, become a vassal of the first-class sect, and become a cannon fodder for the first-class sect.

However, if we choose to fight this way, we also do not have this strength. If there is no dispute in the world, we have unified the barbaric continent, and we just went out to cultivate this domineering style. Even if the casualties are huge, we will not destroy the sect. Keep it, our sect will always A little bit stronger, so that this spirit is immersed in the bones of each monk, Zongmen has a great possibility to develop.

However, if we encounter this kind of world war, our style will end up being crushed without strength. "

"Lin Qing, what do you say? What do you add to these three plans and which one do you prefer?"


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