Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2819: travel

Nowadays, Qin Shuang has integrated the seven attributes of golden wood, water, fire, earth, and light, and because of Qin Shuang’s already half-holy body, Qin Shuang has been able to freely release the seven attributes. Come out, the body will not recruit backlash. As long as Qin Shuang’s Yuan and Xuan’s forces are not consumed, they can be used forever.

This doesn't need to be tested, it can be determined only by a little perception.

It's just not sure how many times the Qin Shuang's Yuan Li and Xuan Zhi Li can support the world. Qin Shuang is going to experiment later.

There is still room for improvement in the world's big grinding disc, because Qin Shuang can also integrate wind and thunder, time and space into it. Such a world's big grinding disc is unimaginable, and I don't know if it will increase by a thousand-fold or a thousand-fold.

And the most intuitive is that Qin Shuang does not know whether a superb fairy sword can withstand the world's big grinding disc for enhancing power. Therefore, she wanted to refine more.

After fetching the materials, Qin Shuang returned to Xianyue Peak and entered the town demon tower to start refining the fairy sword.

Nowadays, refining the best immortals is a procedure for Qin Shuang, without any mistakes. In the thirty years of the town demon tower, the outside world was only a dozen days, and Qin Shuang made a thousand-handed super fairy sword.

After coming out of the town demon tower, she jumped up and flew upwards, and rushed out of the Tianxingzong. Seeing that the Tianxingzong was still at the banquet, she knew that the lively event could not be ended without three months. After Xuanzhi sent a message to Yuan Tong, his figure suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the void.

Stepping on the void, Qin held a fairy sword in both hands and spurred into the void.

In the void, a huge grinding disc appeared, as if to grind everything, that is, the void near the big grinding disc of heaven and earth, with the rotation of the big grinding disc of heaven and earth, there was a trace of cracks.


Qin Shuang put away the Immortal Sword, and her negative hand stood in the void. She was calculating the power of the mysterious element of her sword. She happened that her profound power was far stronger than the internal force in her body. After all, his power of mystery is infinitely close to completion. Her original strength of Xuan reached ninety-nine-two. After the tragedy, when Heavenly Path lowered the blessing and covered her body, she was promoted not only by her cultivation practice and body, but also by the strength of Xuan. At this time, her profound strength had reached 90%.

Therefore, what restricts her is not the power of Xuan, but the power of Yuan.

If you want to release the world's big grinding disc, you must use Yuanli and Xuanzhi as the introductory elements, and you can't succeed without any of them.

In this way, only the elemental force can be calculated.

Qin Shuang calculated that he would release the world's big grinding disc continuously for at least one thousand times with his own cultivation practice as one level today.

This is a huge improvement.

Qin Shuang is not a rookie now and has fought with Tianzun before. After breaking through Tianzun, the strength gap between her and ordinary Tianzun has narrowed, unlike when she was in Dizun, she was able to leapfrog. Qin Shuang can understand this, after all, the higher the cultivation level, the more comprehensive and spiritual the understanding of Heavenly Dao is, and it is difficult to widen the gap.

However, even so, Qin Shuang feels that compared with the Tianzun who has fought before, his basic strength can be over three small steps, which is equivalent to the strength of the four layers of Tianzun.

This is just a gap in basic strength, not counting Taoism.

For example, if the heaven and earth are fighting against God, if there is no Taoism at the same level as Qin Shuang, that is to say, Qin Shuang will be able to increase the leap level again. As for how many ranks can be crossed, it depends on how strong the opponent corresponds to Taoism. If the opponent only has the same common Taoism as him, Qin Shuang feels that the heaven and earth big grinding disc can kill the seven layers of Tianzun.


How can a monk cultivate to Tianzun all the way, how could he not have a bit of his own cards?

"I'm going to merge that attribute first?" Qin Shuang thought for a while: "Just wind attribute!"

Qin Shuang began to walk in the void, and flew towards Chi Yan Continent. Chiyan Continent is the closest to her location, walking on the road of void, at most half a year away.

"Xiaokai, have you finished reading the star chart?" Qin Shuang sent the star chart to Tianxingkai.

"Huh!" Tian Xingkai's voice came out.

"Then you will go to Chiyan Continent next time. Don't give me the trouble, wake me up in danger."

"Relax, master, my Xiaokai is absolutely reliable!"

Qin Shuang shook her head slightly. In fact, she really felt that Tianxingjian was not as reliable as Tianxingjian, but who let Tianxingjian fall asleep!

And she didn't want to waste her energy on the way.

At this moment, he handed over the matter to Tian Xing Cai. Tian Xing Cai appeared on Qin Shuang's body. On the one hand, Tian Xing Cai could protect Qin Shuang once he was suddenly attacked. On the other hand, under the guidance of Xiao Kai Then, the white tiger boots took a big step, and Qin Shuang turned into a residual image, and flew in the void towards the Chiyan continent.

In Qin Shuang's soul space, Life Soul Pan sits on the soul lotus knees, and begins to develop the world's big grinding disc, trying to integrate the wind attribute into the world's big grinding disc. In Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge, Yuanshen is capturing the attribute law of the sky, and weaving the law chain.

Hurry up, comprehend Taoism, and improve cultivation, without delay.

Barbarian Continent and Chiyan Continent are very close, and this continent in this star field has low strength.

The barbaric continent’s previous strength is at the bottom of the hundred continents, but it does not mean that it is the last one. It's about less than a few dozen. The Chiyan continent is stronger than the barbaric continent, but it is not so strong.

There was no respect for the barbarous continent before, but the Chiyan continent did. And many. In fact, at this level, it is already possible to crush the wild continent. The barbarous continent before can't be compared with Chiyan continent. However, Chiyan Continent does not have a deity, and the strongest is only the peak of deity. Compared with the entire Baizu continent, this strength is behind, so there are very few monks in this star field.

For more than half a year, Qin Shuang did not encounter a monk, and Xiao Kai awakened the Qin Shuang who was comprehending.

"Master, you are in Chiyan Continent."

Qin Shuang opened her eyes. For half a year, she still did not integrate the wind attribute into the world. But weave more than a hundred chains of law, and the cultivation is slightly improved.

Her gaze looked at Chiyan Continent below, and other monks from Zongmen came here to experience it, which was very suitable. In fact, some monks, like those of Bi Chongtian, who have already broken through Di Zun, have already gone to other continents, and the strength here is no longer suitable for them. Then it is not suitable for Qin Shuang. However, Qin Shuang still came. She came here to talk to people from Chiyan Continent. Even if they could not form an alliance, they would secretly form an alliance. In this way, during the battle of the world, the casualties of the barbaric continent can be reduced.


Thank you so much for the blue magic stone (200) and Bai Zibing (100)!



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