Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2828: Thousand Yuan Continent

There was a glimmer of sadness in the eyes of the woman in the painting: "About three hours."

"You..." Qin Shuang wanted to ask her if she still had any wish, but remembered that she had asked before, they had no memory at all, only hate for Phantom Patriarch, think about it, then Asked instead:

"How are you going to spend the remaining time?"

The woman in the painting shook her head and said: "I don't know. I have been kept in the painting and have no memory of the outside. Now that I think about it, I want to use the remaining time to walk around."

Qin Shuang pondered a little, in the state of the woman in the painting, once she met a malicious monk, it was always troublesome. Now that you have run into it, let's walk through the last few hours.

"I will accompany you!"

The woman's eyes flashed gratitude in her paintings, and she didn't say anything. She bowed down again: "Thank you, Qin Dao."


The two dived downward again, and Qin Shuang fell as he asked, "Do you want to walk on the ground or fly at a low altitude?"

"Fly at low altitude!" the woman in the painting said sadly: "Walking is too slow. Although flying in the air is like flying horses and flowers, you can always see more."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuanghe and the woman in the painting are flying slowly about 500 meters above the ground. The woman in the painting looked greedily at the scenery below, her eyes gleaming with brilliance.

Qin Shuang did not speak, but was beside him. During this period, some monks wanted to come, but Qin Shuang slightly released a breath of heavenly respect, and the monks retreated.

Gradually, Qin Shuang also immersed in this kind of viewing.

It must be said that Qin Shuang is now more than 900 years old, but she does not have a few chances to enjoy the scenery leisurely. She is not practicing or fighting, and she rarely has such a leisurely mood.

The mountains are undulating, the grass is green, the ancient trees are towering, the spring water is gurgling, the big river is running, the waterfall is hanging...

The drunken time passed quickly, and the intoxicated piano moved his heart. When he turned to look, he saw that the figure of the woman in the painting was fading. The woman in the painting bowed, and her eyes were full of the world. Nostalgia, just less than three breaths, the figure of the woman in the painting becomes transparent, and then quietly dispersed.

There was still a sad and nostalgic aftertaste around Qin Shuang, a little circle around Qin Shuang, and eventually disappeared.


Qin Shuang couldn't help but sigh. This sigh was full of sadness. With her profound power, her state of mind solidified in ninety-seven and ninety-seven, her state of mind had an impact on the surrounding space.

The sigh fell, and the sky became dark, and the clouds were everywhere.

Qin Shuang looked up at the thick dark clouds in the sky and reshaped his spirit. With a sleeve wave, his body penetrated the thick clouds and rushed towards the void.

Thousand Yuan Continent.

This is the sixteenth continent of Qin Shuang's footsteps. After leaving the Phantom Continent, she went to several continents one after another. The strength of these continents is not strong...

Of course, it is stronger than the barbarian continent, at least there are more than one Tianzun. But for Qin Shuang, it is not strong. After all, the strength of the top monks of these continents, that is, the ancestor of the phantom. Moreover, these continents have also experienced small-scale wars, wars among the Hundreds and Humans.

No expansion, but this small war has continued for hundreds of years. The human race is constantly suppressed, and the area occupied is getting smaller and smaller. Although there are monks from the Holy Land Alliance to help, after all, compared with the hundred-nation continent, the Holy Land Alliance has only six continents. The number of monks cannot be compared with the hundred-nation continent. . The masters are all in the void, killing the monks of the hundred races in series. Therefore, on the Bai nationality continent, the human race is only procrastinating the Bai nationality, but in fact it is at a disadvantage and stepping back step by step.

However, it is not without achievements, but also killed many Bai Clan monks, so that the Bai Clan monks have a feeling of falling into the quagmire. Therefore, every race in the hundred races has made up their minds. Once the alliance is truly reached, the first issue they will recall in the alliance is to clear and suppress the human races on their respective continents.

You must first settle inside!

And Qin Shuang set foot on every continent along the way. She knew that this kind of world war, even if it was just a war on a continent, her power alone was insignificant. Therefore, she never thought about helping the people who set foot on the mainland. Her purpose in traveling across the continents is very clear, that is, to experience herself. Consolidate each of your own realms, and through the fight with the strong, to stimulate your understanding of the heaven and the Tao, but also stimulate your understanding of the Tao. Therefore, after she set foot on each continent, she would understand the strength of the continent in the shortest time. What are the top monks, and who are they?

Then she went to visit the challenge one by one!

This open challenge prevented the Bais from refusing and ambushing Qin Shuang.

The continents she has set foot on, the top opponents of the continent challenged are all the early peaks of Tianzun, and she does not all the three-tiered peaks of Tianzun will challenge, only the one whose strength on this continent is recognized as the first One.

She is one layer of Tianzun, challenging the peak of Tianzun's early stage. If that peak of the early stage of Zunzun still needs to ambush, ambushing the piano, it is one thing for this person to lose, and the most important thing is to let the morale of the Bai people fall. In the battle of the world, it will be psychologically weak and not dare to be strong.

Therefore, the top Tianzun of each continent heard that Qin Shuang wanted to challenge himself. They all attacked strongly and openly duel with Qin Shuang for the monks of all ethnic groups on the mainland to watch.

Then, in this environment, Qin Shuang beheaded the other party without stopping, and went straight to the void to the next continent.

At this time, Qin Shuang was flying over the Thousand Yuan Continent. She still walked from the void according to her own convention. After landing on a continent, she flew high in the sky, looking for a city and asking for news. She didn't care about being ambushed because of her speed and the reason of the law of chaos. The news that she challenged the top masters of each continent on other continents and beheaded them could not be spread to other continents so quickly. And even if it was finally transmitted, the speed of this spread could not keep up with the speed of her travels. When the news spread, she would have left the thousand yuan continent long ago.

However, she can imagine that in those continents she set foot on, she challenged and beheaded the top peak of the top ten ancestors of the hundreds of people with the layer of heavenly respect. At the same time, it must also be inspiring to the human race.

Along with these, her prestige must also spread rapidly.

And Qin Shuang, through the tempering of these continents, she has barely increased her understanding of the Heaven and Earth Avenue. After all, the strength of Tianzun’s fourth floor, or a little higher, will not exert a huge pressure on her. However, it is not without effect. In the duel, Qin Shuang did not use the five elements and the like, which are the basic rules of the eleven attributes. After the battle, she summarized and understood, summarized and innovated, and let her deal with the eleven attributes. The law of gradual understanding gradually deepens, and it also creates some supernatural laws of magical powers. Also, when walking, it is mainly based on the soul of life, and the Yuanshen is constantly weaving the chain of laws. Although it is still slow, its strength is also slowly improving. After all, every time there is another chain, the strength will definitely increase.


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