Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2829: ask

Qin Shuang flew through the air, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. Those continents that he set foot on before would see the scene of war, some fighting alone, some small-scale wars, and even medium-scale wars. However, on the thousand yuan continent, she has been flying for half an hour, and she has not discovered the war between the Bai and the human race.

Are the hundreds of people and human races on the thousand yuan continent still in peace?

Not right!

Although I didn't see the war, I saw the ruins, which shows that war has broken out.

Ask a monk.

After another half an hour, Qin Shuang saw a city in the air. This city is not small, it is already a big city. The city did not open the moat. Qin Shuang flew directly over the center of the city, and his eyes fell on the largest castle, which should be the main palace.

Originally, according to the continent that Qin Shuang had set foot on, she had no politeness at all, and she would directly lock the highest repair in the city's main palace, and then fall directly in front of him. However, Qin Shuang is a little confused now. Is it true that the hundreds of people and human races in the thousand yuan mainland still maintain peace, and if they still maintain peace, they should maintain their due courtesy.

If you remain polite, it stands to reason that Qin Shuang should fall outside the city gate and walk into the city, because any city will not allow monks to fly in the city. But Qin Shuang also found that there was no human race in the whole city.

This is not normal!

Therefore, Qin Shuang synthesized a bit, and finally did not directly enter the city's main palace or walk through the city gate. After sinking in shape, he landed at the gate of the main palace.

The eight monks guarding the gate of the city's main palace were stunned. It was really that Qin Shuang appeared too abrupt, but then they found that Qin Shuang's human race surrounded the Qin Shuang with a hula, and one of the monks held his hand. 'S spear, pointing to Qin Shuangdao:


Qin Shuang frowned slightly, she felt the hostility of the other party, a thought flashed in her heart.

Has the all-round war broke out on the thousand yuan continent?

And the human race has been extinct?

At this moment, Qin Shuang was a little suffocated, and the profound knowledge spread out. He instantly caught the monk who was the tallest in the entire city's main palace. He could not help frowning slightly, but he was only a deity, and not a deity. The peak is just the early stage of Di Zun.

Taking one step, the figure disappeared at the gate of the city's main palace, and at the next moment, he was already standing outside the room of the deity. As soon as the sleeves waved, the door opened and Qin Shuang walked in.


The Di Zun in the room suddenly raised his head, and then his face showed the color of fear, because the power of Tian Zun exuded from Qin Shuang made his body tremble.

Qin's sleeves waved and the door behind him closed.

"You, you... what do you want?" the dignified stammered.

Qin Shuang sat in a chair and looked at the opposite Di Zun: "Tell me, why can't the Thousand Yuan Continent see the human race now? You can rest assured, I just inquired about the news. After I heard the news, I left immediately. It hurts you a little bit. But, you can’t lie. You know, I am a deity, it’s easy to tell if you speak by your breath."


The Di Zun breathed a sigh of relief. He believed Qin Shuang, and believed a Tian Zun's words. He told the truth himself, and he didn’t know any secrets that could not be revealed. Almost all monks knew what he knew. There was nothing to say.

"Go back to seniors!" The Di Zun arched: "Thousand Yuan family and human race have already erupted in total war two hundred years ago."

"How could it be?" Qin Shuang couldn't help but doubt: "I also went to many continents, and none of the continents went to war."

The Di Zun couldn't help showing a bitter smile: "Actually, two thousand years ago, the Thousand Yuan Continent didn't start a full-scale war, it was only a small battle. It was just a small battle when the son of the human race Hou Tianzun was killed. Hou Tianzun's temper bursts, and he is still the highest human race monk on the thousand yuan continent. The prestige is very high in the human race. The most important thing is that the son of Hou Tianzun is very talented and is expected to impact Tianzun. Hou Tianzun naturally refuses to After doing so, immediately summoned many human race monks to take revenge. Then the war could not be controlled, and countless human races took the initiative to gather, and eventually turned into a comprehensive clan war."

Qin Shuang nodded, and sometimes the outbreak of a full-scale war was often caused by a trivial matter.

"and after?"

"Later... The strength of the Qianyuan tribe is much stronger than that of the human race, of course, this is on the Qianyuan continent. During a war, Hou Tianzun suffered an ambush and fell.

Now that the full-scale war has begun, the Qianyuan tribe will not stop. After the killing of Hou Tianzun, a comprehensive siege against the human race has been carried out. "

"The human race is extinct?"

"No!" Di Zun shook his head and said: "But 10% also fell 60%. Of course, our thousand Yuan family also fell a lot, it is estimated that 30%."

"So where are the human races now? Also, such a big city, the city owner will be you a deity?"

"I'm not the city master!" The Di Zun shook his head again: "Now the main force of the Qianyuan tribe is exhaustingly encircling the human race."


"The exhausted land is a remote place on the continent of thousand yuan. There is a vast desert, and of course there are oasis. But there is not only no law, there is no fairy energy, it is ordinary air. The most terrible place is the reason for the exhausted land It is called the exhausted land, no matter what kind of creatures, as long as the spirits with immortal energy are there, even if it is a Heavenly Venerable, it doesn’t take ten days for the spirit in the body to become exhausted. That’s why it’s called exhausted."

"Become exhausted? What do you mean?" Qin Shuang was startled.

"I don't know what's going on there. After the soul enters, the fairy power in the body will dissipate from the body uncontrollably. No one can figure out the reason."

"What about the law?"

"The laws cultivated in the body won't dissipate, but you can't release the magical powers of the law. Not to mention that there are no laws there, you can't communicate. It is that you use the laws cultivated in your body to release the magical powers. Once the laws are released from the body The law will automatically dissipate and dissipate. It is the real dissipation and dissipation. For example, a monk has ten thousand rules and releases one with his own rules. This rule will be decomposed and dissipated, and the monk’s body will be left. Article 9,999. Who dares to continuously release the magical powers of the law there, and will eventually dissolve all the laws in the body. And it is not necessary, because even if you release the laws in your body, you will decompose as soon as you come out. There is no power at all."



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