Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2779: Sect strength

After this quarrel, they quarreled for three days and three nights, and finally the voice gradually disappeared, and everyone looked at Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang had weighed in his mind at this time, and then said:

"I think after three days and three nights of debate, in fact, we already know one thing, no matter which path we choose now, there must be a prerequisite, that is, we must have a certain strength."

Everyone's expression could not help but showed a trace of frustration.


Even if you want to go kingly, you must be qualified to go kingly. Without strength, you have no qualifications. Everything is a good imagination.

"So, what we should now focus on is cultivation practice! What is your opinion?"


Everyone shook their heads, whether they chose to go kingly or overbearing monks. At this point, they all have a clear understanding that they must first increase their strength to have the right to choose, otherwise only the chosen right.

"So, let's dominate the way!" Qin Shuangyi gave the final word: "First, we will improve our strength. There is not much time for us, we only have about a thousand years.

Thousands of years, not long, not short.

Maybe our strength has not made much progress, maybe our strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and we will compete in the future.

However, if you want to improve your cultivation practice in this millennium, you must put it to death and give up all luck. Don't think about other options, just run the road of domineering and aggressive. In this millennium, maybe Zongmen will have a large number of monks falling, but it will make our Zongmen strength and have a qualitative leap. "

"Then... Lin Qing was a little uneasy: "If we still have insufficient strength at the beginning of the Great World War, what should we do? "

"Actually..." Qin Shuang's expression became solemn and said: "If at that time, our strength is still insufficient, which way to choose, the chance of Zongmen's destruction is the most. Because after all, Xianjie still depends on itself, relying on Your own strength. The battle of the world, there is no fluke. Therefore, you must be conscious. Or the strength is raised enough to make the parties in the fairy world pay attention to us, or our strength is insufficient, and finally wipe out the wave of battle in the world. Among.

Therefore, from this moment on, our entire Tianxing Sect has millions of disciples who must fight and fight. It takes life to fight, and life to fight.

In the process of strength improvement, the style of clank and iron bones was tempered. "

The spirit of everyone in the hall was alive. They knew that Qin Shuang had already made a choice, and that was to choose the path of hegemony. Choose the blood style.

The monks who wanted to go this way originally couldn't bear the fighting spirit in their hearts and exuded. Those who originally wanted to take the road of kingship also agreed with Qin Shuang's decision. They do not want to take the path of hegemony, but they think that Zong Men's objective strength is insufficient, and they also have the ambition to become one of the leaders of the fairy world. However, he knew more clearly that all of this required strength, so Qin Shuang decided that there was not much resistance in their hearts. During this period, he first suppressed the ambition in his heart and honestly improved his strength.

"Sect Master!" Bi Chongtian stood up and said: "Disciples like the fairy king, because they must understand the law, it is much simpler.

Fa Lu Cai Land!

In terms of inheritance, today's Tianxing Sect has countless exercises and Taoisms brought out by the Sect Master, at least at the level of the Immortal King, we dare not compare with the Holy Land, but it is not much more than the first-class Dazong Gate. In this aspect of law, we already have the foundation of a first-class sect.

Besides, I have not been to the Holy Land, you have been to the Sovereign. How do you compare the current cultivation environment of our sect with the Holy Land? "

"Slightly stronger than the Holy Land!"

Qin Shuang said with a smile, Qin Shuang wasn't really blowing, and the Holy Land didn't use so many fairy veins to assemble Juyuan's large array like Tian Xingzong. The concentration of Xianyuanqi in Tianxingzong is higher than that of the six holy sites.

Bi Chongtian's face showed a trace of lust: "In this way, our Tianxing Sect is still inferior to the Holy Land in this aspect of the earth, but it also has the foundation of the first-class big sect. Am I right?"

Everyone nodded their heads, and there was a look of excitement on their faces.

"Speaking of wealth, our Tianxingzong is now the first sect of the barbarian continent, and has the resources of the entire continent. It can be said that we must surpass the first-class sect in terms of wealth, because no matter which continent, there are A first-class ancestor divides the resources of that continent. But our Tianxing Zong is different. In the barbarian continent, only our Tianxing Zong is the strongest, and most of its resources are in our hands.

Finally, when it comes to mates, what we are sending is mates. And because the disciples of the fairy king are low, they are not suitable for going out of the wild continent, and the chaos in the wild continent have been wiped out by us. Although there will be monsters born, it takes time for those monsters to grow up. This is Our shortcomings.

However, in short, in the fairy king, there is no need to worry about their cultivation for promotion, inheritance, cultivation environment stronger than the Holy Land, and cultivation resources for the entire continent. For thousands of years, don’t say that these disciples will break through the fairy sage, But most of the disciples will break through the fairy king and become monks of the law. "

"We can complete this short board by other means!" Hai Zhen said: "We can specify the sect rules, and every month there will be monks with high training for the monks with low training to preach. It’s a pointer, it can replace a partner."

Yang Yuzhu also said: "We can also hold a test. For example, a ratio of five years, a ratio of ten years, with fighting instead of companions."

He Hongtu said excitedly: "In this way, we don't need to worry about the growth of the disciples."

"Yes!" Lietianxing said: "Everyone has been retreating in recent years, seeking to break through the respect, so I don't know much about Zongmen's situation. In fact, Zongmen's strength has improved over the past 100 years. It can be said to advance by leaps and bounds.

Over the past 100 years, our sect has no shortage of inheritance, the cultivation environment is comparable to the holy land, the cultivation resources are rich, and there is a war to annihilate the Chaos. "

"Oh?" Qin Shuang looked at Hunting Sky with interest.

Li Tianxing explained: "Our ancestors originally had only about 1.2 million monks, but it has been more than two hundred years since the first departure of the lord, and every ten years, the ancestors will recruit A group of well-qualified disciples and monks in Zongmen married and had children. For example, there are already nearly 2 million people in Xingzong today.

Among these nearly 2 million people, there are more than 100,000 people who are not suitable for cultivation. These 100,000 people are the descendants of our monks of the Tianxing sect. Therefore, we set up Chengchi villages to accommodate these people. There are about 1.65 million people who can really stay in the sect.

Among these people, about 50,000 disciples during the Mahayana period. "

"What?" This time even surprised the pair.


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