Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2804: Reentry Tower

Quite a continent.

Fifty years have passed.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes, showing joy in his eyes, and also showing emotion.

This is the benefit of establishing a sect, with younger brothers and disciples.

If Qin Shuang repairs one, she can see that this chaos is a great opportunity, but how can she monitor tens of thousands of altars at the same time?

Just rely on her to find an altar and sit there waiting for her luck?

Not to mention that you want to encounter all attributes, but if you encounter five-element attributes, there is no chance.

However, after becoming a sect master with millions of disciples, this chance became a grip.

When Qin Shuangxin thought about it, he took out each of the wind and thunder time and space law fragments separately, and then dispersed a chain of laws in the Yuanshen, and then began to decompose the wind and thunder time and space law fragments. Eleven attributes are woven into a chain of laws.



In the end, let alone a chain of laws, it is a chain of laws. It was only one-fifth of the weave, and it burst.

However, Qin Shuang was not frustrated, but a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

This has made great progress!

At first, did you even have the attributes of Fenglei?

What now?

Not only do you have all the attributes, but you can already weave all the attributes!


Although even one rule of lock is not woven, but it is also woven almost one-fifth?

Not to mention one-fifth, even one-hundredth, one-thousandth, or even one-tenth, as long as it succeeds a little, it is the beginning of success, which proves that Qin Shuang has begun to integrate eleven attributes Too. From now on, it will be the time of water milling, slowly comprehend and slowly grind.

So, if Qin Shuang can completely weave a chain of all-attribute laws, does that mean she can break through Tianzun?

to be frank!

do not know!

Qin Shuang's own feeling is that if he can really weave a chain of laws completely, he should be able to break through to Tianzun.

However, that requires practice to verify!

How to verify?

It is not enough to weave a complete chain of laws!

How many chains does Qin Shuang have now?

One hundred thousand.

However, these 100,000 law chains have only seven attributes. Qin Shuang needs to disperse the law chains, reintegrate into the wind and time law of space, and weave a chain of all attribute laws. When re-weaving 100,000 chains of all attribute laws, it is back to the peak of Di Zun.

At that time, Qin Shuang should have an accurate perception, did he stand in the realm of Heavenly Venerable in his mind?

Re-knitting the chain of 100,000 laws, and it is the chain of all-attribute laws, which itself is a sorting and deep understanding of the all-attribute world road. On this basis, when Qin Shuang was able to weave out the 101st rule of all attributes, it was a real breakthrough to Tianzun.

However, it is now clearly impossible. Qin Shuang still does not have the realm of Dao Tianzun, because she has not even woven a full attribute law lock.

How to do?

Qin Shuang took out the communication jade jade, looked at it carefully, and then shook his head regretfully. There was no chaos of all attributes on the jade jade. Think about it, now that 150 years have passed, the chaos law from the entire wild continent has disappeared, and it has become a complete fairyland law, and there are about one hundred and fifty years left. There will be no chaos for any attribute.

What should I do?

Rely on time to grind, how long will it take?

Sky Tower!

Two words suddenly appeared in Qin Shuang's heart, and his spirit was revitalized. His shoulders shook, his figure disappeared on the altar.

Sky Tower.

Qin Shuang was standing in front of the tower, looking at the monks who came in and out from time to time, and the color of memory appeared in his eyes, and a smile appeared slowly in the corner of his mouth.

At first, how much risk did she take in order to enter the Sky Tower?

At that time, the strength of the human race in the barbarian continent was not as good as that of the barbarian. The tower was occupied by the barbarian, ha ha...

He closed the eyes of the memories and looked at the monks who came in and out.


There is no monk of Tianxingzong!

Think about it too!

For example, today Xingzong who broke through the fairy king and became a monk of law, ran to the altar, chose a place suitable for his cultivation through the communication post, and took advantage of the last chance of this wild continent to obtain a mental breakthrough. The monks of the law practiced and learned in various circles within the sect. One hundred and fifty years ago, they just experienced a brutal war and completed the annihilation of the chaos. The monk Zongmen does not need to go out to fight. Instead, it requires meditation to precipitate yourself. Therefore, almost no monks of the Tianxingzong walked on the barbarous continent, and almost no monks of the Tianxingzong came to the sky tower. Although the entire Tianxingzong did not seal the mountain, it was a situation of sealing the mountain.

The monks outside the Tianxing Sect, no one knows that the Tianxing Sect has a communication post and has obtained the last chance of the chaotic division of the wild mainland, and no one knows that the Tianxing Sect quietly has 15 more to practice. World.

At the beginning, the other sects and families on the barbaric continent were still wondering why Tianxingzong suddenly turned down. However, slowly, 150 years later, the monks of the barbarian continent have gradually become accustomed to it. Although they will not forget the behemoth of the barbarian continent, Tianxingzong, they will fade in memory. The entire barbaric continent has become a place where other ancestors and families have stirred up the storm. The decomposition of the law of chaos has made the barbaric continent's fairyland rule more intense, so that many old-fashioned monks have made breakthroughs, and young monks have been rapidly improved. Over the past 150 years on the Barbaric Continent, there have been many young and handsome people. For a time, they were struggling with battles, and they were very lively. Among these people, there was no Tianxingzong monk. Although the Tianxingzong still stood there, it seemed to be a memory.

Even the monks who grew up in these 150 years have never seen Qin Shuang. At this time, Qin Shuang was standing in front of the tower, and there were monks passing by her from time to time, and no one recognized her.

Stepping into the sky tower, he came to the room and ate a December fruit. Qin Shuang sat on the futon. Next moment, he entered the level of Di Zun.

Every other year, when the effect of the december fruit is used up, Qin Shuang will come out of the sky tower, and then eat another december fruit, and re-enter the sky tower to understand the way of eleven attribute fusion .

In the first ten years, Qin Shuang's concentration of comprehension rules merged. When ten years passed, Qin Shuang knew that Tianta's help for her in this respect was extremely limited. After all, the sky tower is a place for monks to integrate Taoism, rather than a place where fusion exercises are made to achieve primal spirit. This is the realm of Qin Shuang, and it has the December fruit. Therefore, looking at the essence through appearances, he has realized the fusion of some laws, but for this part, it is impossible to deepen the trace.


Thank you very much for the white leaves qaq (100)!



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