Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2834: Gluttonous

"Zhenlao, monkey wine, fast! There are also Vientiane fruits!"

Qin Shuang had already felt that his skin had been broken down, and bones had been exposed in some places.

"Wow la la..."

A large amount of monkey wine was poured into Qin Shuang's stomach by Zhen Lao, and the rich fairy spirit was exhaled. Zhen Lao quickly crushed the three wild fruits, and Qin Shuang's flesh began to recover, and Xian Yuan Qi began to exceed The speed of decomposition.


Qin Shuang breathed out for a long time!

"so close!"

Qin Shuang relied on the monkey wine, otherwise he would not be able to resist this decomposition ability at the speed of taking the Elixir. Even with the monkey wine, Qin Shuang knew in his heart that he could not bear this consumption. And his body is still falling, the deeper it falls, the faster it decomposes.

Zhen Lao kept going to the monkey's wine in his stomach, and at the same time he said to Qin Shuang:

"Master, the town demon tower is in your stomach, and is also affected by the decomposition here."

"What? Here is decomposing the town demon tower?"

Qin Shuang was really panicked. If the Zhenyao Tower was broken down here, she would die.

"It hasn't been discovered yet, but now here is absorbing the fairy spirit in the Zhenyao Tower. I estimate that if you absorb all the fairy spirit in the Zhenyao Tower and decompose it, you should start to decompose the Zhenya Tower."

"Then... how long can the fairy spirit in the Zhenyao Tower last?"

"Master, rest assured, it can last for a long time! With the rich fairy spirit in the town demon tower, this level of decomposition should be able to persist for a year."


Qin Shuang took a breath of air, with the vastness of the Zhenyao Tower and the rich fairy spirit of the Zhenyao Tower, he could only last for one year.

"Master, don’t forget that there are more than 4,000 fairy veins in the Zhenyao Tower. I just said that the fairy spirits in the Zhenyao Tower are not counted. I estimated that each fairy The pulse should also be able to support for a month. Therefore, the Zhenyao Tower should be fine for a long time. However, I feel that the rate of decomposition is still increasing. If it continues to increase like this, it is hard to say."


Qin Shuang found that his body no longer fell down, and here, the surrounding was not mud, but a vast space. What shocked Qin Shuang was that around her, in this space, there was a dense Rule of silk. There are various attributes.

"here is?"

Qin Shuang tried to spread his metaphysical knowledge. Once metaphysical knowledge spread out, it was decomposed, and the decomposition speed here was faster than hundreds of copies. Zhen Lao kept pouring monkey wine into Qin Shuang's stomach, otherwise he couldn't keep up with the speed of decomposition.

"Master, I should know where it is. I smell familiar."

"where is this place?"

"It should be gluttonous inside!"


"Yes, I can't smell it wrong, there was one next to the emperor. I said what happened, the gluttonous thing is just to eat nothing, eat everything, decompose everything, when there is nothing to eat , He eats the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. His avenue of natal life is to swallow the Avenue.

I estimate that this glutton should be ancient, or ancient, or even a glutton in the extremely ancient period. It should have been seriously injured and dying at that time, hiding here. At first, it should have devoured all the creatures here, and then it gradually became a Jedi. It could only devour Heaven and Earth Avenue and Aura to recover, so it gradually became a desert, and it is still expanding. "

"Is there a way to kill it?"

"It's not easy, I said master, you first want to escape from here, don't be broken down by this gluttony."

"Yes, I think too much. Being able to live from such a distant age to the present is probably not what I can deal with now. But..."

Qin Shuanghuan looked at the dense law around her, she knew that it was all gluttonous swallowed from between heaven and earth, but the swallowing was swallowing, refining was refining, and the speed of refining was much slower than swallowing, so it was here Gathered a dense and large amount of basic law wire.

Qin Shuang looked at his eyes, it was impossible to weave the law chain here. She will be gluttonous for refining, and her monkey wine is limited. However, she can charge some basic rules!

To know that Qin Shuang weaves a rule of silk a day, half of the time is spent capturing the rule of silk from heaven and earth. If there is an existing rule of silk, you can save half a day.

Since the town demon tower can persist for a year, then I will collect all the basic laws first, and then find a way to leave here.

bring it on!

Qin Shuang's heart moved, and the Zhenyao Tower was removed from the body, and then flashed into the Zhenyao Tower. The tower gate of the town demon tower opens.

Wow la la...

The tower gate formed a vortex, and the dense basic law was like a stream of ancestors, flowing into the town demon tower.

The old man of Qiling Town was responsible for absorbing the law silk, and delineated an area where the law silk was stored. Qin Shuang entered the town demon tower. Qin Shuang was protected by the town demon tower and was not decomposed by gluttony. After a long sigh of relief, he quickly began to absorb the rich fairy spirit in the town demon tower and restore himself. At the same time, I asked the question in my heart:

"Zhen Lao, do you think this gluttony will be the one who followed the emperor?"

"No! If it's the gluttony, I can recognize it, I am too familiar with its smell."


Qin Shuang no longer speaks, while absorbing immortal vitality, while watching Zhen Yao Tower absorbs the law. That rule of law, like the Yangtze River, poured into the town demon tower and was imprisoned in a space.

After a quarter of an hour, a low and angry roar came. At this time, using the time flow rate of the Zhenyao Tower, he would have been repaired as a restored pair of pianos.

"Zhen Lao, we were discovered by the glutton."

"It's okay!" Zhen Lao was very calm: "This gluttony should have been very badly injured, and it's still far away from recovery now, but it is instinctively absorbing Tiandi Avenue. Between eagerly, it can't take me. But , This town demon tower will be able to persist for a year, you still have to think of a way to leave the master."

"Well, I would think, absorb it for a while. With these rules, and the time flow rate in the demon tower, my cultivation will improve quickly. Maybe when I improve, I will find to leave here. Solution."


Zhen Lao began to concentrate on absorbing basic laws. The roar was louder, and the gluttonous man began to increase the refinement of the town demon tower.

"Master, refining at this speed, I am afraid that the fairy spirit in the Zhenyao Tower will not be able to support it for half a year. Master, you have to think of a way to leave here soon."


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