Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2780: difficult

"Of course, this is because some people have been eliminated. In these years when the patriarch went out to travel, we formulated some rules, taking the mahayana period as a level, and monks who cannot break through the centuries before the age of fifty are not allowed in the sect. In order to practice inside the gate, one must leave Zongmen. Some of these people settled in the cities and villages outside Zongmen, seeking resources for cultivation by themselves, some went out to explore for breakthroughs, and some joined other sects of the barbarous continent Therefore, the remaining disciples in the Zongmen are all under the age of fifty, and most of them are children.

Sect Master, this is not our strict rules. In fact, we have the inheritance of the Sect, cultivation environment and resources, and there are fighting opponents like Chaos Beast. I want to change my age to 30 years old. "

When Qin Shuang thought about it, he felt suddenly in his heart that he could not use the concept of spirit world to look at the fairy world. The spirit world is aura, the fairy world is a fairy air, and the Tianxing Sect has a first-class sect heritage. At the age of fifty, you can't break through the human fairy. It is indeed unbearable.

When Li Tianxing saw Qin Shuang nodded, he continued: "Among the remaining nearly 1.6 million people, the number from the level of human fairy to the fairy king is the largest, about 1 million."

"What?" Qin Shuang was surprised again: "You mean, we have 600,000 law monks in Tianxingzong?"

"Yes, Lord, don’t forget, when we returned from the expedition to Shangyuan mainland 200 years ago, nearly 600,000 monks joined the Tianxing Sect. Of the 600,000 monks, the lowest was It is also the great Luo Jinxian. This is because when the Chaos clan was suppressed in the past hundred years, a lot of them fell, otherwise there will be more law monks."

Qin Shuang suddenly, nodded and said: "You continue to say."

"The nearly one million disciples just don’t need to comprehend the laws, just let them practice to the peak of the fairy monarch. I don’t think it takes thousands of years, and three or five hundred years is enough. You also know that the ruler does not involve the laws, It has a heritage and a cultivation environment comparable to that of a holy place. It is to use resources to pile up, and it is also possible to put these disciples on the pile in three or five hundred years. That is to say, in three or five hundred years, these nearly one million disciples The worst is also the peak of the fairy king. What's more, there are many disciples who are already the peak of the fairy king and are hitting the fairy king."

Everyone nodded. The original Tianxing Sect was the first sect of the barbarous continent. How could it be that the qualifications and talents for recruiting disciples who entered the sect were poor?

Without the resources to pile up, these people can finally reach the peak of the fairy king, and now they just let them advance the time and increase the speed.

Sect disciples like Tian Xingzong, before the fairy king, they would not have any insurmountable levels at all, their real test is the fairy king.

The fairy king is a watershed in the whole monk's life, because before the fairy king, the monk is still called a monk, but after the fairy king, there is a prefix called the law monk.

This is a qualitative difference.

Because the cultivation base has reached the peak of the fairy monarch, and wants to break through the fairy king and the cultivation after breaking through the fairy king, there is an additional project to understand the law, and this project also occupies the most important position in the daily practice of the law monk. The law of comprehension is not built up with resources. Therefore, Hunting Sky can be said that within a few hundred years, these monks can become fairy monarchs, but they dare not say that within a thousand years, a few can become fairy kings.

"Just..." Zhan invincible said: "This way they are piled up all the way, that is, a shelf, there is not much fighting power, go out to fight, let alone between the same rank, I am afraid that they will be defeated by monks below their own rank. ?"

"Yeah!" Yang Yuzhu felt: "Now that we are a barbarian continent, we have eliminated the Chaos tribes. Although the monsters were born, they haven't grown up yet. Our monks of the Tianxingzong have no sharpened opponents in the barbarian continent. The following cultivation practice is not enough to leave the wild land, we lack a place for disciples to experience."

"I think of a way!"

Qin Shuang thought back to the Yuan continent at this time. He once went to understand the small world of the five-colored divine dragon of the five elements in one. I wonder if that small world was taken away?

I think should not be?

If you want to take away that small world, you need five elements of spiritual roots, and you need five elements in one. This probability is too small. Having an idea in mind, he raised his eyes and looked at the Hunting Path:

"You continue."

"Sovereign, what we said is the advantage of our sect, but there are also problems.

The first question is the issue of combat effectiveness. Sect Master Fang Cai has already said that it is up to you. Then, the second question, these nearly one million monks became immortal kings in three to five hundred years, how to help them break through to the immortal king, this is the big problem of our sect.

In the future battle of the world, if you are not polite, all the followers of the fairy king are cannon fodder. Only the law monk is the real power to decide victory or defeat. Even if we join the Holy Land Alliance in the future, the team of monks we send out will also be rule monks. In this way, even if nearly one million monks have broken through to the peak of the fairy king, but not breaking through the fairy king, in fact, there is no improvement in the strength of our sect, and it will not have any decisive help for the future battle of the world. . After all, the minimum requirement for our expedition team is the fairy king.

However, if you want to become a law monk, you really can't accumulate resources! "


Qin Shuang secretly said that it was not that there was no resource to help the fairy king, but that it was so scarce that it was so scarce that the entire fairy world did not think that there was such a resource, and he now owns this resource.

Rule fragments!

Not bad!

The rule fragments can help the monks to comprehend the rules, and it is not necessary to give more. Each ruler peak can be given a rule fragment. If none of the rule fragments can help a fairy ruler to comprehend the rules, it means that this monk is difficult to break through Fairy King, there is no need to give more, and resources cannot be wasted so much, although there are many fragments of Qin Shuang's Law. Those monks who can’t break the fairy king with the help of a piece of law can only use time to grind slowly, go out to travel, and find opportunities by themselves.

"I have to figure out the problem."

When I heard Qin Shuang say this, the people in the meeting hall were all stunned, but thinking of the magic of Qin Shuang in the past, they could get so many fairy veins, and hopes emerged in each heart. However, Qin Shuang does not say that they are not easy to ask each other. Lietianxing was excited and continued to say:

"The third problem is the problem of the monk of the law. Understanding the law is already difficult, not to mention that after entering the monk of the law, the law of understanding has become a daily routine. Although the wild continent is now decomposing the law of chaos on a large scale, the law becomes It has been thickened many times in the past, but the cultivation of the law monk is not only to weave the law, but to have a deep understanding of the law. And the law monk is no longer like the fairy king, under the environment like today's lineage, the fairy Before the king, there were almost no bottlenecks, but after the fairy king, every major order will be a level, a bottleneck. For example, if the fairy king breaks through to the fairy king, if there is no qualitative leap like understanding of the law, it is impossible to break through of."


Thank you very much, Zunyu Xu Nianzu (500) and Ziyan (200)!



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