Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2830: Dryly

"What about the power of the Yuanshen? Can it be released?"

"Of course, the laws can be released, but it is broken down, and the power of the primal spirit can naturally be released. However, once released, it consumes a hundred times faster than the outside world. Once the power of the primal spirit is clean, there is no corresponding Dan If medicine and treasure are restored, it will be even more dangerous.

how to say? "

The Di Zun thought for a while and said, "There is a place where mortals live, or that even if the immortal cultivator goes, Tian Zun will become a mortal in about ten days. There will be no immortal energy in the body and cannot be released. There is no magic rule. Only the power of the body can be retained. The way of fighting is also the way between mortals. It takes fist to the flesh, and the weapon is on hand to hurt or kill the other party.

Therefore, when Hou Tianzun died, the human race began to fall in large numbers. Under the encirclement and suppression of the Qianyuan family, there was no way to retreat into the exhausted land. Today, the masters of the Qianyuan family have also gathered there, wanting to complete their battles and wipe out the human race completely. "

"How can there be such a dry place in Qianyuan Mainland?" Qin Shuang asked curiously.

"Since ancient times."

"What is the reason for the formation? No monk has investigated it?"

"It's not easy to explore!" The Di Zun shook his head and said: "That exhausted land is very large, and once you enter the exhausted land, you do nothing, stay there, and the power within a Tian Zun body can maintain a Around ten. If you want to explore the exhausted land, do you have to fly?

If you lean on, you can't walk through the exhausted land in ten days, and if you fly, I am afraid that within a few days, the internal force will be gone. How can this be explored?

Also, if you want to explore, you must use metaphysics?

However, when the metaphysical knowledge is released, it can't be maintained for a long time, it will be broken down, and it can't be far away. For example, if you want to explore the underground, the metaphysical insight into the underground is less than ten meters, and it is broken down. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, many monks went to explore, but in the end they found nothing and had to withdraw. Later, no one was investigating. "

"Well!" Qin Shuang nodded: "Who is the strongest in the thousand yuan mainland?"

"Of course it is the Qianyuan Patriarch."

"What do you do?"

"Tianzun's mid-term peak is said to be more powerful than Cultivation! Hou Tianzun was killed by Qian Yuan."

"He is drying up too?"

"It is said that I don't know the specifics."

"Give me the exhausted map!"

"Yes! Senior!" The Di Zun immediately took out a jade slip and handed it to Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuangxuanzhi went in and looked for a while, put away Yu Jian and said, "You can also report the news I came up and tell them that I will go to the dry land and look for Qian Yuan Patriarch, hoping to fight him fair. ."


Qin Shuang turned away and flew directly into the sky, towards the exhausted.

After more than a month.

Qin Shuangli stood above the white clouds and looked down. In her field of vision, she could already see an endless desert. About twenty miles away from the desert, there were more than one hundred human monks being treated by more than one hundred thousand There are dozens of monks lying on the ground under the siege of the Yuan clan monks. The human clan also has the thousand yuan clan, but the human clan has much more corpses than the thousand yuan clan.

The highest cultivation on both sides is only human respect, most of them are fairy king to fairy emperor.


From Qin Shuang's acupuncture point, a star-shaped sword qi was fired, and the sword qi was like a dragon, but in an instant, all the monks of the Qianyuan family on the ground were lying on the ground and died. Thirty or so ethnic monks looked up in horror. When they saw it was a human race, they couldn't help being relieved and excited.

As soon as Qin's body fell, he fell in front of everyone and said, "What are you doing?"

"Younger Yu Hao, senior, are you?" The man came forward to respect Shili. He could not see Qin Shuang's cultivation behavior, but he knew that Qin Shuang was also the worst. He might be Tian Zun.

"I am Qin Shuang, came to visit the thousand yuan continent, and heard about what happened in the thousand yuan continent, so come and see it exhaustedly. Are you going to exhaustedly?"

"Yes!" The person said bitterly: "Senior Qin, presumably you already know a little about the exhaustion."

"Well, I heard some."

"We are exhausted, and we must eat food if we want to maintain life, because there is no vitality there to absorb and nourish the body. There are few beasts in the exhausted land, so we have to come out every once in a while to find Bring some food back."

Qin Shuang nodded, knowing that what they called the search was to get out of the depleted land, hunt monsters and beasts, or slaughter some villages and towns of the Qianyuan family to **** food. This is understandable. They have been exhausted by people. The two sides are hostile, and any means falls within the normal range.

"The exhaustion is too large, no matter how many monks of the thousand Yuan family, it is impossible to be impenetrable. Every few years, we will send countless teams to penetrate from all directions. However, every time there will be at least half of the teams. Did not come back. And the search for resources is becoming more and more difficult. We now have a shorter and shorter time to search for resources. At the beginning, it came out once, enough for ten years. Now it is three years apart. Will come out."

"Why didn't you leave the thousand yuan continent?"

"I can't leave!" The Zun shook his head: "At the beginning of the war, the Qianyuan tribe occupied the passage to the Shangyuan continent and blocked it there. How many people can walk in the void? Eight-story monks , Does not have the strength to walk into the void. Without the pursuit of a thousand yuan clan, those human monks will die in the void."

"How many people are there now?"

"There are fewer than 10 million people, and many of them were born in these two hundred years. Our strength is getting lower and lower. Every year, a large number of monks are killed in the encirclement and suppression of the thousand yuan family. We tens of millions of people dare not gather together. Such a goal is too large, divided into countless tribes, and must be constantly moved to prevent being found by the thousand yuan family.

Fortunately, the strength of both sides has been greatly reduced. No one can release the Taoism, only to fight with one's strength, so in the past two hundred years, we have also killed many monks of the thousand yuan family, and the mortality rate in the exhausted land of both sides is almost the same. "

"Take me to your tribe!"

"Okay, wait a minute, Senior!"

The monarch immediately ordered himself to collect the corpses of the human race, as well as the storage rings of the thousand yuan family.

"Senior, please come with the junior."

The man flew forward against the ground, and Qin Shuang followed behind. He knew that the purpose of these human races flying against the ground was to prevent them from being discovered by the people of the Qianyuan family.


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