Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2778: Kingly and overbearing

Lin Qing was the last person in the deliberation hall who did not speak. At this time, she was named by Qin Shuang, but she said bitterly:

"Three roads, at present, taking the road of hegemony is toward destruction. Taking the road of kingship is also toward destruction. Only the path of forbearance and humiliation can make Zongmen survive for a while, but this style will be doomed again. The door will be destroyed in the future.

Sect Master, since no matter which road is destroyed, it is better for us to fight once, we will take the road of hegemony. Big deal, we will leave some seeds at that time. "

Qin Shuang nodded and motioned Lin Qing to sit down. He lowered his eyes slightly and began to meditate, synthesizing the suggestions made by everyone. And everyone in the hall is now thinking about a feasible plan.

Time passed in silence, about two quarters of an hour, Qin Shuang raised his eyes. It was just such a small movement, everyone in the hall immediately focused his eyes on Qin Shuang's body, and the look of expectation appeared in his eyes. Unconsciously, Qin Shuang has become the backbone of these people. As long as there is Qin Shuang, no matter what degree of crisis they encounter, it seems that they can always maintain a stable.

All of this led Qin Shuang to take them to resist Chaos Beast tide, expedition to Shangyuan Continent, conquer the barbarians, kill the hundred people to respect the deity, protect the sect door, etc. step by step into their hearts, in their hearts From a seed, it has sprouted and grown into a towering tree. From the subconscious mind, it has a dependence on Qin Shuang.

"Everyone, I have arranged an order for the three schemes, overbearing, kingly and humiliating.

Why did you endure the humiliation in the end?

It's very simple, because no one likes to endure humiliation, even if there is only a little hope, no one will choose to go that way. However, I still ranked it in the options, but did not remove it. This is because humiliating and stealing life is also a life. I can never know the destruction of the sect, but I still choose to destroy this way. We are not alone. If it is only one person, it is full of thorns. We are also going to make a way.

However, we are a sect, a sect with millions of disciples, and we always have to make way for Zongmen. However, the spirit we want to leave for the Zongmen disciples is not to bear humiliation, but to bear humiliation. We do not endure humiliation not to survive, but to glory in the future. "

Everyone is moving!

Sovereignty is right!

There is also a difference in tolerance, some steal a living, but some are to accumulate strength and soar into the sky.

Then... we should be careful! With our strength, Gouzhu is the best choice. Such a spirit of enduring humiliation, accumulating strength, and flying into the sky, can live now, and can be glorious in the future.

"But!" Qin Shuang's eyes swept across the crowd, how could he not understand everyone's mind? Su channel:

"Sometimes, when you are careful, you will become real, no matter how ambitious you are in the beginning. So, although I kept this option, I put it at the end. Only when there is no other opportunity, we To be able to choose this option."

Everyone was silent, Qin Shuang said they all understood, there were many things, there were many people, they were all bearing the burden of forbearance, but with the passage of time, they eventually turned into forbearance and stealing life, and it was difficult to cultivate and survive. Yuan died.

These things are not humanistic hearsays from them, but the real happenings of the monks around. They all lived long enough and saw enough things.

"Let’s talk about the second royal road. The so-called royal road, you first have to be a king, and then you can be horizontal and vertical. That is to say, you have the existing strength and are approved by other monks, otherwise you I don’t have the qualification to meet others. You said, I am going to see the suzerain I don’t know among the nine major suzerains of Shangyuan mainland. Do you think their suzerain will meet me personally, or will he send an elder to meet me casually?"

Everyone was silent again.

Do you still have to think about it?

I will definitely send an elder to see the Qin Shuangyi, or even send a disciple of the Immortal Emperor to see the Qin Shuangyi, and send it away.

You really don’t feel wronged. The disciples of the first-class grand sect are willing to see you as a landlord lord who is barely a second-class sect. Too many second-rate patriarchs are polite when they see first-class disciples.

In this way, you even have a fart!

"Let's put the endure of humiliation on the side first, because this plan is not on the same level as the first two. Kingship and overbearing can be regarded as two directions on the same level.

Let's put aside the dispute of the world for the first time, and simply study these two directions, which one is more suitable for the development of Zongmen.

Wang Dao just walked around with his heart, developed horizontally and vertically, and developed Zongmen into a major force. The ultimate goal was to become the leader of the fairyland, or one of the leaders.

Focus on momentum and cultivation.

Overbearing is the path of pure cultivation. It does not seek to be a leader in the fairy world, nor does it seek to be one of the leaders. Seeking is only strong, even if it is not the strongest in the fairy world, it is also the sect of the hardest bone in the fairy world. Maybe this style will become the sword of those kings, but none of them dare to despise us and bully us. It will not destroy us, because they want to destroy us, they will also have huge casualties, and since then a knife is missing.

Of course, our knife is a thoughtful knife, not just anyone who wants to use it, nor when he wants to use it. In this way, in terms of potential and cultivation, it focuses on cultivation.

As I said, let's put down the dispute over the world first, but don't have it at all. It is just a simple analysis that we are suitable to go that way. Do you think to follow the path of strategy or the path of cultivation? "

"Does this need to be said?" Bi Chongtian said: "What is the purpose of my monk cultivation? Isn't it to become longer, to be stronger?

Let me focus on strategy and affect the cultivation, which is against my original intention. Of course I chose to be overbearing. "

Lietianxing also nodded and said: "Yes. Cultivation is to comprehend the world of heaven and earth. This is the lifelong goal of my monks. And those who play tricks, even horizontal and vertical, still belong to the category of mortals."

"It can't be said that if we have the potential to become one of the leaders of the fairyland, our cultivation environment will be better and it will be more conducive to our search for a avenue."

"But that will lose heart."

"As long as you stick to your heart, nothing can change your heart."

"You have embarked on a road that does not focus on cultivation, how can you stick to your heart?"



Quarrel broke out in the meeting hall, Qin Shuang did not speak, just listened to the quarrel of everyone, and also weighed two directions in his heart.


Many thanks to Taixu Zongyu Xu Ziyan (200), Ziyan is like a dream (200), Taixu Zongyu Xu Nianzu (200), djp1123 (100)!



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