Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2820: Red flame

Qin swooped down in two directions towards Chi Yan Continent, and then spread the metaphysics. A city was soon discovered. A little bit of surprise flashed in her eyes. She thought that now, more than five hundred years had passed. The first stage of the Bai Clan should be completed. Now, the place to discuss the alliance should be determined, and then gather together to discuss major events. And it should start fighting with the human race in the mainland.

After all, the foreigners must first settle down, and then don’t wait for the hundreds of people to attack the Shangyuan continent. On their own continent, the human race monks took their old nests.

However, Qin Shuang saw that the Chi Yan family and the human race were still living together in this city, and there was no fighting.

Isn't the Bai family ready for the alliance?

Qin Shuang fell outside the city and walked towards the city.

At the gate of the city, there are guards of the Chiyan and human races together, and they will be charged for the city. Qin Shuang threw a fairy crystal to a human monk, and then asked:

"Daoyou, how can I get to the main palace?"

The monk felt the dreadful breath on Qin Shuang, and immediately respectfully said:

"You follow this road straight ahead, and the biggest manor is the main palace."

"Is the current city owner the Chiyan or the human race?"

"It is the Chiyan tribe!" the monk explained to Qin Shuang: "The rules of our Red City are that the Chiyan tribe and the human tribe jointly manage the Red City. The city owner rotates once every 100 years, the first one hundred years is when the human tribe becomes the city master, and the Chiyan tribe becomes Vice-City Lord, the Chiyan Clan will become the city-lord for the next hundred years, and the Human Clan will become the deputy city-lord."

"Oh?" Qin Shuang thought about it for a while, and thought he would first look for the human race to understand the current situation of Chiyan mainland, and then asked: "Where does the human race deputy city host live?"

"Just across from the city master."


After Qin Shuang thanked him, his figure disappeared at the gate of the city, and he appeared in front of the gate of the deputy city next moment. Said lightly:

"Can the deputy city host be here? Qin Shuang visits."

Deputy City Lord Liao Ping is a female cultivator. She is practicing in the first floor and is practicing in the room. Suddenly he heard Qin Shuang's voice in his ear and his heart was a jump. As soon as his figure moved, he left the room. Next moment, he appeared outside the gate. In front of Qin Shuang, he felt Qin Shuang's breath and his expression became more respectful:

"Master Qin, please!"

"Do you know me?" Qin Shuang asked as he walked in.

"Why don't you know?" Liao Ping laughed: "For more than a hundred years, many of you monks of the Tianxing Sect from quite a mainland have come to us."

Qin Shuang immediately understood that maybe Bi Chongtian had come here, and with their cultivation practices, they could sweep the Chiyan continent.

The two came to the living room and were seated separately. Qin Shuang was not polite, but asked directly:

"How do you call Daoyou?"

"Sect Master Huiqin, younger Liao Ping."

"Liao Daoyou, can you tell me about the situation in Chiyan mainland now?"

"Senior Hunter didn't tell you?" Liao Ping hesitated.

Sure enough, they had been there, Qin Shuang shook his head and said: "I have been shut down, and they have not returned to Zongmen."

Liao Ping nodded and said, "I know what Sect Master Qin cares about. There were monks of the sunset family who came to Chiyan mainland before and set up an alliance with Chiyan mainland, saying that it would be a coalition of all ethnic groups, and then asked the Chiyan family to kill Or expel people from the Chiyan continent.

After all, Chiyan Continent is the homeland of the Chiyan tribe. The human race here is a little worse than the Chiyan tribe in terms of number and strength. Therefore, when the Chiyan clan declared war like our clan, our clan actually suffered a lot of casualties. Later, the noble monks came. "

Speaking of which, Liao Ping couldn't help feeling with emotion: "I didn't expect the barbaric continent to be so strong now that Di Zun appeared.

Di Zun is a swept existence on our Chiyan continent. The Chiyans soon were willing to negotiate with the human race, and eventually restored the original situation. "

Qin Shuangwen said that she was very happy, and they had the first wave of hunting the sky. She negotiated with the Chiyan family a lot easier.

"Liao Daoyou, who is the strongest of the Chiyans? Where is the ancestral land?"

Liao Ping's eyes lit up: "Sect Master Qin wants?"

"Go talk to him."

"Then... shall I take you?"

Qin Shuang thought about it, someone led the way, naturally faster, he nodded and said: "There are Lao Dao friends."

The two took a flying boat and flew towards the ancestral land of the Chiyan tribe.

Above the flying boat.

Liao Ping asked with some anxiety: "Master Qin, what are you doing now?"

"Just broke through Tianzun!" Qin Shuang smiled: "Why don't you just come out and walk!"

Liao Ping's heart was a violent jump, Qin Shuang even broke through Tianzun!

The barbaric continent has a god!

In this way, the barbaric continent will no longer be a backward continent, and has become a medium continent!

Tian Xingzong has Tianzun, and there are Dizun and Renzun, all levels, this is a proper first-class sect!

Although it is the weakest among the first-class sects because there is only one god, Qin Shuang, it is also the first-class sect!

I took a deep breath, and the tone was more respectful: "Master Qin, I have some areas that I don't understand in practice, can I ask?"

Qin Shuang nodded and said nothing. But Liao Ping was overjoyed, and raised all the things he didn't understand to Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang also answered them one by one.

After such a month and a half, Liao Ping was full of excitement. She felt that her current state of mind has been raised to the third level of human respect. As long as she retreats, she can continue to break through.

"Thank you Master Qin!" Liao Ping stood up and gave a deep salute to Qin Shuang. Qin doubled his hands, Liao Ping straightened up and said:

"Sect Master, in front is the ancestral land of the Chiyan tribe."

"Then let's go down!"

The two had just gone out and put away the flying boat. They saw a team of Chiyan tribes flying in the sky, and the head of an immortal shouted:

"Chiyan ancestral land, the comers stop!"

Liao Ping took a step in the air: "I'm waiting to visit Chi Yan's ancestor, please also give me a gift."

The Chiyan Emperor of the Chi Yan said with a curse: "Whoever wants to see our ancestor, can we see it?"


Qin Shuang spread Tianzun's momentum, and the team of Chiyan clan froze suddenly and fell towards the ground. Qin's double sleeves flicked, and a soft force curled the team of Chiyan clan monks and placed them firmly on the ground. However, the team of Chiyan clan monks had soft legs, which was really Qin Shuang's momentum, which was too much pressure on them.


A figure rose from a mountain peak and flew towards Qin Shuang. Qin's eyes looked away, but it was the peak of a person, Liao Ping beside him said:

"Master Qin, this is Chiba, the ancestor of the Chiyan tribe."

Chi Ba looked at Qin Shuang's eyes full of alertness and fear. Qin Shuang's momentum made him tremble. Although Qin Shuang had already gathered his momentum at this time, he knew that Qin Shuang wanted to kill him, which was an idea. thing. Respectfully salute Qin Shuang:

"Chiba has seen seniors."


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