Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2835: war

Qin Shuang couldn't help but frowned, she was at a loss in her heart and didn't know how to leave here. And it is impossible to explore, how far can you see with your eyesight?

Profound consciousness was detected, and within a foot, it was decomposed and refined, unable to detect at all.

"Zhen Lao, you first absorb the rule of law for a month, and then I am thinking of a way."

"Master, did you come up with a way?"

"No! I think so. When I fly straight in one direction, I will always be able to fly to the edge of this legal space? There should be gluttonous body? I bombarded a crack from there. rush out."

"It's probably not easy to rush to the edge of this space." Zhen Lao thought and said: "This should be a small world generated in the gluttonous body. It should be very large. And the rules of mysterious skills confuse eyesight, and mystery and exploration. Less than a foot away, maybe you will get lost if you fly."

"Let’s talk about it a month later, I will start weaving the law now. In the month outside, the town demon tower is more than eighty years old, and I don’t have to find and capture the law. At that time, although I couldn’t break through to the second floor of Tianzun, If you can enter the second stage of Tianzun, you might be able to persist longer."


The Zhenyao Tower continued to absorb the basic law silk frantically, while Qin Shuang moved his mind into the space where the old town of the Zhenyao Tower was drawn to store the basic law silk. Sitting cross-legged in the space, began to capture the basic law silk, weaving the law chain of eleven attributes.

outside world.

Two days, three days...

Seven days passed, and suddenly there was a strong rush, and the Zhenyao Tower was lifted off. Qin Shuang felt the abnormality of Zhenyao Tower and broke the chain of the weaving rule. He looked up and asked:

"Zhen Lao, what happened?"

"I don't We seem to be thrown out!"

"Throw it out? What do you mean?" Qin Shuang was also ignorant.

"Let me see, Master, don't worry, hahaha..." Zhen Lao suddenly laughed happily: "Master, I understand. That gluttonous refinement of Zhenyao Tower for seven days, I feel that it can't be refined. , And don’t want to be absorbed by me like this basic law, so I threw the town demon tower out."

"Really?" Qin Shuang was happy, but he didn't know how to get out. He didn't expect that gluttonous food could not help but throw the Zhenyao Tower out:

"Let me see!"

Qin Shuang's thoughts moved, and the Zhenyao Tower was put away, and instantly he felt squeezed from all directions. There is a joy in my heart, which is the force of the earth's squeeze, indicating that I came out of the gluttonous body. Hurriedly running the earth escape technique, the surrounding squeezing force disappeared. But this supernatural power can still only spread outside the body.

"This is really out!"

Qin Shuang perceives carefully. At this time, Zhenyao Tower enters Qin Shuang's stomach again, and begins to pour monkey wine into Qin Shuang's stomach. Qin Shuang can sense that the fairy power in his body is decomposed and then transformed into Fairy vitality flows towards his feet.

"In this way, the glutton is at the direction of his feet. Upwards, he can drill out of the ground."

Qin Shuang immediately began to run the earth escape technique, and escaped upward. The speed is very fast. After more than 20 days, the body is loose, Qin Shuang drilled out of the ground, and stepped on the desert.


Qin Shuang gave a long breath, and she now knew why the exhausted land became the exhausted land. If you can kill the glutton, you will quickly form a land of cultivation.

But sadly, Qin Shuang felt that he couldn't kill the gluttonous man. Even if the gluttonous glutton was a glutton that had not been injured, Qin Shuang felt that he was not an opponent of the gluttonous glutton.

Not to mention anything else, that gluttonous man who just sucked it into the space of the basic law again would be able to refine the Zhenyao tower, and then refine the fairy veins, and finally kill himself.

And even if Qin Shuang can kill the glutton, Qin Shuang can't do it.

In the exhaustion, everyone can’t release the Taoism, they are all fighting with mortal martial arts, so the human race can still fight a dozen. If it becomes possible to release the Taoism here, with the strength of the thousands of mainland human races, even with the help of Qin Shuang I am afraid that within a few months, they will be slaughtered by the thousand yuan family, and Qin Shuang can only escape.

Qin Shuang felt his body and his face became ugly. Half a year before and after this, she ate too much Huiyuan Dan, and a lot of erysipelas and impurities accumulated in her body. These erysipelas and impurities have begun to slightly affect her life and cultivation.

These erysipelas and impurities can't affect Qin Shuang's Yuanshen, but they can affect the operation of Xianyuan force and the strength of the body. Qin Shuang discovered that her body strength had dropped from the half-sacred body to the peak of Tianzun. And the Xian Yuan Li was operated in the body, and the Xian Yuan Li's running speed was one-tenth slower.

"It is to go to the high-altitude Zilei layer to practice the jade body quenching method. I am afraid that it will take three years to get rid of these erysipelas and impurities. Let's go back and look at it. It has been six months, and it is estimated that Yu Yuan is in a hurry. , I don’t know if I have found the traces of the Qian Yuan Patriarch.

Qin Shuang didn't dare to eat back to the magic pill again, took out a gourd monkey wine, took a sip, and flew away toward the camp.

Close to the horizon.

Constantly drinking monkey wine, let Qin Shuang speed very fast. Ten days later, Qin Shuang paused and listened in a vertical ear, a fierce fighting sound came from the front. Qin Shuang's face changed:

"Not good! Yu Yuan and they were discovered by the Qian Yuan family!"

Qin Shuang looked up and took a sip of monkey wine. He took a step and appeared on a high sand dune thousands of meters away. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards the distance.

I have been able to see Yu Yuan's tribal camp, which is now fighting fiercely. Qin Shuang took another sip of monkey wine and took a step forward. His figure had already flown high into the sky, conquering the sky, and looked down at the battlefield below.

The number of monks of the Qianyuan family is similar to that of the human race, which is about 200,000. However, the human race has tens of thousands of children and people who were born exhausted and unable to practice. More than 70% of them can really fight. At this time, the human race protects those children and those who cannot practice in the middle, and is fighting fiercely with the Qianyuan family.

However, in this way, the human races that can fight are tens of thousands less than the monks of the thousand yuan family, and they are completely in the downwind. The human race monks continue to fall.

This kind of battlefield scene is already very strange to Qin Shuang.

There is no way of fighting between mortals, no Taoism, no supernatural powers, and even no swords and fists. Dao Dao sees the blood, fist to the flesh.

Qin Shuang exhaled in a depressing breath, and if he could perform Taoism, only a big handprint covering the sky would kill ten thousand people. But it is impossible here. Even if Qin Shuang drank the monkey wine, he could release the cover-up fingerprint, and it would be broken down before the cover-up fingerprint fell to the ground.


Many thanks to the wolf (100) who walks alone under the sky!



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