Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2806: Soaring state of mind

Looking at the jade bottle in the hand, there are only nine drops, and one drop is less. However, once used, it is likely to allow yourself to break through to Tianzun in the shortest time. One result of the accompanying is that maybe you will always be stuck at the peak of Tianzun. With great perseverance, Qin Shuang put away the jade bottle again, and in preparation for a period of time, even if he finally depended on himself, he did not break through Tianzun, but as long as he can improve more understanding, he may use a little less of the rule liquid In the end, even if you give yourself a drop of law fluid, it may be the key to breaking through the Holy Class in the future.

"I haven't closed my gates on Butianfeng yet, maybe Butianfeng will surprise me."

Qin Shuang packed his mood, closed his eyes, then opened his eyes again, and after eating a December fruit, closed his eyes again.

In a hurry and for another hundred years, Qin Shuang woke up from her comprehension, and her eyebrows were floating between her eyebrows. She greatly improved her comprehension of Tiandi Avenue. She reached out and patted the rock under the buttocks, saying to herself:

"Sure enough, it's a make-up stone!"

Put away the expectations in his eyes and calmed his slightly fluctuating state of mind. When the state of mind was not well, Qin Shuang began to weave the chain of laws.

One by one, one by one, gradually, a rule lock was formed, and with the excitement in his heart, he continued to weave the next rule lock, and his understanding of the heaven and earth avenues formed his own chain of rules by weaving.

One, two, three...


When the chain of this rule was woven into the third rule of lock, it burst!

Qin Shuang reassembled the exploded rule silk and put it into his own realm. There was no disappointment between Meiyu, but a little more joy.

A hundred years ago, we were able to weave only one-fifth of a rule lock, and now we are able to weave a rule chain by almost a third.

What is not satisfactory?

Xuanzhi probed into the jade jade pendant hanging around his waist, his face showing a happy look. Standing up, the next moment, it has already landed in Xianyue Peak, in front of Xiaozhu in the middle of the mountain.

"Seven sisters!"


Qin Jingyun, Yuan Tong, Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen stood up in surprise.

"Sister Seven, have you broken through?"


Qin Shuang shook his head slightly, glancing at the cultivation behavior of the four people. Qin Jingyun is already the pinnacle of fairy emperor, and Yuan Tong, Yuan Henqing and Zhang Chuchen are also pinnacles of fairy emperor.

Qin Shuang is not surprised that his brother and his three disciples have reached this state. Qin Jingyun Xiu is the highest here. How many rules do you need to go from the first floor of Immortal Emperor to the peak of Immortal Emperor?

Only a thousand, and what about the peak of the three disciples?

One hundred.

At first, Qin Shuang gave his brother and three disciples a large amount of debris, which was almost three hundred years old, and each reached the peak of their own state three hundred years ago. Was it strange?

It's strange to not reach it!

And if it was not because the four people spent most of their time at the altar to comprehend the heaven and earth avenue, but the chaos decomposition ended in the later period, they used little time to decompose the chains of fragments and weaving laws, and the layers broke through. Qin Shuang would feel three It takes only a hundred years to reach the peak of their respective realms, which is too slow!

So she didn't care about their cultivation and improvement, but related to their comprehension of Heaven and Earth Avenue and asked:

"What is your cultivation state of mind?"

Qin Jingyun said with some uncertainty: "It should reach Di Zun."

Yuan Tong and Yuan Henqing also hesitated and said: "We think it should also be Di Zun."

Zhang Chuchen was frustrated, lowering his head and shrugging his shoulders: "I...should be respected."

Qin Shuang reached out his hand and touched Zhang Chuchen's head, and said softly: "You are different from them. They just understand one attribute. You have to understand five attributes. Relatively speaking, you can realize the respect of human beings. More respectable than their land."

"Really?" Zhang Chuchen straightened his waist again, his eyes glowing, and his face was about to burst into anger.

Qin Shuang raised his forehead, how could he forget the temperament of his disciple?

"Slap!" Slap in the back of Zhang Chuchen's head.

"Why hit me?" Zhang Chuchen held his head in his hands.

"Don't hit you, let Master see you slapstick?"


"What are you going to do next?" Qin Shuang was too lazy to ignore Zhang Chuchen.

"Seven sisters, I have discussed with the teachers and nephews. Although our state has reached its peak, and there are no bottlenecks, there are two requirements that have not yet reached the breakthrough.

One is that because our cultivation base breaks too fast, the body has not kept up. This situation is like a breakthrough. Therefore, after two days of relaxation, we will enter the sea of ​​fire and thunder to practice the body. The second is that we have been closed for nearly three hundred years, and we still need to precipitate ourselves through fighting. Therefore, after we get out of the sea of ​​fire and thunder, we will enter the dragon and **** small world to grind a bit. Finally, we will choose to break through. "

Qin Shuang nodded and said, "It's a good idea! But this is still not enough. I estimate that in the Hundred Clan Continent, the human race and the Hundred Clan should have frequent battles in large and small areas. After coming out of the Dragon and God Small World, you go to the Hundred Clan Continent. Let’s think about it. Let me think about it. On the left side of our barbaric continent is the Ashes Continent, on our right side is the Chi Yan Continent. When the time comes, the four of you will form a team with the disciples of Zongmen, and join The human camps there helped them to resist the Hundreds of people, and also explored the news of that continent. In the future, I am afraid that at the beginning, our most direct enemies will be these two continents."

"Yes!" The four nodded.

"Okay, I'll go to the hall of deliberations. You should practice according to your plan."

The meeting hall.

There were a lot of people sitting in the hall of this meeting. Qin Shuang's eyes were swept away, not Qin Shuang, a total of 586 people sat.

The first is the Eight Elders.

Hunting the sky, Bi Chongtian, Haizhen, Shang Chunqiu and Jinbo Mountain are all the pinnacles of human respect.

There is nothing strange about Qin Shuangshan for these five people who can reach the peak of human respect. Hunting for the sky, Bi Chongtian and Haizhen were three layers of human respect three hundred years ago. They have the rule fragments of Qin Shuang, so you can directly decompose and weave the rule chain without having to perceive and capture the rule silk. But ten thousand laws chain. Qin Shuang couldn't help looking at the five people and said:

"What state did your mind understand?"

The five men glanced at each other, and there was a look of excitement in their eyes.

"With the help of chaos, we all realized the realm of half-step Tianzun."

Qin's eyebrows couldn't help but a hint of envy came into her heart.

This is the advantage of a single-attribute monk. They can't beat multi-attribute monks in the same realm, but the speed of comprehension of Tiandi Avenue and the speed of cultivation for promotion are far more than multi-attribute monks.


Thank you very much djp1123 (100) for the reward!



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