Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2805: Or not

In the second decade, Qin Shuang realized the violent bell.

In ten years, the progress has not been great, but the diameter of the violent bell has been reduced to 100 meters. As for the power, Qin Shuang did not try it, so naturally he did not know. But speculated that it should be able to kill Tianzun five layers.

In the third decade, Qin Shuang tried to integrate wind and thunder time and space into Taoism and into the world. The result is not very satisfactory, although some are integrated, but very little. However, don't look at the lack of integration, but the power has improved a lot.

While fusing Taoism, Qin Shuang also had a deeper understanding of the law of a single attribute and created his own Taoism.

In this way, 180 years have passed since the altar was realized. Qin Shuang returned to Zongmen.

Upon entering Zongmen, there was silence. Qin Shuangxuanxian spread out, and what Xuanxian saw was all disciples below the law monk. There is no one law monk in the entire sect.

Qin Shuang understands that the chaotic rule on the altar is decomposed, and although it has no effect on her, it has a relatively large effect on other law monks. It is estimated that those people will not come back until the law of chaos is completely resolved. After calculating the time, it is estimated that it will take another hundred years.

Thinking of the time, I couldn't help but count how long it would take Xu Ziyan to come out. Xu Ziyan told Qin Shuang that they need 3,000 hours, and nearly 400 years have passed. That is to say, Xu Ziyan still needs more than two thousand six hundred years before they can get out of Mt. Chuanshan. It has been two hundred years since the Bai Clan Alliance began to connect. I don’t know how the series is connected?

Qin Shuang shook his head, looked at Xuan Yuefeng, and found that Qin Jingyun, Yuan Tong, Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen were not there, and they should all be on the side of the altar. So he flew to Bu Tianfeng.

On the Tianfeng Peak, there are now 80 fairy princes comprehending there, and each fairy prince is holding a fragment of law. Qin Shuang nodded in satisfaction.

Able to cultivate to the realm of fairy monarch, the qualifications will not be too bad. With the supplementary peak, there is already a great possibility of breaking through the fairy king, and now each of them is given a rule fragment, then Qin Shuang can feel it There is a faint breath of breakthrough in them.

Qin Shuang came to the top of Butian Peak and sat cross-legged. Before she had dispersed a chain of laws, decomposed the fragments of wind and thunder time and space laws, and weaved a chain of laws incorporating eleven laws, but even one fifth of a chain of laws failed to weave successfully. Laws are all gathered in their own world. At this time, these law wires were extracted from the world again and weaving the law chain.

There is no wave in Qin Shuang's state of mind, and a little rule of law is gradually taking shape.


It's a bit messy now.

Not knowing when, a war broke out. And the war ended quickly and the battlefield was cleaned very cleanly. A team of monks disappeared silently.

Who did it?

Who was it?

The Taixu Sect and the Five Holy Lands did it, and it was the Bai people.

During these 80 years, Taixuzong and the five holy sites formed a high-level elite, hidden in the void, dedicated to killing monk teams from the hundred-nation continent to other continents through the void. To bully less, to bully. Killed neatly, cleaned up and down.

Eighty years is very long for mortals, but for the entire fairyland, it is very short. It's just strange that the top executives of the Bai family are too short. The monks sent in series should come!

Why haven't you come back?

As a last resort, the second team was sent again. The series of the Bai people was partly destroyed by the Taixuzong and the five holy sites. Although it was only a part of it, it delayed the alliance of the Bai people and messed up their plans. And so far, Bai people are still full of question marks.

Too Xuzong.

Monks Xu Qinyang and Dayi Tianzun are still negotiating.

"I haven't received the news that we were found. How stupid are these hundred people?" Da Ri Tian Zun sneered, and all Tian Zun couldn't help laughing.

In eighty years, the Bai people have not yet discovered the Taixuzong and the five holy sites to start action, which has won the Taixuzong and the five holy sites for eighty more years.

At this time, Xu Qinyang's communication hanging from his waist had been shaken. Xu Qinyang explored Xuanzhi and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? Our monk in the void was found?" Yun Hao Tianzun asked.

"No!" Xu Qinyang shook his head and said: "It is the Hundred-Continent's oppression of the human race that is growing. Although the war has not yet officially started, the signs are already very obvious. Small and medium-sized battles have been frequent. Some are in Hundred. The clan family and sect of the ethnic continent have been destroyed."

Wu Tianzun thought for a while: "It seems that they have successfully connected some continents. Once they have formed a complete series, they must first clear the human races of their respective continents. Either kill the human races or turn them into slaves. We Something has to be done, this is also an aspect of delaying time."

"Good!" Xu Qinyang nodded and said: "And our holy land is too peaceful for too long, the fighting ability of the monk Zongmen has not been fully excavated, and the monks who grew up lack combat experience. I am going to let the monks of Taixu Zong To travel to various continents through the void, on the one hand, it is to assist those people, on the other hand, it is also a kind of grinding to the monks of the Zongmen.

Do not!

Not only is it too sect, I will convene all forces of the entire Shangyuan continent, and each force will send a certain amount of places to different continents. "

Tianzun in the five great holy places couldn't help but be tempted. Over the past 80 years, there are also many monks in their continent who have just grown up. They also need to sharpen and enhance their fighting experience. In the millennium before the beginning of the war, more and more monks in the five holy places will make breakthroughs, and they will take turns to go to the Bai ethnic continent to support the human races there. In this way, it can not only enhance the combat effectiveness, but also drag the Bai ethnic group and postpone the war. time.

"We also sent people back to arrange, it is better to divide the hundred continents now, each holy land continent is responsible for a part of the continent."

"it is good!"

Quite a continent.


Bu Tianfeng.


When Qin Shuang woven a rule lock to four-fifths, it burst.

"Or not!"

Qin Shuang gave a soft sigh and took out a jade bottle. This jade bottle contains the law fluid obtained from the lost eyes, and there are nine drops in total. Qin Shuang has been reluctant to use. She always has a feeling that these nine drops of law liquid are extraordinary. Maybe after you have reached the peak of Tianzun, you will have a decisive benefit to break through the Holy Level. Therefore, she has not taken it. But now it has to be taken out. Two hundred years have passed. If the war broke out after 1,500 years, there are now 1,300 years left.

Time is running out, she needs to break through as soon as possible.


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